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Skyrim talk:Battle for Whiterun (Stormcloaks)

Moved NoteEdit

  • Once inside if you go up to Jorrvaskr and to where the Underforge would be you find missing ground. You can jump up to a chest containing armor, weapons, gold, and smithing materials.
    • This chest actually contains the contents of the shopkeeper who can be found at the Skyforge.

I moved this because it is rather incomprehensible to me. (Eddie The Head 10:56, 24 November 2011 (UTC))

Missing infoEdit

The quest target name for this quest is CWSiegeobj. Please update the page.I will not because I can never get the formatting right on a wiki. --Jfmherokiller 21:43, 25 November 2011 (UTC)

thanks, ill add it now. (Eddie The Head 02:34, 26 November 2011 (UTC))

Need quest stagesEdit

Hi, I need the quest stages to bypass this quest because for some reason I can enter the doors to whiterun. "setstage CWSiegeobj ????" BTW Im on stormcloaks. Thanks — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 21:56 on 28 November 2011

Catapult / Fireball bugEdit

During and after completing this quest, the fields outsite Whiterun have a few dozen fireballs frozen in mid-air as they are about to hit the ground. I've tried waiting 72 hours indoors to reset the grids, but they just won't disappear. Is there a way to get rid of them? Image — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 08:01 on 1 December 2011

Premature ending questEdit

It was midnight when I had given back Ulfric's waraxe and he decided to march on Whiterun. So when I was supposed to fight along, I thought they would fight in the morning, so I had to find a place to sleep near Whiterun as to not be too late for the battle (just roleplaying here), so I went in Whiterun's direction while trying to find a bed, but ended up at Whiterun itself in the end. A dragon suddenly showed up while I was at the wall and I think that's when the quest suddenly ended. My journal then told me to report to Ulfric, quest named Liberation of Skyrim. The next morning I even spoke to Jarl Balgruuf about why he took the Empire's side. The old Battle-Born guy bumped into me saying he hoped the Legion would send reinforcements to get rid of the Stormcloaks. What happened here? The article states there should've been signs of an attack etc. Has anyone else experienced this before? I'm just going to reload ~ Dwarfmp 21:19, 4 December 2011 (UTC)

I just got a (somewhat) similar thing in Special Edition. I was walking towards Whiterun at about 5 AM, and some necromancers attacked me on the bridge before the meaderies. After I killed them, it told me that the quest was completed and I got the Liberation of Skyrim quest telling me to report to Ulfric. The map marker for the Stormcloak camp disappeared. The camp itself remained, albeit abandoned save one soldier. I found Ralof while I was walking to town. There were signs of battle at Whiterun (wreckage, locked doors), but all the outside guards were missing. All the inside guards remained Whiterun guards, not Stormcloaks. When I reported to Ulfric, he scolded me for fleeing from battle. I, too, shall reload. 21:35, 31 December 2016 (UTC)

Effects on the Main Quest?Edit

Out of curiosity, if you had chosen to join the Stormcloaks right away, rather than move to the main quest, how would this affect you? Since the Jarl is replaced, would you need to talk to the new Jarl to begin the quest, or would you have permanently screwed yourself out of the main questline? 13:21, 5 December 2011 (UTC)

>>I had the Bleak Falls Barrow quest in my journal, but hadn't retrieved the Dragonstone yet. The Jarl wouldn't give me an answer after I brought him Ulfric's war axe until I solved his "dragon problem", forcing me to proceed with the main quest line. I'm not sure you can avoid starting the main quest line at all, tbh.-- 02:45, 22 December 2011 (UTC)

after the questEdit

if you complete the quest will the civilians hate you and not talk to you or will i still be able to buy things there? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 03:10 on 7 December 2011

It'll mainly be the same, with a bit of new dialogue. (Eddie The Head 08:15, 7 December 2011 (UTC))

Possible bugEdit

(Xbox 360) After defeating the Jarl and achieving his surrender Vignar Grey-Mane may not approach the Jarl. The quest objective, Accept Balgruuf the Greater's surrender, is considered incomplete. Even after leaving Dragonsreach and Whiterun multiple times the Jarl wasn't able to offer his surrender. I was forced to load from an earlier save to complete this quest. (After trying this again, i didn't hit the Jarl at all, instead I let my Stormcloak allies defeat him and he finally talked to me.) — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 16 december 2011

(Xbox 360) I used a Blizzard scroll when defeating Jarl Balgruuf and I also could not accept Balgruuf's surrender (Vignar Grey-Mane did not approach the Jarl). So now my Whiterun has neither a Jarl nor a steward. Also, I had just bought the house in Whiterun - I now own it with no upgrades and without a steward, I have no opportunity to buy any. 21:52, 26 December 2011 (UTC)keithaugust
Solution: When the stuborn Jarl doesnt surrender. wait till a new stormcloak guard comes in. When you are in hes line of site attack the jarl until you get a bounty. This will activate the quest. you can watch the story from the dialoge menu with the guard when you surrender.
Tested it on ps3 and xbox always works Gino Sergio — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 00:44 on 8 June 2012

breezehome lockedEdit

i found that my house was locked after the battle as well . left my key inside . will go back to saved game to see if having key will open it and if i loose my house carl . 00:27, 9 January 2012 (UTC)

