Skeletons are a common form of undead found guarding graves and tombs.
Generic SkeletonsEdit
Nondescript skeletons, proficient in a variety of methods of combat.
Creature | Drops | Attacks | Soul | Notes | |||||
Decayed Skeleton T_Glb_Und_SkelArise_03 |
0-1 Bonemeal | 20 | 100 | 50 | 100 | 100 |
0 |
Crippled Skeleton T_Cyr_Und_SkelWk_01 |
0-1 Bonemeal Iron Shield Random Iron Weapon |
30 |
10 (Petty) |
Crippled Skeleton T_Sky_Und_SkelCr_01 |
0-1 Bonemeal Leveled Weapon |
30 (Petty) |
Skeleton T_Glb_Und_SkelArise_04 |
0-1 Bonemeal Random Iron Weapon |
38 | 0 |
Skeleton T_Cyr_Und_Skel_01 |
0-1 Bonemeal Iron Shield Random Iron Weapon |
30 (Petty) |
Plaguebearer Skeleton T_Glb_Und_SkelPl_01 |
0-1 Bonemeal Iron Shield Random Iron Weapon |
Skeleton Archer T_Cyr_Und_SkelArc_01 |
Long Bow 60 Iron Arrows 50 Leveled Arrows |
Skeleton Archer T_Mw_Und_SkelArc_01 |
Long Bow 60 Iron Arrows 50 Leveled Enchanted Arrows |
Skeleton T_Glb_Und_SkelArise_01 |
0-1 Bonemeal | 45 |
0 |
Skeleton T_Glb_Und_SkelArise_02 |
0-1 Bonemeal Random Iron Weapon |
Plaguebearer Skeleton Champion T_Glb_Und_SkelCmpPl_01 |
0-4 Bonemeal Iron Shield Random Steel Weapon |
150 | 200 (Grand) |
Skeleton Pirate T_Glb_Und_SkelPir_01 |
0-4 Bonemeal Silver Saber Random Silver Weapon |
200 |
Skeleton Warlord T_Glb_Und_SkelWLor_01 |
0-4 Bonemeal Leveled Silver Weapon |
300 | |||||||
Plaguebearer Skeleton Warlord T_Glb_Und_SkelWLorPl_01 |
Greater Skeleton Champion T_Glb_Und_SkelCmpGr_01 |
1-4 Bonemeal Iron Tower Shield Leveled Silver Weapon |
Legion SkeletonsEdit
Skeletons which used to served the Imperial Legion in life and which still bear their armor in their undeath.
Creature | Drops | Attacks | Soul | Notes | |||||
Oathbound Legionaire T_Cyr_Und_RemLegionr01 T_Cyr_Und_RemLegionr02 |
0-1 Bonemeal Random Reman Undead Weapon 1 |
70 | 100 | 50 | 100 | 100 |
50 (Lesser) |
Oathbound Captain T_Cyr_Und_RemCaptain01 |
0-1 Bonemeal Reman Shield Random Reman Undead Weapon 2 |
120 | 100 (Common) |
Skeleton Champion T_Cyr_Und_SkelCmp_01 |
0-4 Bonemeal Iron Shield Random Silver Weapon |
150 |
200 (Grand) |
Legionnaire Skeleton T_Cyr_Und_SkelLegion_01 T_Cyr_Und_SkelLegion_02 |
0-4 Bonemeal Imperial Shield Random Legion weapon |
170 | |||||||
Oathbound General T_Cyr_Und_RemGeneral01 |
0-1 Bonemeal Reman Shield Random Reman Undead Weapon 2 |
200 |
Mage SkeletonsEdit
Skeletons which are capable of casting spells.
Creature | Drops | Attacks | Soul | Notes | ||||||
Skeleton War-Wizard T_Mw_Und_SkelWWiz_01 |
0-4 Bonemeal Leveled Staff Leveled Ring |
185 | 100 | 50 | 100 | 100 |
300 (Grand) |
Racial SkeletonsEdit
Skeletons with features that identify them as members of a particular race.
Creature | Drops | Attacks | Soul | Notes | ||||||
Skeleton T_Glb_Und_SkelArg_01 T_Glb_Und_SkelArg_02 T_Glb_Und_SkelArg_03 |
0-1 Bonemeal Iron Shield Random Iron Weapon |
38 | 100 | 50 | 100 | 100 | – |
30 (Petty) |
Uses an Argonian skeleton model |
Khajiiti Skeleton T_Glb_Und_SkelKha_01 |
Iron Shield |
Uses a Khajiit skeleton model | |||||||
Skeleton T_Glb_Und_SkelOrc_01 |
2-4 Bonemeal Leveled Orcish Weapon |
48 | 25 |
Uses an Orc skeleton model | |||||
Skeleton Barbarian T_Glb_Und_SkelOrc_02 |
150 |
200 (Grand) |
Skeleton Barbarian T_Glb_Und_SkelOrc_03 |
200 |