Book Information Compendium of Lost Artifacts |
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This is a gathering of research notes collected over the years on items once in mortal possession, or lost to the ages. My sources assure me that the following items exist. Although some have not been seen for years, they are pursued by many, including high ranking officials of the Empire.
Auriel's Bow
Auriel's Bow appears as a modest Elven Longbow, but it is one of the mightiest ever to exist in Tamriel's history. Allegedly created and used, like its sister Auriel's Shield, by the great Elvish demi-god, the Bow can turn any arrow into a missile of death and destruction. Without Auriel's power behind it, however, the bow uses its own store of energy for its power. Once exhausted of this energy, the bow will vanish and reappear wherever chance puts it. Its most recent appearances have been the subject of gossip for hundreds of years.
Auriel's Shield
Auriel's Shield, an Ebony shield said to have once belonged to the quasi-mythical Elvish deity Auriel, can make its wielder highly invulnerable. In its resistance to fire and magick, Auriel's Shield is unsurpassed. Like many artifacts of Tamriel, the Shield has life and personality of its own, and does not feel bound to its user. A popular fable tells the tale of it abandoning one wielder in her greatest hour of need, but this is perhaps apocryphal.
Azura's Star
Few mortals have the stomach to trade in souls. The Dark Brotherhood does it, as do certain groups within the Mages Guild. For these cruel folk, Azura's Star has a particular fascination. The Star acts as a reusable soul gem. The soul of any creature killed by the bearer of the Star is trapped within it. If the Star already carries a soul, nothing happens. Using Azura's Star empties it, freeing the trapped soul to make its journey to Oblivion. Azura's Star can be used to make enchanted items over and over and over.
Boots of Peace
Not much is known about the Boots of Peace. All that known is that they aid the wearer with enhanced mobility, stealth, ablity to do more damage in combat, and increased martial prowess.
Bow of Heaven's Hail
One of the deadliest weapons in Tamrielic legend, the Bow of Heaven's Hail was used during the invasion of the Battlespire, wielded by a famous Elven archer. The bow is known to allow a novice marksman to become a master. Every arrow fired will meet its target, even from a long distance. There has been no reports of the Legion recovering the bow from the wreckage of the Battlespire, to their dismay, as such a potent weapon would be an asset for the Empire.
Ebony Blade
The Ebony Blade, sometimes called the Vampire or the Leech, resembles an ebony katana, and its power is very dark indeed. Every time the Ebony Blade strikes an opponent, part of the damage inflicted flows into the wielder as raw power. The Blade itself may not be any more evil than those who have used it, but at some point in its history, a charm was cast on it so it would not remain with any one bladesman for long. The wizard who cast this charm sought to save the souls of any too infatuated by the Blade, and perhaps he was right to do so.
Flask of Lillandril
The Flask of Lillandril; is a magical flask discovered during the First Era of Tamriel by a group of Elves living in Lillandril, a port city on the Northern shore of Summerset Isle. Upon learning that the flask had the marvelous ability to absorb magic of any persuasion, the founders realized its importance and spread word of their discovery. According to legend the Flask was used by Cyrus the Redguard during the Battle of Stros M'kai in the late Second Era. Cyrus faced the great Sload Necromancer, N'Gasta, defeating him in his tower with the power of the Flask. Rumour has it that the Daedric Prince of Bargains, Clavicus Vile, currently possesses the Flask, and is waiting to strike a deal that no mortal can resist.
Gauntlets of the Poor
The lost spirits of the Soul Cairn exist in a fate worse than death. Through their everlasting limbo, the wraiths created the Gauntlets of the Poor, as a way to contact the outside world through a curious adventurer. The Gauntlets of the Poor's enchantment is unknown. All that is known is that no one can wear them for long. With time, the body becomes forfeit to the spirits that reside inside the gloves, waiting to become whole once again.
Helm of Light Within
The Helm of Light Within allows one to draw magicka from their opponent. This unusual helm is one of the few examples where the Battlespire enchanters were able to create magicka through the use of mechanized components. Artificers are searching for the helm to this day, yet no one knows if it survived the invasion.
Hircine's Ring
The curse of lycanthropy has its advantages. The incredible strength, speed, and ferocity of a werebeast makes it a fearsome opponent. There are, of course, disadvantages. The bearer of Hircine's Ring can choose when to be a lycanthrope and when not to, giving the wearer all the advantages of lycanthropy with few of the disadvantages.
