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Skyrim talk:Voice Actors/Archive 1

< Skyrim talk:Voice Actors
This is an archive of past Skyrim talk:Voice Actors discussions. Do not edit the contents of this page, except for maintenance such as updating links.

Wes Johnson and Craig Sechler confirmed

Wes Johnson and Craig Sechler both confirmed in interviews with The Gaming Liberty that they're back for Skyrim (Jeff Baker, however said that he doesn't remember being part of Skyrim). The interviews are here here, here and here.

Both didn't say who they played, but they simply said "a couple of characters. Thought that it could contribute to the page. POLE7645 05:15, 16 October 2011 (UTC)


Same voice actor as Oblivion. Quest is in solitude, go talk to a homeless man. No idea who the voice actor is, thought I'd just say. -- 22:49, 11 November 2011 (UTC)

Adam Baldwin as Farkas?

I can't find anything solid, but I usually have a good ear for voice actors. Anyone else find anything to confirm or deny this? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 06:02 on 17 November 2011

Does sound a lot like him, along with numerous other characters, but I can't say for sure. Has anyone sat through the full credits yet to find out the full list of voice actors? I seem to remember it being mentioned that they have something like 70 voice actors for 110 different roles, so the IMDB list is far from complete! Haravikk 22:24, 23 November 2011 (UTC)
I did. I went through the credits and updated both this page and the IMDB page. So yeah, they're complete (I counted and there is exactly 71 voice actors). What we're lacking is more like "Who voices who" except for the major characters. That means that no, Adam Baldwin isn't there. POLE7645 23:53, 23 November 2011 (UTC)
Popeye Vogelsang is the voice of Farkas and multiple other NPC's in skyrim. He is a singer in his own band, but he isn't very good. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 01:15 on 12 December 2011
According to IMDb, Popeye Vogelsang voices Farkas : (Popeye Vogelsang ... Farkas / Additional Voices (voice) (as Popeye V.) After googling, his real name is Michael 'popeye' Vogelsang and he's singer/guitarist of an American punk group called Farside. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 22:27 on 20 December 2011
He totally sounds like Piccolo's voice actor in Dragonball Z. I'm just going to believe its him. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 10:25 on 31 December 2011
The voice actor for Farkas is indeed Popeye Vogelsang, and for more recent info, he's now one of the singers/guitarists in the band Your Favorite Trainwreck. (And he's awesome). — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 22:56 on 20 June 2012

Lucien Lachance

There are new lines for the spectral summon in Skyrim. I just added Lucien Lachance to the list of characters in Skyrim that Wes Johnson voiced, and someone erased it. Why? What is the purpose of erasing it? Wes Johnson recorded NEW DIALOGUE for Lucien Lachance in Skyrim, present on the Skyrim disc, that appears ingame. This means he voiced Lucien Lachance. Can someone please clear up why my addition was so abruptly edited out? --Orphanix 03:45, 27 November 2011 (UTC)

You should've checked the reason of the edit. I already put that information. If you look in the "Additional Voices" tab, I already accredited the role as "Spiritual Assassin" The "Other Characters" tab is reserved for characters identified in the credits.
If you identify another voice actor's character, please, put it in the "Additional Voices" tab. It's easier to sort it out that way POLE7645 03:49, 27 November 2011 (UTC)
My mistake. My browser loads pages differently due to extensive reconfiguration, and when I checked the edit history, my edit was listed as the most recent. Once again, I apologize, good sir. --Orphanix 03:53, 27 November 2011 (UTC)

IMDb Links

Is anybody else having difficulty with the IMDB interwiki links (e.g., [[IMDB:nm0001884|Max von Sidow]]) or am I just special? For me, this only occurs in Google Chrome but no other browsers, which is doubly odd, since the wiki generates the same link, regardless. Robin Hoodtalk 04:27, 18 January 2012 (UTC)

It seems it may have something to do with being logged into IMDB, as when I log out, the links start working. Anybody outside of the US registered on IMDB and having issues? Robin Hoodtalk 04:38, 18 January 2012 (UTC)
I don't have an account, so I'm obviously not logged in, but none of them are working for me. Could it be there's something wrong with the template? ThuumofReason (talk) 13:09, 7 January 2013 (GMT)
As you've probably read by now on CP, it's fixed. I'm guessing they got rid of the old URL entirely, so nothing worked anymore. Robin Hood  (talk) 23:40, 7 January 2013 (GMT)

Information from the Creation Kit

With the creation kit now available, the page will be completed much more easily. But I have a suggestion in the meantime. Despite what the credits says, voice actor playing members of a single race (such as Neil Dickson, Lani Minella, Keith Szarabajka) are not the only one playing characters of that race (even if they're the only one listed). For example, digging into the Creation Kit showed that Viarmo (an Altmer) is voiced by Stephen Russell (due to the same voice type as Cyric Endell). I would therefore suggest that the "race tabs" are merged with the "Additional Voices" tab.

