Razelan (RefID: 000683A7) |
Location | Thalmor Embassy | ||
Race | Redguard | Gender | Male |
Level | 4 | Class | Citizen |
RefID | 000683A7 | BaseID | 000368C8 |
Other Information | |||
Health | 75 | Magicka | 60 |
Stamina | 60 | ||
Primary Skills | One-handed | ||
Morality | No Crime | Aggression | Unaggressive |
Essential | Yes | ||
Voice Type | MaleDrunk | ||
Faction(s) | FavorJobsDrunksFaction; MQ201PartyGuestUnhappy; faction for party guests |
Razelan is a somewhat drunk Redguard merchant who can only be found in the Thalmor Embassy during Diplomatic Immunity. He arrives at the Thalmor Embassy at the same time as you and doesn't enter the building until you've presented the guard with your invitation. If plied with enough alcohol, he will provide a distraction for you. If any of the other guests (other than Erikur) are made to provide the distraction, they will start a heated conversation with Razelan, which will cause a commotion.
Razelan wears a set of merchant clothes along with a pair of boots.
Related QuestsEdit
- Diplomatic Immunity: Infiltrate a party at the Thalmor Embassy.
- Quest all Drunks Have: Make a drunk dance for joy. (radiant)
Quest-Related EventsEdit
When first encountered:
- "Ah! A fellow latecomer to Elenwen's little soiree. And arriving by carriage, no less! I salute you, sir! My lateness is due more to getting lost on the way up this gods-forsaken mountain than to any desire to actually arrive late. I prefer to arrive early. Often the day before the party. So as not to miss out on any of the drinking. There's not enough drinking in the world today, wouldn't you agree? I will just... rest here a moment. Although it is damnably cold out here. I don't look forward to the trip back down... Perhaps we might share a carriage after the party? I know, I know - we've just met. But think, by the time the party is over we'll no doubt be fast friends. I look forward to it. Don't mind me. I'm perfectly insensible to the cold. I'll go after you. Although these fellows know me. I never miss one of Elenwen's parties, you see."
If spoken to again:
- "Please. Take your time."
- "Please. You first. I insist."
- "I just need to rest a moment, right here on this lovely rock."
At the entrance of the embassy:
- Razelan: "Now then. Here's my invitation. I don't have a poisoned dagger strapped to my thigh, et cetera, et cetera."
- Thalmor Soldier: "I'm just doing my duty, sir. Everything's in order. Welcome back, sir."
- Razelan: "Yes, yes. Now to find myself a drink."
If spoken to after he speaks to the Thalmor Soldier:
- "Inside, my friend, inside! Where only the women and drinks are cold."
When spoken to inside:
- "What does a fellow need to do to get a drink around here? Ah, pardon me, friend. I didn't see you standing there. Allow me to introduce myself: Razelan. Imports and exports, by trade. Observer of human nature, by avocation."
- You look thirsty.
- "My friend, you are very perceptive! I have a powerful thirst that cannot be slaked! And none of the waiters will bring me a drink, Elenwen must have told them to cut me off, the frigid bitch. Afraid I'll cause another scene, I suppose..."
- Here, I brought you a drink.
- "Ah, the one generous soul amongst a gathering of pinch-pennies and lick-spittles! If there's anything I can ever do for you, do not hesitate to call upon me!"
- Thanks. I'll let you know if I need anything.
- "Your wish is my command! As long as it doesn't involve much physical activity. I seem to be having trouble staying on my feet at the moment."
- Actually, there is something you could do for me.
- "Of course! I would do anything for you, my one and truest friend! What do you need from me?"
- I need you to cause a scene. Get everyone's attention for a few minutes.
- "Is that all? My friend, you've come to the right person. You could say that causing a scene is some what of a specialty of mine. Stand back and behold my handiwork."
If approached after giving him a drink:
- "My friend! A toast to a beautiful friendship!"
If you attempt to speak to him as he goes to make a distraction:
- "Stand back and watch a true professional wreck a party."
Distraction DialogueEdit
Jarl Balgruuf the Greater / Igmund / Siddgeir: "It's all for a good cause, old chap."
Jarl: "Ulfric Stormcloak? The rightful High King? That's bordering on treason, man! Stand up. Stand up, I say!"
Razelan: "I don't understand... did you say Ulfric Stormcloak? Fine fellow, although a bit too fond of... I mean, no, of course, I condemn him in the most...