I noticed the same thing, so I just went in via console. Everything you left in breezehome, provided you own it, is still there. Upgrades, Housecarl, spouse, stuff in the chests, on the bookshelves, everything is there.
Alternatively, you can leave it as is and report to Ulfric, then come back, and it will be unlocked again. Schiffy (talk) 01:30, 28 September 2012 (GMT)


I was most disappointed to find Unrelenting Force does not affect barricades and I had to hit them with my dagger.— Unsigned comment by (talk) at 21:46 on 12 February 2012 (UTC)

Also, if you don't destroy a barricade during the fight, your sword will have no effect on it after you get the Jarl to surrender. I assume they go away as Whiterun returns to normal but did not test.— Unsigned comment by Lockestep (talkcontribs) at 22:13 on 23 February 2012

Drunken HuntsmanEdit

In current game he remains closed even though the other shops are back to normal. Anyone seen this? I also have the Companions glitch, but had completed the quest and do not have a current Animal Extinction quest. — Unsigned comment by Lockestep (talkcontribs) at 12:16 on 23 February 2012

Bounty bugEdit

This has been marked as a question that needs to be answered.

I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one who ran into this; if you kill the whiterun guards, you'll get a 1000 bounty; and if you kill the imperials after killing the guards, it'll add onto the bounty. — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 20 March 2012

The only good news is that after you complete the quest your bounty in that hold is reset to 0. --2dum2live 13:44, 30 June 2012 (UTC)
Related, I have two Aliki'r standing inside whiterun gates. When attacking the city, I got 1000 bounty to eastmarch when killing them, not to whiterun. Stormcloack soldiers will help me when those aliki'r turn hostile, but galmar starts hating me and tries to slice me with his axe. 20:41, 16 August 2012 (UTC)

Imperial Soldiers aren't wearing any armor!Edit

I just started a new game recently, and once I got to this quest, none of the Imperials had any armor. All of the Whiterun guards did, as well as my fellow Stormcloaks, but the Imperial soldiers were clothed in naught but their skin. I'll probably have to go into the CK to find out why, it could be possible that one of my mods is causing it, but I'm not sure which. It might even be the USKP, I'll try disabling that to see why. It doesn't really affect anything, its just weird that I've got nude Imperials running around. They still have their weapons, but not a single piece of armor or clothing. 03:46, 5 June 2012 (UTC)

EDIT: Ok, apparently some of the nude soldiers were Whiterun guards, and some of the Imperials still had their armor. Noticeably, once I got closer to the gates, they all started wearing armor, after I disabled USKP, so I'm guessing that was the reason why. 04:07, 5 June 2012 (UTC)

Destroying barriersEdit

In this article, as well as others, it is stated that it takes 3 blows to destroy a wooden barrier. However, in my experience, this number varies, depending on the weapon be wielded. My enchanted dragonbone (modded) sword will destroy them in one shot, while a steel dagger takes 5. This implies, IMO, that these barriers have a health value. Can somebody verify this? --Xyzzy 16:03, 10 June 2012 (UTC)

As a (much delayed) follow-up, I discovered that in real-life, these barriers are called Cheval de frise. Also, they can be destroyed in many ways. I destroyed one of them at Fort Greymoor with a Dragonbone arrow fired from a Dragonbone bow (1 shot), a fully upgraded Dragonbone sword (2 normal hits or one heavy attack), with fireballs (8 shots), punching (too many to count), and flames (approx. 3 seconds). I tried getting info on the barrier at Fort Greymoth from CSList but nothing came up when searching the FormID. --Xyzzy Talk 08:36, 16 January 2021 (UTC)
I'm not surprised you couldn't find it in CSList. Even if by some miracle you had, we have no significant information about it there. To answer your question, there's one main barrier type for most of them, StockadeBarricade01Activator, which has 125 hit points. A second one, ironically called StockadeBarricade01ActivatorLight_SN, has 150 hit points and is found mostly at Fort Dunstad (14 in total), with another 2 at Northwatch Keep. Robin Hood(talk) 11:44, 16 January 2021 (UTC)
I should also note that those "hit points" are in a completely separate area than anything like creature hit points, so it may not be a 1:1 comparison between damage and hit points. If nothing else, I would expect that there would be no difficulty-based adjustments for objects. Robin Hood(talk) 23:58, 16 January 2021 (UTC)


I know that the imperial soldiers at the drawbridge respawn as you kill them, but do you troops respawn as they die, because I had started training my skills, just letting the fighting go on around me, not dropping the drawbridge, and suddenly I realized all of my own men were dead!I kept fighting, thinking that they would respawn in a few seconds, but after about 10 minutes it was still me and galmar. I reloaded and did the same thing, but my own men kept coming back, so that was fine. I re did the quest a few times and 4 in 10 times none of the stormcloaks respawned, galmar was on the floor, so I had to do the quest all by myself. Emzi43 17:44, 12 June 2012 (UTC)

