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Skyrim Mod:Messages in Bottles/Letter from Your Uncle

< Mod / Skyrim: Skyrim Mod
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Letter from Your Uncle
Added by Messages in Bottles
ID FExxx026
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Letter from Your Uncle

My Child,

A change is coming. Everything changes.

As you traverse the unfunny paths of Tamriel, remember that every one-liner adds to your own corpus of comedy. The theater may be silent when you take the stage and your jokes may fall flat, but within you lies the nascence of a true comedian.

Embrace each challenge with a laugh, trust in your vim and vigor, and let the humor of this world inspire your jokes. Know that every punchline unspoiled and every heckler confronted brings you closer to maximizing your jocularity. I've overcome many of your same tribulations, and I know you can, too. Take heart, because you're not the only one who has recounted the story of skeevers in basements to a tough crowd.

Stay smiling, stay strong, and may satires always end in your favor.

Yours in Comfort,
Your Uncle (and the cat)