This page lists the statistics that are displayed in the "General Stats" menu screen.
Statistic | Notes |
Mauls | The number of NPCs or creatures killed with a melee attack while in the form of a werewolf or Vampire Lord. Special finishing moves performed on a target are also counted. |
Werewolf Transformations | The number of times you have used the Beast Form power. |
Days as a Werewolf | The number of days that have passed since becoming afflicted with Lycanthropy. |
Necks Bitten | The number of times you have fed upon an NPC as a vampire. |
Days as a Vampire | The number of days that have passed since becoming afflicted with Sanguinare Vampiris. |
Locations Discovered | The number of locations you have discovered. Only locations that are marked on the game map count towards this statistic. |
Dungeons Cleared | The number of dungeons cleared. A dungeon is typically cleared once the boss has been defeated. There are a total of 186 locations that can be cleared, however once a location respawns, it may be cleared again. This means the statistic displayed may go well beyond the dungeon limit. |
Days Passed | The number of days passed since the game started. The game starts on Morndas, the 17th of Last Seed, 4E 201. |
Hours Slept | The number of hours slept. You can only sleep in an unowned bed and if there are no enemies nearby. |
Hours Waiting | The number of hours waited. You can wait almost anywhere, but only if there are no enemies nearby. |
Standing Stones Found | The number of Standing Stones discovered. There are 13 Standing Stones throughout Skyrim, however visiting a previously discovered standing stone will add to this statistic, making it possible to go well over the original 13. All-Maker Stones included in Dragonborn are not counted towards this total. |
Gold Found | The grand total of gold coins found. |
Most Gold Carried | The most gold carried at any one time. |
Chests Looted | The number of chests opened. |
Skill Increases | The number of times a skill increases. There are 18 skills in total, each of which can level up to 100. With the 1.9 patch, which includes a skill reset option, there is no limit to how many times a skill can be increased. |
Skill Books Read | The number of skill books you have read and gained a skill increase from. There are 5 different skill books for each skill and a total of 90 books. |
Food Eaten | The number of food items consumed. |
Training Sessions | The number of times you have received training from a skill trainer. There are 59 trainers in total, including add-ons. |
Books Read | The number of books you have read. Simply activating a book will count as reading it. Skill books are not counted towards this statistic, but spell tomes are counted (even if the spell is already learned without using the spell tome). |
Horses Owned | The number of horses you have obtained. Horses are available for purchase at any stable for 1000 gold, in the five major holds and the three Hearthfire houses. Shadowmere is also counted if obtained, however Arvak and Frost are not. From the Creation Club, the horse from the Farming creation counts, as does the Reindeer from the Saturalia Holiday Pack |
Houses Owned | The number of houses you have bought. Only the 5 purchasable houses in the main cities are counted. |
Stores Invested In | The number of merchants who you have invested gold into. Requires the Investor perk in the Speech skill tree. |
Barters | The act of one transaction, either buying or selling, with a merchant counts as a barter. |
Persuasions | The number of times a successful persuasion is performed. |
Bribes | The number of times a successful bribe is performed. |
Intimidations | The number of times a successful intimidation is performed. |
Diseases Contracted | The total number of diseases you have contracted. There are 8 different diseases, all of which can be contracted multiple times. |
Statistic | Notes |
Dragonborn Quests Completed DB | The number of quests completed in the Dragonborn main questline. 7 in total. |
Dawnguard Quests Completed DG | The number of side quests completed for the Dawnguard. 20 in total. |
Quests Completed | The grand total of all quests completed. |
Misc Objectives Completed | The number of miscellaneous quests completed. These are not classed as full quests and many are repeatable. |
Main Quests Completed | The number of main quests completed. 19 in total, including two optional quests. |
Side Quests Completed | The number of side quests completed. |
The Companions Quests Completed | The number of primary and side quests completed for the Companions. 9 in total. Repeatable radiant quests are not included. |
College of Winterhold Quests Completed | The number of primary and side quests completed for the College of Winterhold. 18 in total. |
Thieves' Guild Quests Completed | The number of primary quests and special jobs completed for the Thieves' Guild. 19 in total.[verification needed — see talk page] See bugs. |
The Dark Brotherhood Quests Completed | The number of primary quests and contracts completed for the Dark Brotherhood. 26 in total, but only 2 possible if you destroy the Dark Brotherhood. Repeatable radiant quests are not included. |
Civil War Quests Completed | The number of quests completed for either side of the civil war questline. 9 in total. |
Daedric Quests Completed | The number of Daedric quests completed. There are 15 in total. Daedric quests are not considered side quests. |
Questlines Completed | Questlines are typically classed as a series of quests for a joinable faction, but it also includes the main questline of Skyrim. 6 in total. |
Statistic | Notes |
People Killed | The number of NPCs, both hostile and non-hostile, you have killed. |
Animals Killed | The number of animals you have killed. Also includes all types of conjured familiars. |
Creatures Killed | The number of creatures you have killed. Animals or undead are not included. |
Undead Killed | The number of undead you have killed. Includes draugr, ghosts, skeletons and vampires and all types of conjured undead, such as bonemen. |
Daedra Killed | The number of Daedra you have killed. Includes Dremora, elemental atronachs and all types of summoned Daedra. |
Automatons Killed | The number of Dwarven automatons you have defeated. Includes Dwarven spiders, spheres, centurions and ballistae. |
Favorite Weapon | The weapon that is most often used. Limited to melee weapons or bows. |
