Ice Wraiths are hostile frost spirits. They fly quickly, circling the player and attacking with strong frost-based attacks, and are generally found in snowy, cold areas. They are attracted to standing stones and other Nordic ruins that dot the landscape of Skyrim, as well as The Midden below the College of Winterhold. They are vulnerable to fire attacks. Also, due to their wispy nature, they have a tendency to ignore the landscape, and can become stuck or die on elevated areas. Ice Wraiths can often be encountered in the snowy regions of Winterhold and The Pale.
Creature (ID) | Lvl | ![]() |
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Attacks | Abilities | Drops | Soul | Factions |
Ice Wraith (00023AB3) |
9 | 193 | 50 | 227 | Ice Bite, 7 pts for 3 secs |
Ice Wraith Teeth | Lesser | Creature Faction; Ice Wraith Faction |
Ice WraithDB (xx031845) |
DLC2WyrmFaction | ||||||||
Ice WraithDB (xx028246) |
None | Creature Faction; Ice Wraith Faction; DLC2RieklingFaction |
- The Midden,
- The Serpent Stone,
- Forsaken Cave,
- Bonechill Passage,
- Greywater Grotto,
- East region of Windhelm,
- Near Stillborn Cave to the south,
- Wayward Pass,
- Snowy areas near Solitude,
- Northwestern area near Alftand,
- Along the river southwest of Windhelm,
- East of Saarthal where there are rock piles with flags on them,
- The Weynon Stones,
- Path on the way up to the Throat of the World (wolves present at lower levels, bears or frost trolls at higher ones),
- Hag's End (two during boss fight),
- In random houses during the quest Animal Extermination, [verification needed — Which quest ?]
- Snowy region of Solstheim,
- Giant's ToothCC,
- And sometimes encountered to the left of the Shrine of Azura (most of the time is replaced with a wolf or bear).
- Although Ice Wraiths "fly", they still set off runes, such as fire runes.
- When you're bitten by an Ice Wraith, you will get an effect (seen in the Active Effects sub-menu) called "Ice Wraith Bite" and the description states (under the header "Ice Bite"): "Ice Wraith Bite, +7 over 3 secs". It indicates stamina damage (7 per second, 21 damage overall) done over a 3-second period.
- Ice Wraiths cast a low damage wall of frost-type spell when they attack, and sometimes when they are moving towards you, though never when they are roving the wilderness or moving away from you.