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Testing your Skyproc project through Netbeans saves the trouble of building a .jar and moving it to your skyrim folder, lets you view handled errors, and lets you use the netbens debugger. This article assumes you have netbeans and the jdk for java 7 installed.
First setup your project folders. I use C:\ModSkyrim as my root folder but you can put it anywhere you want and name it whatever you want. Inside this folder make a data folder. Copy skyrim.esm, the strings folder, and any esp files you want to test your project on into C:\ModSkyrim\data. Next make a /skyproc patchers/ folder in data. Put your netbeans project folder inside that. it should look something like C:\ModSkyrim\Data\Skyproc patchers\Skyproc-Starter\. Now you can run your program right through netbeans and it will find everything where it expects it to be. Now all you have to do is hit the big green play button on the netbeans menu to launch your program.