Critical Strikes | The number of critical strikes performed. A critical strike is a special attack that, if triggered, deals more damage than a normal blow. It can be performed in both regular combat or in stealth, and can only be achieved with melee weapons or bows. A successful sneak attack will always result in a critical strike. |
Sneak Attacks | The number of sneak attacks performed. A sneak attack is the act of striking a target while remaining undetected. |
Backstabs | The number of backstabs performed. A backstab is the act of performing a sneak attack with a one-handed weapon on a target facing away from you. It does not require the Backstab perk to trigger. |
Weapons Disarmed | The number of NPCs you have successfully disarmed. Disarms can be achieved with either the Disarm shout directed at a target or by performing a power bash attack with a shield, weapon or torch and the Disarming Bash perk. |
Brawls Won | The number of brawls you have won against various NPCs. |
Bunnies Slaughtered | The number of rabbits you have killed. |
Statistic | Notes |
Spells Learned | The number of spells you have learned. A spell tome must be read in order to learn a spell.[verification needed — see talk page] |
Favorite Spell | The spell that is most often used. |
Favorite School | The school of magic that is most often used. The five schools are Alteration, Conjuration, Destruction, Illusion, and Restoration. |
Dragon Souls Collected | Souls collected from slain dragons. Souls gain from Miraak in Dragonborn are not counted.[verification needed — see talk page] |
Words of Power Learned | The number of Words of Power learned. A Word of Power is defined as one of the three words that make up a full Dragon Shout. They can be learned from either word walls or individuals such as the Greybeards or Durnehviir. |
Words of Power Unlocked | The number of Words of Power unlocked. A Word of Power can only be unlocked when a Dragon Soul is spent to unlock it. |
Shouts Learned | The number of full Dragon Shouts learned. A full shout is defined by learning all three Words of Power of a shout. |
Shouts Mastered | The number of full Dragon Shouts unlocked. Shout mastery is defined by learning and unlocking all three Words of Power of a shout. |
Times Shouted | The number of times you have used a Dragon Shout. Using any one of the three available levels of a shout counts as one instance. |
Favorite Shout | The shout that is most often used. |
Statistic | Notes |
Soul Gems Used | The number of soul gems used to recharge an enchanted weapon only. Soul gems consumed via Enchanting do not count. |
Souls Trapped | The number of souls trapped within a soul gem. Souls can only be trapped with the soul trap spell or with a weapon that bears the soul trap enchantment. |
Magic Items Made | The number of items enchanted at an arcane enchanter. |
Weapons Improved | The number of weapons tempered at a grindstone. |
Weapons Made | The number of weapons created at a forge. |
Armor Improved | The number of armor pieces tempered at a workbench. |
Armor Made | The number of armor pieces created at a forge. |
Potions Mixed | The number of potions made at an alchemy lab. Strangely, food you cook will also increase this stat. |
Potions Used | The number of potions consumed. |
Poisons Mixed | The number of poisons made at an alchemy lab. |
Poisons Used | The number of times a poison is applied to a weapon. Poisons placed in the pockets of NPCs with the Poisoned perk do not count towards this statistic. |
Ingredients Harvested | The number of alchemy ingredients harvested from plants or collected from certain passive creatures.[verification needed — see talk page] |
Ingredients Eaten | The number of alchemy ingredients eaten. |
Nirnroots Found | The number of nirnroot plants harvested. They can only be found growing in the wild, typically near water. Crimson nirnroot does not count towards this statistic. |
Wings Plucked | The number of wings plucked from certain winged insects, such as butterflies. Plucking wings always yields two samples, thus this statistic will be an even number. |
Statistic | Notes |
Total Lifetime Bounty | The grand total of all bounties, paid and unpaid, placed upon you. The Dark Brotherhood quest To Kill an Empire incurs an unavoidable 1500 gold bounty. |
<Hold Name> Bounty | The bounty that you have accrued in a specific hold. This statistic will only appear if you have incurred a bounty and multiple holds can be listed. |
Tribal Orcs Bounty | The bounty that you have accrued within an Orc stronghold. This statistic will only appear if you have incurred a bounty. All 4 strongholds track their bounties collectively. |
Largest Bounty | The largest total bounty you have ever accrued at any one time. The largest possible bounty for a single crime is murder or transforming into a werewolf or Vampire Lord, which yields a 1000 gold bounty. |
Locks Picked | The number of locked doors or containers successfully unlocked via lockpicking. |
Pockets Picked | The number of separate instances of performing a pickpocket on an NPC. |
Items Pickpocketed | The number of items you have pickpocketed from an NPC's inventory. |
Times Jailed | The number of times you have been sent to jail. |
Days Jailed | The number of days you spend in jail serving your sentence. |
Fines Paid | The total amount of gold paid for any bounties you incur. |
Jail Escapes | The number of times you have escaped jail, including The Chill. Escaping from Cidhna Mine during No One Escapes Cidhna Mine quest does not count towards this statistic. |
Items Stolen | The number of owned items you have added to your inventory. Can later result in being attacked by a group of hired thugs. |
Assaults | The number of separate instances of performing an unprovoked attack upon a non-hostile NPC. Typically results in a bounty if witnessed. |
Murders | The number of non-hostile NPC deaths you are responsible for. Followers and summoned creatures who kill on your behalf also count towards this statistic. |
Horses Stolen | The number of owned horses mounted. The horse need not actually be stolen to increase this statistic. |
Trespasses | The number of times you have trespassed. A trespass occurs when entering a locked property, such as a shop, after it has closed. |
- Quitting a Thieves Guild special job will reduce the "Thieves' Guild Quests Completed" stat by 1.
- Upon starting a new game the "Most Gold Carried" stat may be set to 140. This won't affect gameplay and the stat will update regularly if the player has >140 Gold at any point ?