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Skyrim Mod:Echoes of the Vale/Initiate's Halation

< Mod / Skyrim: Skyrim Mod: Verified Creations: Echoes of the Vale
Light Armor: Initiate's Halation (xx748FC6)
Type Light Helmet
Editor ID FVESESetCrown
Armor Rating Rating 17
Armor Rating Rating 17 {{{health}}}
Weight Weight 2 Value Value 750
Quality Tempering Refined Moonstone
Quality Tempering Refined Moonstone Perk
When wearing the complete set of Initiate's Raiment, +20 to Restoration.
Initiate's Halation

Initiate's Halation is a unique Ancient Falmer Crown found within Flowstone Cave.

In Flowstone Cave


While the rest of the Initiate’s Raiment Set benefits from the Elven Smithing perk, Initiate’s Halalation does not.