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Tamriel Rebuilt:A Letter to King Hlaalu Helseth

< Mod / Morrowind: Tamriel Rebuilt: Items: Notes: Books
Book Information
A Letter to King Hlaalu Helseth
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
ID TR_m3-ET3_sc_helsethletter
Value 90 Weight 1.5
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A Letter to King Hlaalu Helseth
A request from the Duke of Deshaan for royal aid

Your majesty,

I have been given word that my wingman, Stelian Anonius, was ambushed and assassinated by Dres thugs on his passage to Silnim. As my operatives continue to vanish from their assigned positions, I increasingly become left without the proper services to carry out my commission as Duke of Deshaan.

Your gracious support and generosity in the past has allowed for my administration to maintain our critical Deshaan offices. With my newfound shortage of employees, I must request for more aid.

With best regards and well wishes,
Duke Phyrios Mattimus