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Skyrim:Ring of Khajiit

< Skyrim: Items: Unique Items
Daedric Artifact: Ring of Khajiit (xx000B94)
(lore page)
Type Ring
Added by Fishing
Editor ID ccBGSSSE001_ArtifactRingKhajiit
Weight Weight 0.25 Value Value 650
You move 10% faster. Allows you to cast the spell Hide.
Ring of Khajiit

The Ring of Khajiit is a ring artifact associated with both Mephala and Meridia. Ri'saad will give it to you as a reward for completing the quest Spirits Away.

Related QuestsEdit



  • Upon putting Ildari Sarothril into bleedout, you are given a perk that adds a multiplier of 0.01 to the magnitude of Illusion effects on you. This persists until the perk is removed upon killing Ildari. This notably makes the Ring of Khajiit and Ring of the Wind very weak. ?
    •   The perk can be removed using the console command player.removeperk 0403d597; it will be reacquired when Ildari is next put into Bleedout.
  • If the ring is equipped while you have the Kindred Mage perk, the movement speed buff will be increased by 10%. The enchantment's strength will not update in the inventory, but the Active Effects menu will show the correct magnitude.