I just killed Ulfric StormcloakEdit

my questline is telling me to report to the jarl of whiterun..but when i speak to him hes only giving me these speach options: "why do you think ulfric killed the high king".."how can you protect whiterun from the dragons"..." why side with the empire"... and "what will it take to end the war". its like hes not recognizing that ive already killed ulfric. ive reset the game and waited 72 hours. did i miss something? — Unsigned comment by Littlemisskris (talkcontribs) at 17:41 on 28 June 2012

I'm pretty sure those dialogue options just never go away under any circumstance. Shahrazad the Listener (talk) 14:08, 26 November 2017 (UTC)

Soldiers wouldn't spawn!!Edit

I went in and started leveling my archery. Letting the battle go on around me. Not dropping the drawbridge or anything. The soldiers were supposed to be spawning but they were being killed off and werent respawning. I tried waiting 48 hours but it didnt do anything. is there anything i can do to make them continue spawning??!! i play on xbox

  Please help

— Unsigned comment by (talk) at 16:15 on 3 February 2013

Annoyign BugEdit

Before I say anything, I have the Civil war overhaul mod installed, and I already have tried reloading, but the only save I have is one where I am just about to receive the quest to capture whiterun. I have reloaded tons of time from there, so don't ask me to do it again please. I have also completed the whispering door quest, which apparently makes balgruuf killable.

Here's the problem: when I fight balgruuf, he dies, and I can't accept a surrender. When I kill him, the quest is still to accept his surrender, and irileth keeps fighting. I tried to complete the quest by console, but then irileth is the one guarding vignar (and she just shouts at me when I go near her) and then I can't report in to ulfric stormcloak - and I can't complete that part manually. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 12:30 on 10 November 2013 (GMT)

I had the same exact problem. I resolved it setting Baalgruf essential. Here's the command: setessential 00013bbd 1
If you want to set him again as non essential after the quest, just do the command again changin 1 to 0 .

-- 21:53, 12 January 2015 (GMT)

Possible bugfix (moved from article)Edit

Fast-traveling to any town then back to Whiterun may resolve the issue, and that the doors can eventually unlock after an undetermined amount of time (possibly after one of the game's periodic "cleanup" phases).

This is one of the fixes listed for the bug in which the Underforge fails to unlock after the quest. The first part makes sense, but the second strikes me as a bit off. I assume that the person who posted this is trying to say that the doors may be unlocked when the cell respawns, but the way it's worded makes it sound like he/she was just guessing rather than giving the results of testing. Zul se onikaanLaan tinvaak 23:17, 14 December 2014 (GMT)

I think it borked...Edit

Just did this quest and, oh my goodness, what happened?! First, when I fast travelled to the Whiterun camp Galmor cut his speech short and I realised it was because Gregor had randomly spawned there (he wasn't my follower at the time) and the Stormcloaks decided to pick a fight with him. Fortunately I managed to leg it through the first section and to the gates before they managed to kill him. Then when I entered the city, there were people milling around, most of whom disappeared quite quickly, but two Alik'r warriors were there for some reason (I'd already spoken to them at the gates ages ago) with I think Lillith Maiden-loom didn't and just ran madly around the gate. When the other Stormcloaks eventually spawned inside (took them quite a while) things went ok until we got up to the last barricade you have to break then after the first two shots (I use a crossbow) it went invisible but still very much there! I had to guess where to shoot then, and when I got through and into Dragonsreach it went smoothly with no further hiccup. I say that, I'm yet to leave Dragonsreack and no doubt when I do it'll all blow up and turn into a weird monster and eat us all... AyaHawkeye (talk) 00:03, 6 July 2015 (UTC)

EDIT, Oh yeah, and Heimskr was still yacking on at his post... And he's jut this moment disappeared...AyaHawkeye (talk) 00:09, 6 July 2015 (UTC)

Galmar won't stop taking out weaponEdit

So pretty much the entire time Vignar was speaking with Balgruuf, Galmar and the soldier on his other side kept taking out their weapons and putting them away again. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 20:45 on 1 January 2016

Bug confirmation: No soldiers in WhiterunEdit

I just confirmed the bug where there are no soldiers present upon entering Whiterun. The objective to force the Jarl to surrender never appears, and if you enter Dragonsreach, the Jarl and Irileth aren't even there. This makes it impossible to continue with the quest, forcing you to use the console to complete it. The cause of the absent soldiers seems to be the quest stage failing to progress to the correct stage.FrozenWolf150 (talk) 02:28, 23 July 2016 (UTC)

Fighting followerEdit

I had the fighting follower issue in Skyrim VR. Marcurio was fighting with Galmar Stone-Fist. This may be similar to when a follower gets into a fight with Serana (which Serana  always wins) – a wayward arrow or spell causes one to become angry with the other.  I was able to resolve this without reloading by ordering my follower to wait in Breezehome. There were no lingering hostilities between Marcurio and Galmar after the battle was over. --Grimbold (talk) 04:20, 22 July 2020 (UTC)
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