Most of the other voice actors play characters from about every races. I'll add more information when I'll have the time. POLE7645 17:59, 8 February 2012 (UTC)

Here are the voice sets (except for some of the unique ones that are identified by the credits:
- CrDragonVoice
- CrDraugrVoice
- CrDremoraVoice (Wes Johnson?)
- CrDragonPriest (same as Draugr?)
- FemaleArgonian (Renee Victor)
- FemaleChild (Harley Graham)
- FemaleCommander (includes Legate Rikke) (Claudia Christian)
- FemaleCommoner (Ellen Dubin? She said that her characters were refered to during recording as "Common Woman")
- FemaleCondescending
- FemaleCoward
- FemaleDarkElf (Lani Minella)
- FemaleElfHaughty (Julianne Buescher)
- FemaleEvenToned (includes Lydia and Illia) (Colleen Delaney)
- FemaleKhajiit (Pam Cholet)
- FemaleNord (includes Mjoll the Lioness)
- FemaleOldGrumpy (includes Grelod the Kind and Idgrod Ravencrone)
- FemaleOldKindly (includes Fralia Grey-Mane)
- FemaleOrc (Dianne Salinger)
- FemaleShrill (includes Elda Early-Dawn)
- FemaleSoldier (unused)
- FemaleSultry (includes Alva, Sybille Stentor and Saphirre) (Susan Eisenberg)
- FemaleUniqueGhost (includes Fjori anf Ruki)
- FemaleYoungEager (includes Elisif the Fair) (Corri English)
- MaleArgonians (Tim Blaney)
- MaleBandits (includes Hrolmir and Thrynn) (caution: many bandits use other voice sets)
- MaleBrute (includes Farkas) (Popeye V.)
- MaleChild (Reese C. Hartwig)
- MaleCommander (includes Commander Maro and Severio Pelegia) (Rob Locke? He was credited as "Commander" in his resume)
- MaleCommoner (includes Belyn Hlaalu)
- MaleCommonerAccented (includes Rolff Stone-Fist and Sinding, all Nords) (Thor Edgell)
- MaleCondescending (includes Savos Aren and Silus Vesuius) (Keith Silverstein)
- MaleCoward (includes Poventus Avenicci and Lokir)
- MaleDarkElf (Keith Szarabajka)
- MaleDrunk (includes Sam Guevenne (and Sanguine) and Torbjorn Shatter-Shield)
- MaleElfHaughty (Neil Dickson)
- MaleEvenToned (includes Malborn and Giraud Gemane) (Jon Curry)
- MaleEvenTonedAccent (includes Farengar Secret-Fire and High King Torygg, all Nords)
- MaleForsworn (many Forsworn uses other voice sets)
- MaleGuards (Those are the city guards, all Nords)
- MaleKhajiit (André Sogliuzzo)
- MaleNord (includes Ralof and Brunwulf Free-Winter) (Michael Gough)
- MaleNordCommander (includes Captain Lonely-Gale and Hjornskar Head-Smasher) (Paul Ganus)
- MaleOldGrumpy (includes Festus Krex and Wuungerth the Unliving) (Jim Cummings)
- MaleOldKindly (includes Tolfdir and Calcelmo) (George Coe)
- MaleOrc (Noah Nelson)
- MaleSlyCynical (includes Cyric Endell, Pelagius the Mad and Belethor) (Stephen Russell)
- MaleSoldier (includes Gaius Maro and Rexus) (Gideon Emery)
- MaleUniqueAventusAretino (is it Reese C. Hartwig too?)
- MaleUniqueDBGuardian (the voice at the entrance of the Dawnstar sanctuary)
- MaleUniqueGhost (includes Fenrig and Wyndelius Gatharian) (Craig Sechler)
- MaleUniqueGhostSvaknir (Svaknir)
- MaleUniqueMGAugur (Augur of Dunlain)
- MaleWarlock (mages, necromencers and other magic using enemies also uses other voice sets) (Craig Sechler?)
- MaleYoungEager (includes Sven, Mikael and Erik) (Jason Marsden)
Well, this is a good start to try and filling the blanks and try to identify the who voices the unnatributed voice sets (those with a question mark are speculation, those without are those of which I am absolutely certain). Well, time to update (and it's going to be long) POLE7645 05:21, 10 February 2012 (UTC)
i believe that the FemaleSultry voice is Susan Eisenberg, after hearing this, but i'm not entirely sure 04:24, 28 March 2012 (UTC)jediborg
Yeah, i just played them both back to back (FemaleSultry dialog in CK and then the video i linked above) That is without a doubt Susan Eisenberg. editing the list here and the one on the main page. 04:30, 28 March 2012 (UTC)jediborg
Woah, you've been busy. I'll have plenty to update. Does anyone know why Christopher Corey Smith has been removed from Additional Voices (as well as Colleen Delaney)? They still have unattributed roles.
Thor Edgell as Sinding sounds right (too bad he doesn't have a website or some kind of resume outside IMDB). That would mean that there are two more male and two more female voice actors for the nords that hey characters hasn't been identified.
Alice Hirson is one of the eldery woman (if I look at her age), either the kindly (Fralia Grey-Mane) or the grumpy (Grelod the Kind). I'm pretty sure that Roger L. Jackson voices the dragons that talks other than Alduin, Paarthurnax and Odhaviing. Can anyone confirm?POLE7645 14:20, 2 April 2012 (UTC)
Noticed something. With Thor Edgell, Paul Ganus and Michael Gough characters identified, Christian Swensson' characters are identified as well (MaleEvenTonedAccent, which includes High-King Torygg and Farengar Secret-Fire). The Female Nords are still to be found. UPDATE: False Alarm. I forgot about Olev Aleksander.POLE7645 14:58, 2 April 2012 (UTC)
Martina Lotun is the one with the heavy accent. A YouTube comment identified her as such, searched her name on YouTube and this video ( confirms that she's the one who voices, notably, Mjoll the Lioness and female guards. — Unsigned comment by 09:43, 8 April 2012 (talkcontribs) on

