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Skyrim Mod:Anise's Cabin - Claim a New Home

< Mod / Skyrim: Verified Creator Program
Anise's Cabin - Claim a New Home
Author Gilles "Sagittarius" Muller
Original Release September 5, 2024
Last Updated September 30, 2024
Size 299.84 KB (PC), 299.86 KB (Xbox)
Version 1.01
PC (Special Edition)
Xbox One
Anise's Cabin banner
An old woman has passed away, leaving a new home behind. It is now up to you to restore this humble cabin!—Official Summary

Official DescriptionEdit

Gilles Sagittarius Muller

Anise is an old woman living not far from Riverwood in her humble cabin. Rumors say she is practicing some kind of dangerous magic, and if anything were to happen to her, it would be up to you to make sure her home is well maintained!

This Creation allows you to claim Anise's cabin after her passing. After her death, you will receive a letter about a home being available for purchase. Talk to the Falkreath's [sic] steward to buy the location.

You will then be able to customize the place to make it a small home, complete with an humble garden which will allow you to brew potions or cook food, depending on your needs.


  • Homes
  • Lore Friendly
  • Quests
