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Skyrim Mod:A Tale of Blood and Snow/Cronvangr Clan

< Mod / Skyrim: Skyrim Mod: Verified Creations: A Tale of Blood and Snow: Factions

The Cronvangr Clan is a coven of Vampires that has been operating in eastern Skyrim for centuries. The clan's name roughly translates to "spider fangs" in an old Nordic language.

The exact origins of the clan are lost to history but historical records confirm that they have been active since the Second Era at the very least. Members of the clan's leadership claim that the original founder was one of Ysgramor's Companions before falling to vampirism, but no evidence has been found to prove or disprove this assertion. The Cronvangr operate within their own version of Nordic tradition, where cleverness and cunning are valued instead of brute force and martial prowess, and the old Nordic totem gods are replaced by reverence of a Spider totem, which is believed to be a stand-in for Mephala by some researchers.

At the height of their power, the Cronvangr ruled over the vampire clans of Eastern Skyrim, while holding an agreement with the Volkihar Clan who held a similar position in the western holds. In the Fourth Era however, the clan is a shadow of its former self after centuries of decline, and the newly-arrived Quarra Clan see them as easy prey to crush while establishing their own power base in the province. Whether the Cronvangr leadership will be able to turn their bad luck around, or if they'll be consigned to the history books like so many other clans and bloodlines, remains to be seen.



After escaping the final nightmare sequence in Dreams in Darkness, you will find yourself outside Cronvangr Cave with the current leadership offering an invitation to join. Simply speak to Vlkoslak after his speech and Jelkar's interruption to pledge yourself to pledge yourself to his clan and begin Joining the Cronvangr.




Faction-specific Main QuestsEdit

Special QuestsEdit

Radiant QuestsEdit
Favor QuestsEdit


  • The idea of the Cronvangr operating from the eponymous cave in Eastmarch was cut early in Skyrim's production cycle, so there are only trace references to the clan and Vlkoslak in the creation kit.

See alsoEdit