Matt King error.

The links for Matt King takes you to the Wikipedia and IMDB pages of the English comedian Matt King, who doesn't appear in Skyrim.

The Matt King who appears in Skyrim is Matthew Yang King, who doesn't have a Wikipedia page but does has a IMDB page which notes Skyrim in his list of roles:

Perhaps one of the regular editors could rectify this small error? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 19:45 on 7 March 2012

You're correct, I've fixed the error. Good spot! Kitkat TalkContribE-mail 17:01, 8 March 2012 (UTC)

Coleen Delany's roles.

If Coleen Delany is the voice of Mephala, then that means that she is also the voice actress who does the voices of Lydia, Sigrid, Arcadia, and Ria. Just to name a few. Therefore the "verification needed" line next to Lydia's name should be removed, and all NPCs who have the voice of Coleen Delany should be added to her section. 16:38, 8 March 2012 (UTC)


Does anyone know who does Sinding's voice? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 04:12 on 12 March 2012(UTC)

Yes, I believe it is Thor Edgell. To support this, listen to his voice and then Tsun's voice. They kinda sound the same. And since Thor Edgell is the voice of Tsun, that must mean that he is the voice of Sinding, and all other NPC's with his voice. 02:11, 19 March 2012 (UTC)
If thor edgell does sinding's voice, shouldn't we add him to Thor edgell's voice section? I don't recall seeing sinding in any of the voice actor's lists. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 00:14 on 20 March 2012(UTC)
I think its best not to add it unless you can confirm it for definate. — Kimi the Elf (talk | contribs) 00:26, 20 March 2012 (UTC)
Sinding's voice is indeed MaleCommerAccented, which is done by Edgell. Schiffy (talk) 05:53, 22 December 2012 (GMT)


Both Daniel Riordan and Craig Sechler are credited for doing the voice of Hircine. How can one NPC have two voice actors? //MrL 23:04, 7 April 2012 (UTC)

Don't know if you've noticed, but when you speak to Hircine, you can hear both voice speak simultaneously (kinda like the Beauty and the Beast characters in Metal Gear Solid 4). POLE7645 23:09, 7 April 2012 (UTC)

Paul Ganus' Roles

The "Male Nords" description under Paul Ganus' name is too ubiquitous. Examples of NPCs voiced by Paul Ganus include: Thorald Gray Mane, Eorlund Gray Mane, Captain Lonely-Gale, Captain Aldis, and Ysgramor. Add these to his section please. Also if its any help, the discern his voice, he kinda sounds like Arnold Schwarzenegger. 21:05, 17 May 2012 (UTC)

