![]() |
Resist Magic |
School | Restoration |
Type | Defensive |
Alchemy | |
ID | 00039e51 |
Base Cost | 1 |
Base Mag | 1 |
Base Dur | 60 |
Enchanting | |
ID | 000b7a35 |
Base Cost | 19 |
Items | Neck, Finger, Shield |
Availability (Click on any item for details) |
Apparel Built-In Potions |
Alchemy description: Resist <mag>% of magic for <dur> seconds.
Enchanting description: Increases Magic Resistance by <mag>%.
Resist Magic increases the target's resistance to all forms of offensive spell damage. Resist Magic 50% will halve any damage the target takes from spells. Resist Magic also reduces the duration of the Paralyze spell.
Similar to Resist Fire, Resist Frost, and Resist Shock, Resist Magic is capped at 85%. The cap only applies to you; followers and enemies with 100% resistance are truly immune.
Damage reduction from Resist Fire, Resist Frost, and Resist Shock is applied after damage reduction from Resist Magic is applied. For example, a 100-point Fire Damage spell would deal only 15 points of damage with Resist Magic 85%; Resist Fire 85% would then reduce the 15 points by a further 85% to 2.25 points of final damage, resulting in 97.75% total resistance.
The following alchemy ingredients can be used to create a potion of Resist Magic:
- Aster Bloom CoreCC (1.2× ,1.22× ) (1st effect)
- Bleeding Crown
- Bungler's BaneCC (1.2× ,1.22× )
- Chicken's Egg (1st effect)
- Crimson Nirnroot
- Felsaad Tern FeathersDB
- GleamblossomDG (1st effect)
- Hagraven Claw (1st effect)
- Hawk's EggHF (1st effect)
- Hypha FaciaCC (1.2× ,1.22× )
- Lavender (1st effect)
- Nirnroot
- Tundra Cotton (1st effect)
- Void Salts
- Wisp Wrappings
The following items use this effect. You can learn how to enchant custom items with Resist Magic if you find one of the following items and disenchant it:
- All varieties of Necklaces, Rings, and Shields of Resist Magic, Waning Magic, Dwindling Magic, Magic Suppression, Magic Abatement, and Nullification.
- Daedric Gauntlets of NegationCC
A second version of the effect is available from one item (see bugs for details):
Artifacts and unique items that use the effect but cannot be disenchanted include:
Powers and BlessingsEdit
- Bretons have a constant Resist Magic 25% ability.
- The Agent of Mara power gives you a constant Resist Magic 15% ability.
- The Blessing of AzuraDB gives you a constant Resist Magic 10% ability for 8 hours.
- The Lord Stone gives you a constant Resist Magic 25% ability.
- The Magic Resistance perk gives you a constant Resist Magic 10% ability per rank, for a maximum of 30% at rank 3.
- The Vampiric Blood RestedDG bonus gives you a constant Resist Magic 10% ability for 24 hours.
- Spell Absorption is very powerful when combined with Resist Magic, completely negating magic damage a certain percentage of the time, with Resist Magic reducing the damage the rest of the time. With the Atronach Stone and the Atronach perk, you can achieve Spell Absorption 80%. Combined with Resist Magic, this grants an effective 97% resistance to magic damage, or 99.55% resistance with the appropriate elemental resistance. This requires increasing Alteration to 100, with the easiest methods of doing so explained here.
- Better qualities of generic Resist Magic equipment provide smaller gains in effect strength than is the case for elemental resistance equipment. The six tiers of Resist Fire, Resist Frost, and Resist Shock equipment provide resistance values of 15%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, and 70%, while the six tiers of Resist Magic equipment provide resistance values of only 10%, 12%, 15%, 17%, 20%, 22%.
- Two versions of Resist Magic are actually available for enchanting. The statistics above are for the most common version of the effect. A second version is only available from disenchanting the Shield of Solitude. Using a grand soul gem with an Enchanting skill of 100 and 5/5 Enchanter perk and no other modifiers, the Shield of Solitude version provides Resist Magic 25%, compared to the 20% available from the standard enchantment. Using the Extra Effect perk and applying both versions of the effect to the same item, a single item (shield, necklace, or ring) of up to Resist Magic 45% can therefore be created before any other modifiers.
- The Unofficial Skyrim Patch, version 2.0.0, fixes this bug.