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Skyrim Mod:Bards College Expansion/Valerine Henoire

< Mod / Skyrim:Skyrim: Skyrim Mod: Verified Creations: Bards College Expansion: People
Valerine Henoire
(RefID: xx020130)
Home Town Solitude
Location Bards College
Race Breton Gender Female
Level 1-100 Class Bard
RefID xx020130 BaseID xx02012F
Other Information
Morality Any Crime Aggression Unaggressive
Faction(s) CrimeFactionHaafingar; SolitudeBardsCollegeFaction; TownSolitudeFaction; kgcBard_BardsCollegeAllyFaction
Valerine Henoire

Valerine Henoire is the Bards College's Dean of Storytelling. More than telling stories, her specialty is diplomacy, intrigue, and manipulation. She serves as the quest giver for the Bards College Expansion's secondary questline, where the player becomes an Emissary.

Although the player can ask for Speech training from her, she will refuse and instead direct the player to Giraud Gemane.


The core of the Emissary system is the idea of having gameplay focused on conversations without it being too dependent on the player character's Speech skill, nor too complex. The result is that during Emissary negotiations, the player has a choice between four options: Heartening, Whimsical, Dramatic, or Enigmatic. Success in the mission depends on the player correctly identifying which tone to adopt in order to convince their interlocutor. Using this system, a player can complete successfully the questline without needing their character to have a high Speech skill, though succeeding at persuasion checks can still offer better outcomes in some of the missions.

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