So he's voicing the MaleCommonnerAccented voice set. Are you sure?
Then there are a few nords voice actors whose voice sets haven't been identified. Thor Edgell, Christian Svensson and Olev Aleksander. Can you help with those? 21:49, 17 May 2012 (UTC)
I have heard that Christian Svensson is the voice for the Nords who have that soft tone (E.G Rune, Bolli, Aesgir Snow-Shod,and Farengar Secret-Fire). I also know that Thor Edgell provided the voices for NPCs like Sinding, Mathies, Brill, Tsun (although the voice is different), and Hern. 20:08, 21 May 2012 (UTC)
So I guess Olev Aleksander did the guards (it means he said the "Arrow in the knee" line). But I can't find any material on him and I'd like to confirm.POLE7645 16:38, 28 June 2012 (UTC)

Martina Lotun's roles.

The NPC's that are voiced by Martina Lotun include Mjoll the Lioness, Gerdur, Hulda, and female guards. Someone should please these and others to her section. To help discern her voice, she is the one with the heavy accent. 20:35, 21 May 2012 (UTC)


Now that Dawnguard is out, I really wonder if they hired new voice actors for the characters. Unfortunately, there's no credits on DLCs so the only option would be to ask the developpers directly. And the Creation Kit won't be an option until at least a month later POLE7645 14:34, 26 June 2012 (UTC)

Some of the vanilla voice actors have reprised their roles. They seem to include Noah Nelson, Julianne Buescher, Jason Marsden and Michael Gough. Their articles have been badly edited. Perhaps the Dawnguard NPCs need a new section to avoid confusion. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 05:17 on 27 June 2012
I agree. A Dawnguard section would be nice, but we'd have to wait for the PC version to have a full list of the NPCs (unless someone has the patience to try and find every NPCs on the XBox 360 version) and to look into the voice sets on the creation kit (there still are some that need being identified on the vanilla game).
However, there are two voices I recognized. Jeff Baker as Jiub (Yay, he's back!!) and maybe (and it's a big maybe) Laura Bailey as Serana.POLE7645 15:16, 28 June 2012 (UTC)

() I'm not sure if the new information is correct, as I don't have the opportunity to check it, but the table issues were due to a simple formatting oversight. I think I fixed them all, let me know if you catch any I missed. ABCface 00:13, 28 June 2012 (UTC)

Just checked out the IMDb page for Skyrim, and apparently the new voice actors for Dawnguard are Laura Bailey (Serana), Jeff Baker (Jiub), James Lewis (Isran), and Matt Fresco. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 10:40 on 16 August 2012
I tend to take the new stuff from IMDB with a grain of salt (although Laura Bailey and Jeff Baker are instantly recognisable). I wonder if there's someone we could contact at Bethesda to confirm this. POLE7645 04:23, 21 August 2012 (UTC)
I think Matt Fresco voices Lord Harkon, seeing how the two characters you mentioned (Isran and Serena) are main characters in Dawnguard. Although Matt Fresco has only got an IMDb page. Dragon Guard (talk) 21:30, 13 July 2013 (GMT)

Legate Fasendil?

Does anyone know who this VA is? He doesn't sound like the guy who does the other male Altmer; his voice is quite a bit deeper.Rosenoire 00:48, 20 August 2012 (UTC)

The legates are all voiced by the same guy, although I'm not sure which. 16:35, 20 August 2012 (UTC)
It's the voiceset MaleCommander (includes every legates, Commander Maro, Skjor and some imperials). I still don't know who that is. Is there a way to listen to individual files from within the CK? POLE7645 04:21, 21 August 2012 (UTC)

Katria from Dawnguard

I really wonder her VA. She appears in the Dwarven Ruins of Arkngthamz in Dawnguard. She sounded kinda like Serana to me but I don't know. Anybody? -- 20:34, 23 September 2012 (GMT)

Her voice type is labelled DLC1LD_FemaleNordUniqueKatria, but unfortunately, the CK doesn't list actors. Schiffy (talk) 06:05, 22 December 2012 (GMT)
She sounds vey much like Nika Futterman to me. 09:49, 2 February 2013 (GMT)
I've spent time looking around to no avail, but her voice reminds me of the character in Fallout 3's add-on "The Pitt," Midea. I tried looking into who did Midea's voice, but wasn't able to find out (I'd intended to look on their Wikipedia page and see if I could find out her list of video games she did voice acting for, to find out if she is Katria -- no luck, though.) But I figured I would put this here for someone to look into, if interested in continuing where I left off. 09:17, 24 February 2013 (GMT)
I don't know why but it sounded kinda like Laura Bailey (the one who voices Serana) to me-- 17:06, 22 June 2013 (GMT)
I'm almost positive that she is voiced by Lani Minella, who is also Irileth, The Night Mother, and Nocturnal. I say this because I at once recognized Katria's voice as the same as the title character of the Nancy Drew games, whom Lani Minella voiced. 02:06, 30 July 2013 (GMT)