Jarl: "You take it back then? You retract your statement? Well?"
Elenwen: "Razelan. And you promised to behave yourself this time. Remove him. He's disturbing the other guests."
Razelan: "I protest! This is an insult to the dignity of my person! This time I'm completely innocent! / This is preposterous. Disrespect... insulting! I am tired of being hounded from all sides! / Madame Ambassador, you know that I would never have behaved... that is to say... well I swear I'm innocent this time!"
Jarl: "Tell your men to stand down. I don't need any help dealing with this kind of fool. He isn't worth the trouble. I apologize for the disruption to such a festive occasion."
Razelan: "Absolutely not! I protest... uh, that is, yes, of course. I still don't understand what just... oh never mind. / That is absolutely untrue! Uh, that is, yes, of course. What... I don't understand why everyone... never mind."
Jarl Elisif the Fair: "What...! Do you know who I am? I should have you taken up and flogged!"
Razelan: "Of course I know who you are... I didn't mean to suggest, that is, I don't even remember saying that..."
Elisif: "There's no excuse for your behavior! You behave like you're carousing in a house of ill repute, not the residence of the Thalmor Ambassador!"
Elenwen: "Razelan. And you promised to behave yourself this time. Remove him. He's disturbing the other guests."
Razelan: "I protest! This is an insult to the dignity of my person! This time I'm completely innocent! / This is preposterous. Disrespect... insulting! I am tired of being hounded from all sides! / Madame Ambassador, you know that I would never have behaved... that is to say... well I swear I'm innocent this time!"
Elisif: "Oh... I'm afraid I may have overreacted. Please, I've already forgotten whatever it was he said to me. I'm sure he's learned his lesson. Let's try to enjoy ourselves."
Razelan: "Absolutely not! I protest... uh, that is, yes, of course. I still don't understand what just... oh never mind. / That is absolutely untrue! Uh, that is, yes, of course. What... I don't understand why everyone... never mind."
Jarl Idgrod Ravencrone: "An old woman can get away with almost anything."
Idgrod: "No harm is meant to you happy fool."
Idgrod: "Right here! I see it in your face! The snakes writhe behind your eyes! Get away, get away from me!"
Razelan: "Hmm? Did you say snakes? Where? I hate them, always slithering the way they do... what? Are they on me?"
Idgrod: "Begone, serpent! Begone from this house and trouble it no more! Beware of the serpent in your midst! Beware, oh people of Skyrim!"
Elenwen: "Razelan. And you promised to behave yourself this time. Remove him. He's disturbing the other guests."
Razelan: "I protest! This is an insult to the dignity of my person! This time I'm completely innocent! / This is preposterous. Disrespect... insulting! I am tired of being hounded from all sides! / Madame Ambassador, you know that I would never have behaved... that is to say... well I swear I'm innocent this time!"
Idgrod: "Dear me. All this trouble over me? I think I was confused. There's no harm in him. Please, let him go."
Razelan: "Absolutely not! I protest... uh, that is, yes, of course. I still don't understand what just... oh never mind. / That is absolutely untrue! Uh, that is, yes, of course. What... I don't understand why everyone... never mind."
Maven Black-Briar: "You've got a lot of nerve, suggesting something like that, to me of all people! If this was Riften, I'd have you thrown in the dungeon!"
Razelan: "What? I didn't... hmm? No, listen, you must have misunderstood... I don't mean to say I wouldn't be interested... what I mean is..."
Maven: "You're a disgrace to the Empire. To think that you're actually a representative of the East Empire Company. When people talk about the decadent, tottering Empire, it's people like you they have in mind!"
Elenwen: "Razelan. And you promised to behave yourself this time. Remove him. He's disturbing the other guests."
Razelan: "I protest! This is an insult to the dignity of my person! This time I'm completely innocent! / This is preposterous. Disrespect... insulting! I am tired of being hounded from all sides! / Madame Ambassador, you know that I would never have behaved... that is to say... well I swear I'm innocent this time!"
Maven: "Well, now. There's no need to ruin the party on my account. I don't think he'll be bothering me again."
Razelan: "Absolutely not! I protest... uh, that is, yes, of course. I still don't understand what just... oh never mind. / That is absolutely untrue! Uh, that is, yes, of course. What... I don't understand why everyone... never mind."
