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SR-icon-spell-Ice.png Slow
School Destruction
Type Offensive
ID 00073f25
Base Cost 1
Base Mag 50
Base Dur 5
ID 000b729d
Base Cost 0
Items Weapons
(Click on any item for details)
Built-In Potions

Alchemy description: Target moves at 50% speed for <dur> seconds.


The following alchemy ingredients can be used to create a poison of Slow:


  • Slow is not the primary effect of any spells or enchantments and cannot be learned as an enchantment by itself. However, most Frost Damage spells and enchantments have Slow as a secondary effect.
  • The Slow effect from multiple frost spells stacks, causing you to be nearly unable (or completely unable) to move until it wears off. It's unclear whether this is intended behavior or a bug.


  • Slow will not affect NPCs unless they're drawing or sheathing a weapon, or something changes their carry weight. It will always affect the player normally.