Compactification of the table

I see a trend to delete lists of NPCs and replacing it by the voice type and an example of an NPC. For me that is a larger change of the page, and since it deletes content: did I miss a discussion somewhere (I'm not really following up this page)? Is the list of NPCs thought to be redundant, or would some kind of {{showhide}} solution be better? Sorry for being ignorant, it's just that edits that remove lot's of stuff without any edit summary make me kind of suspicious. --Alfwyn (talk) 21:49, 3 October 2012 (GMT)

I’m not sure if it was considered redundant but I liked it better before. Now we seem to be changing it to just include the voicetype but we don’t seem to have it written anywhere who uses what voicetype so even after looking at the page you don’t know who they voiced. — Kimi the Elf (talk | contribs) 22:15, 3 October 2012 (GMT)
We discussed this a bit on IRC, which is what prompted me to switch to the comma-separated list, but just so it's "on the record", I had started summarizing a couple as simply "Male Nord" or whatever was appropriate to avoid the really long lists. That may have been a bad idea, since it looks like there are a couple of conflicts. I think perhaps the anonymous editor tried to work around those conflicts by including the voice type, which seems in a lot of cases to have been done by the same voice actor. The problem is, as Kimi points out, that we don't have the voice types listed anywhere else. To get the best of both worlds, I think the next step should be to add a Voice Type(s) column, where we can list the voice types in addition to the Role(s) column, and then either list a few examples of that voice type in the Role(s) column, or an exhaustive list if that's what people prefer.
My one concern with this—though it applies to just about any edit to this page, really—is that we have very little to go on to confirm who did what. IMDb is user-updated, even if via a patrolling process of sorts, so isn't always reliable. There are only a few cases (mostly the ones documented at the top) where we know for a fact that these people performed those particular voices. So if we say that Paul Ganus did MaleNordCommander voice types, for example, we're assuming that that means he did all MaleNordCommander voices. It's probably the case, or close to it, but I'd feel better if we had some clear-cut sources. Robin Hoodtalk 23:06, 3 October 2012 (GMT)
I also liked it before, as it's easy to use my browser's "Find text as you type" feature to quickly look up an NPC's name and find the information on who voiced them. I wouldn't be opposed to using the {{showhide}} template (or even a simple collapsible table) though, as this would keep the page shorter without removing information. — ABCface 03:48, 4 October 2012 (GMT)

Female Coward

Who does the female coward voice? — Unsigned comment by BadassVikingNord99 (talkcontribs) at 11:48 on 22 October 2012

The same actor who voiced Maven Black-BriarDragon Guard (talk) 10:10, 15 June 2013 (GMT)

Gideon Emery's role.

In the table, it says that Gideon Emery provides the voices for MaleCommander, but that is not true. If you listen to Aslfur (the steward of Hjallmarch), that is an example of the MaleCommander voice. The voice type that Gideon Emery provides is the MaleCommoner accent (Imperial Soldiers, Omulag, and Gaius Maro). 01:43, 30 November 2012 (GMT)

That's not true! Gideon Emery provides the MaleSoldier voicetype only (Gaius Maro, Rexus and Imperial Soldiers). Someone listed Christopher Corey Smith as the MaleCommoner voicetype. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 02:23 on 30 November 2012‎
But if you compare Gaius Maro's voice with Louis Letrush's voice they sound the same. I don't know why certain NPCs with the same voices are on different tables, but that needs to be rectified. If it has been confirmed that Gideon Emery provides voices for people like Gaius Maro and Louis Letrush, then every NPC who sounds like either of those two NPCs must be put on Gideon Emery's table. But don't take my word for it, go and look them up. 00:55, 13 December 2012 (GMT)

April Stewart's roles.