Ondolemar: "How dare you speak of the Thalmor in such a disgusting manner!"
Razelan: "What? I didn't... hmm? No listen, you must have misunderstood... I would never openly insult your... that is to say..."
Ondolemar: "Your insults and provocations have gone far enough! I'd kill you where you stand if I wasn't bound by my oath as an officer of the Aldmeri Dominion."
Elenwen: "Razelan. And you promised to behave yourself this time. Remove him. He's disturbing the other guests."
Razelan: "I protest! This is an insult to the dignity of my person! This time I'm completely innocent! / This is preposterous. Disrespect... insulting! I am tired of being hounded from all sides! / Madame Ambassador, you know that I would never have behaved... that is to say... well I swear I'm innocent this time!"
Ondolemar: "Forgive me, Ambassador. I allowed this... fool to provoke me. The fault is mine. There is no need for further disruption on my account."
Razelan: "Absolutely not! I protest... uh, that is, yes, of course. I still don't understand what just... oh never mind. / That is absolutely untrue! Uh, that is, yes, of course. What... I don't understand why everyone... never mind."
Orthus Endario: "Watch this.
Orthus: "Hey Razelan, remember when you told me I'd never amount to anything? Well, I don't think you should say things like that about the Ambassador!"
Razelan: "What? I didn't... hmm? No listen, you must have misunderstood... I would never openly insult your... that is to say..."
Orthus: "I know you're drunk as usual, but that's no excuse for insulting our hostess. I don't think anyone deserves that kind of abuse! I've known plenty of elves who were perfectly decent people."
Elenwen: "Razelan. And you promised to behave yourself this time. Remove him. He's disturbing the other guests."
Razelan: "I protest! This is an insult to the dignity of my person! This time I'm completely innocent! / This is preposterous. Disrespect... insulting! I am tired of being hounded from all sides! / Madame Ambassador, you know that I would never have behaved... that is to say... well I swear I'm innocent this time!"
Orthus: "I'm sorry, Ambassador. I didn't mean to cause such a commotion. There's no need to have him thrown out on my account."
Razelan: "Absolutely not! I protest... uh, that is, yes, of course. I still don't understand what just... oh never mind. / That is absolutely untrue! Uh, that is, yes, of course. What... I don't understand why everyone... never mind."
Razelan: "Attention, everyone! Could I have your attention, please! I have an announcement to make!"
Razelan: "I propose a toast to Elenwen! Our mistress! I speak figuratively, of course. Nothing could be more unlikely than that someone would actually want her in their bed."
Elenwen: "Razelan. What are you doing?"
Razelan: "Although... most of you are already in bed with her! But again... I speak figuratively, of course!"
Razelan: "Fine, fine. Get your hands off me. I'll be a good boy now."
Razelan: "Wouldn't want to offend our Thalmor overlords, would we?"
Razelan: "Someone bring me a drink, quick!"
Vittoria Vici: "Just play along.
Vittoria: "How dare you! You disgusting pig!
Razelan: "What? I didn't... hmm? No, listen, you must have misunderstood... I don't mean to say I wouldn't be interested... what I mean is..."
Vittoria: "The head office will hear of this, Razelan! You're a disgrace to the East Empire Company, and to the Empire itself!"
Elenwen: "Razelan. And you promised to behave yourself this time. Remove him. He's disturbing the other guests."
Razelan: "I protest! This is an insult to the dignity of my person! This time I'm completely innocent! / This is preposterous. Disrespect... insulting! I am tired of being hounded from all sides! / Madame Ambassador, you know that I would never have behaved... that is to say... well I swear I'm innocent this time!"
Vittoria: "Oh, Ambassador Elenwen, that won't be necessary. It is just Razelan, after all. I'm sure he'll behave himself for the rest of the evening, won't you dear?"
Razelan: "Absolutely not! I protest... uh, that is, yes, of course. I still don't understand what just... oh never mind. / That is absolutely untrue! Uh, that is, yes, of course. What... I don't understand why everyone... never mind."
- During the party at the Thalmor Embassy, if Maven Black-Briar and/or Vittoria Vici is in attendance and one is on friendly terms with them, one will reveal with disgust that Razelan is a member of the East Empire Company.
- After completing the quest Diplomatic Immunity, Razelan can be found in the foyer of the Thalmor Embassy, where the party took place. All the doors are unpickably locked, so he shouldn't be able come out, and you can't get in.