King Orgnum's Coffer
King Orgnum's Coffer is a small-sized chest, ordinary in appearance. It is remarkably light, almost weightless, which offers a clue to its true magic. Once a day, the Coffer will create gold from naught. When King Orgnum himself possessed the Coffer, the supply within was limitless. Those who have found it since report that the Coffer eventually disappears after having dispersed enough gold to shame even the wealthiest of merchants. Where and why it vanishes is still a mystery.
Lord Methats' Pauldrons
One of the most famous Daedra, Lord Methats of the Dremora clan, servant of Mehrunes Dagon. Rumour has it that upon summoning this powerful spirit, the conjurer is granted the chance to enter service to the Daedroth. If successful in carrying out the lord's bidding, his pauldrons are granted to the mortal in question. The pauldrons are known to allow the wearer to swim with little resistance, while also allowing them to breathe underwater.
Necromancer's Amulet
The legendary Necromancer's Amulet, a relic of the mad sorcerer Mannimarco, grants any spellcaster who wears it the ability to regenerate from injury, and absorb magicka. The wearer also becomes wise beyond their years. This artifact is popular amongst mages. The one flaw of the Amulet is that it is unstable in this world, and is forever doomed to fade in and out of existence, reappearing at locations distant from the site of its last disappearance.
Oghma Infinium
The Oghma Infinium is a tome of knowledge written by the Ageless One, the wizard-sage Xarxes. All who read the Infinium are filled with the energy of the artifact, which can be manipulated to raise one's abilities to near demi-god proportions. Once used, legend has it, the Infinium will disappear from its wielder.
Ring of Namira
Namira is aligned with the darker side of nature, as is her ring. While the ring is being worn, any damage the bearer takes is suffered by the attacker as well. Spells and missile attacks are ignored.
Sanguine's Rose
The Sanguine Rose summons a lesser daedra to the user. The daedra will attack any other creature in the area except the bearer of the Rose. The Rose is like any other, in that it will wilt. The more one weilds the Rose, the more wilted it becomes. Eventually all its petals fall off and it loses its powers. Somewhere in Oblivion a new Rose blooms and is plucked by Sanguine himself to be given to a new champion.
Savior's Hide
The pieces of the Savior's Hide are some of the theĀ [sic] most sought after artifacts in Tamrielic history. The armor is crafted from the hides of many creatures of unkown origin, and its pieces are granted to the most faithful devotees of Malacath. One such champion was the great Chimere Graegyn of Caecilly, who used the armor to defy Mehrunes Dagon in the early Third Era.
Skeleton Key
The power of the Skeleton's Key is very simple, indeed. With it, any non-magically locked door or chest is instantly accessible to even the clumsiest of lockpickers. A particularly skillful lockpicker may even open some magically barred doors with the Key. Some of those who have possessed the Key have made themselves rich before it disappeared, while others have broken into places they never should have entered.
Skull of Corruption
Using the Skull of Corruption on an opponent creates a duplicate of the victim. However, this duplicate will attack the original, not the wielder of the Skull. There is a story about the Thieves Guild Master and the skull that is probably fiction, but highly amusing. The Master used the skull on her enemy, creating a clone of him to fight. After defeating the original, the clever duplicate snatched the Skull from the Master and used it on her. Although the cloned enemy could not directly attack the Master, it could use the Skull to create a duplicate Master. The two clones jointly ruled the Thieves Guild for years.
Staff of the Typos Sophia
Little is known about this staff, and even less about its origin, besides that it was known to protect the wielder from dangerous magicks. The Emperor's chief artificer Clarentavious Valisious was the last known person to possess the Staff of the Typos Sophia. During the invasion of the Battlespire, the staff was lost in the chaos, and never to be heard of again.
Sword of the Moon Reiver
The Moon Reiver is a powerful broadsword created by the Daedric Prince, Mehrunes Dagon. The sword came into existence during the invasion of the Imperial Battlespire, though, there has been no record of the sword appearing since. It may possibly still remain in the ruined Battlespire to this day. The Sword of the Moon Reiver was known to enhance the wielder's swordsmanship, while inflicting a strong poison on its victims. The blade apparently also has the power to cast the Prince of Destruction himself back into Oblivion.
The Hammer of Might, Volendrung, is said to have been created by the Dwarves of the now lost clan Rourken, hundreds of years before their disappearance from the world. Volendrung has the ability to grant health to its wielder, but it is best known for its paralyzing and strength leeching effects. Like the Dwarves who created it, Volendrung is prone to disappearing suddenly, resurfacing sometimes in days, sometimes in eons.
Madness and chaos are the trademarks of Sheogorath. The Wabbajack embodies these same traits. Using the artifact on a creature will transform it into something else.