I've finally found the people that April Stewart provides her voice to. They include Ingjard, Njada Stonearm, and Tonilia. Please add these examples to her section. To clarify, for those of you who have played God of War III, she provided the voice for Aphrodite, look that up if you want to. 01:47, 30 November 2012 (GMT)

She was also in Dishonored, but I didn't get a chance to compare the voices. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 02:25 on 30 November 2012‎
She voiced several characters in Fallout: New Vegas (another game by Bethesda) and the voice was pretty much the same-- 17:19, 22 June 2013 (GMT)

Character list

Ok so I see that there was a bit of a debate above about whether we should list only a few character for each voice type or all of them, but without any real decision on the matter and both possibilities are present on the page. I thought that since I have a pretty good memory an some free time I could help fill up the blanks. I should probably mention that I do not own the original version of the game and even though the list is still accurate for most characters with generic voices, I might put some of them at the wrong place. Elakyn (talk) 16:17, 7 January 2013 (GMT)


Do we have any idea of any new voice actors in Dragonborn? 23:44, 3 February 2013 (GMT)

Neloth Voice Actor?

Who is the voice actor for Neloth in the Dragonborn DLC? I have tried emailing Bethesda but I got no response. I also have been researching but no results. — Unsigned comment by Tamriel&Sovngarde (talkcontribs) at 16:50 on 26 May 2013

The Neloth voice actor is Dwight Schultz. — Unsigned comment by Tamriel&Sovngarde (talkcontribs) at 09:43 on 28 May 2013
Lieutenant Barclay? Wow. --Jimeee (talk) 10:42, 28 May 2013 (GMT)
Necessary question: where did you get this from? I've been looking around on places such as his IMDB page and there's no mention of him being a VA for Skyrim or any of its DLCs. ChrisJG (talk) 22:44, 28 May 2013 (GMT)
He has voiced characters in gaming and films and I think his voice just sounds the same. I also read on a forum that a few people think it is Dwight Schultz. — Unsigned comment by Tamriel&Sovngarde (talkcontribs) at 13:19 on 29 May 2013
That isn't enough proof for the wiki. We need solid evidence that he is the voice. Just sounding similar isn't enough. Are all the names you've added based on your own thoughts? Jeancey (talk) 14:54, 29 May 2013 (GMT)

() No they are not, just from loads of researching. Also by me adding more voice actors it helps keep this up to date. Some of them I am unsure about I put a ? In the voice actor box. Trying to figure out Morvayns voice actor by spawning him on PC and listening to him speak over and over. Morvayn's voice sounds like Hadvar's voice but I am not quite sure. It sounds very unique. I have tried researching his voice actor but I have found nothing. Tell me, who would know all the voice actors: Todd Howard or would Pete Hines know? — Unsigned comment by Tamriel&Sovngarde (talkcontribs) at 16:36 on 29 May 2013

Even if it is through research, we have a policy on the wiki (and most wikis) that prohibits original research. Unless your research involves outside sources, it cannot be used on the wiki. If you want to learn more about why this is the case, you can read wikipedia's article on it. Unfortunately, without verifiable sources, most of the information will likely have to be removed. I don't know who would know them all, but you could email bethesda and see what they say. Jeancey (talk) 16:42, 29 May 2013 (GMT)
Do people who post voice actors for characters always have to get the third degree on this? On IMDb it says Jeff Baker voices the Redoran Guards but Dan Donohue voices Teldryn Sero and Teldryn Sero's voice type is DLC2MaleDarkElfCynical. So is the Redoran Guard voicetype so it dosen't quite add up. I have already tried emailing Bethesda who the voice actor for Neloth is but there was no response and that was about 40 days ago when I emailed them so I need to find out if these voice actors are correct.
Tell me who would know better and get back to me quicker about the voice actors, The Vice President of Bethesda: Pete Hines
Or the Executive Producer/Game Director: Todd Howard
We need to have this sorted out soon. — Unsigned comment by Tamriel&Sovngarde (talkcontribs) at 19:36 on 29 May 2013
We don't NEED to have this sorted out soon. No information is better than incorrect information. We HAVE to have verifiable information. There is no "Well we need it quickly so it doesn't have to be verified." It simply HAS to be verifiable. Jeancey (talk) 00:14, 30 May 2013 (GMT)
Dwight Schultz voices Neloth
Dwight Schultz voices this character in Mass Effect.. Listen to this character speaking, it sounds exactly like Neloth. ::::
Tamriel&Sovngarde (talk) 07:04, 31 May 2013 (GMT)
While it does sound somewhat like him, it can't be used as a valid source. Actual evidence (like an imdb page or even an interview) is needed. --Jimeee (talk) 08:52, 31 May 2013 (GMT)

Main characters section

Could only the main characters in the vanilla version of Skyrim be put here, if there is new voice actor charts for DLC characters are put there then the main characters in The DLC should go there. — Unsigned comment by Tamriel&Sovngarde (talkcontribs) at 09:45 on 28 May 2013

Lleril Morvayn Voice Actor

Does anyone have an idea who voices Lleril Morvayn? Could it be Jeff Baker again? Dragon Guard (talk)|

Awaiting Source Info

Hi everyone: just so everyone knows, we are attempting to acquire an official list of voice actors from Bethesda in order to avoid any further speculation / unreliably sourced information on this page. With that in mind let's please avoid adding any additional actor information until we receive an official list of some kind. Thanks! eshetalk 19:27, 18 June 2013 (GMT)

How long will it take until Bethesda replies? Could be forever. Dragon Guard (talk) 17:52, 19 June 2013 (GMT)

Anthony Skordi voices characters in the Dragonborn DLC

Discussion moved from User talk:Krusty#Anthony Skordi voices characters in the Dragonborn DLC eshetalk 20:09, 19 June 2013 (GMT)

In the Dragonborn DLC Anthony Skordi voices Dark Elf's with the DLC2MaleDarkElfCommoner voicetype. I have proof:

Dan Donohue does the DLC2MaleDarkElfCynical voicetype (It says on the IMDb page he voices Teldryn Sero. Teldryn Sero has this voicetype. Keith Szarabajka does the MaleDarkElf voicetype Which leaves Anthony Skordi with the DLC2MaleDarkElfCommoner voicetype It says on the Skyrim IMDb page he does the voice for Dark Elf's (DLC) that's what it says on IMDb.

Also three non-unique voicetypes for Dunmer in the Dragonborn DLC include:

DLC2MaleDarkElfCommoner DLC2MaleDarkElfCynical MaleDarkElf

Also 3/4 of the NPC's in the Dragonborn DLC are Dunmer. So it's no wonder it says on the IMDb page he does Dark Elf's for DLC.

Can you have a think about this and put it on the voice actors page if you believe what I am saying? Dragon Guard (talk) 19:03, 19 June 2013 (GMT)

Dragon Guard, I think this is the part you aren't getting. IMDB is NOT a reliable reference. It is essentially a wiki. All the information is added by users, not official in any way. If at any point the explanation goes "this person voices this BECAUSE of IMDB" we can't use that as a source. At all. We need OFFICIAL info, or reliable second-hand sources (such as an interview with the voice actor in which he specifically states he voiced Dark Elves such as Teldryn Sero). It doesn't matter what it says on the IMDB page we can't use it. Does that make sense? Jeancey (talk) 19:20, 19 June 2013 (GMT)
Well yes, but we've got Teldryn Sero's voicetype covered so that means there is Keith Szarabajka for the default Dark Elf voicetype. Anthony Skordi does the third voicetype. Can Brad Grusnick for Gunmar be put on? Dragon Guard (talk) 19:30, 19 June 2013 (GMT)
No; no further additions will be made until we're certain it comes from an official source. eshetalk 19:31, 19 June 2013 (GMT)
How long until Bethesda replies with the voice actors? If they don't reply soon I will go on Twitter and ask Bethesda and the additional voice actors myself. Dragon Guard (talk) 19:34, 19 June 2013 (GMT)
They'll respond when they respond. They may, in fact, never respond. If that's the case, we will have to prune the entire page down to only the known actors that come from an official source. We may decide to put together a table indicating which actors use the same voice type, but trying to nail them down to specific actors without an official source is too speculative. eshetalk 19:37, 19 June 2013 (GMT)
Then I will go on Twitter and ask Bethesda. With us wanting to find out the whole voice actor cast, Bethesda could put this in a minor gaming news article.
So when will the expire date be for us believing Bethesda have not responded and won't respond? Dragon Guard (talk) 19:40, 19 June 2013 (GMT)

What Female Nords does Johanna Torell voice exactly? Dragon Guard (talk) 20:42, 19 June 2013 (GMT)

We don't know; the credits page just lists her under "Nords." We won't know until we get more information. Please, please be patient. None of this is really helpful at all until we know more. eshetalk 20:49, 19 June 2013 (GMT)
I like to ask everyone to give Bethesda a week to reply to correspondence. Until then can we let this page have a rest, it's already had 134 edits in a month. If anyone wishes to persist in adding people to a list they can start a sandbox for it. Silence is GoldenBreak the Silence 21:11, 19 June 2013 (GMT)
Fine, Bethesda has until next wednesday, which is the 26th of June to respond.Dragon Guard (talk) 06:18, 20 June 2013 (GMT)
If Bethesda doesn't respond, we'll have to reset the page to just officially confirmed people. Jeancey (talk) 08:10, 20 June 2013 (GMT)
5 days and counting. Dragon Guard (talk) 06:26, 21 June 2013 (GMT)
You don't have to count down... Doing so is not helpful and further posts like that will likely be removed. Jeancey (talk) 06:29, 21 June 2013 (GMT)
Bethesda have got only 2 days left to reply. If not, then what happens? Dragon Guard (talk) 15:55, 24 June 2013 (GMT)

() Then we will simply have to go with the information we can verify from official sources. It may mean we do not have a complete list, but in my opinion that is much better than having (potentially) false information. This is per Jeancey's post above, by the way. --Nocte|Chat|Look 07:03, 25 June 2013 (GMT)

Knight Paladin Gelebor's Voice Is So Familiar

His voice is familiar, yet I just can't place it. Any idea why it is familiar? Dragon Guard (talk) 20:06, 21 June 2013 (GMT)

Lauri Hendler

I think she does the FemaleShrill voicetype (the voice of Colette Marence, Elda Early-Dawn and Viola Giordano) I don't have anything official on that but she's the only female voice actor among the other ones whose roles are unknown-- 13:47, 3 July 2013 (GMT)

No, Elisa Gabrielli does the FemaleShrill voice. Check it out here: Also, do you have any videos with Lauri Hendler's voice in it? To prove that. Dragon Guard (talk) 21:06, 3 July 2013 (GMT)
IMDB is not an official source. Vely►t►e 21:19, 3 July 2013 (GMT)
I thought Elisa Gabrielli was doing the FemaleCoward voicetype but IDBM says it's Johanna Torell-- 10:09, 6 July 2013 (GMT)
The was also a FemaleSoldier voicetype but this was unused so Lauri Hendler could have done an unused voicetype. Dragon Guard (talk) 12:05, 7 July 2013 (GMT)
You forgot about the FemaleUniqueGhost voicetype. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 18:05 on 7 July 2013
FemaleUniqueGhost voicetype. Since Johanna Torell voiced female Nords, and all female ghosts that use the FemaleUniqueGhost voicetype are all Nords, no female ghosts are non-Nords. And Elisa Gabrielli did additional voices as well as Maven Black Briar. My instinct is telling me that Johanna Torell voiced the FemaleUniqueGhost voicetype. Dragon Guard (talk) 19:43, 11 July 2013 (GMT)

Some non-IMDB sources

Okay, so I dug up Martina Lotun's resume (had to wayback, site wasn't working at present). It says she played the "Nordic Female Lead." The only Nord-specific female voicetype is FemaleNord (Mjoll, female guards etc.). In addition, it says on her biography page that "Martina also did 7 days of voice-over work (guard, owner of a brewery, priestess, teacher, wife, zombie etc...)."

I also found Claudia Christian's tweet, which links to a Facebook post showing a picture of Aela and saying this is what she looks like in Skyrim. Unfortunately, the twitter account isn't verified (doesn't have the tick). However, in her official website there's a link to that twitter account. --Quill-Tail? ! 18:56, 7 July 2013 (GMT)

Another one! Keith Silverstein does the "Condescending Male" in Skyrim and Dawnguard. here. --Quill-Tail? ! 19:54, 7 July 2013 (GMT)
I definitely appreciate the effort! I have to take those websites with a grain of salt, though. My cynicism tells me that anyone can make a webpage and label it "official", especially with an unverified twitter account... Before I add this info to my sandbox, I want to see what others think. --Nocte|Chat|Look 05:46, 8 July 2013 (GMT)
Dan Donohue voices Captain Veleth and Teldryn Sero. Dragon Guard (talk) 18:54, 11 July 2013 (GMT)

Neloth's voice

So... I was playing the Dragonborn DLC the other day, and I noticed that Neloth sounded awfully familiar... And then it dawned on me. I recognized that voice... he sounded exactly like Mung Daal from the cartoon show Chowder! They must have the same voice actor!

Apparently, Mung's voice was provided by Dwight Schultz. And if my hunch is correct, so was Neloth's.

Thoughts? 22:58, 24 July 2013 (GMT)

I lazily checked WP, and his WP article cites him as Neloth's voice actor. Of course, that's WP, so a second, more reliable source wouldn't hurt. ES(talkemail) 23:06, 24 July 2013 (GMT)

I have emailed Bethesda regarding this. They will email back within a few days. I'm sure of it. Dragon Guard (talk) 09:45, 25 July 2013 (GMT)

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