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Tamriel Rebuilt:Ushu-Kur Mine

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Ushu-Kur Mine
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
# of Zones 4
Mine Type Iron Ore
# of Samples 8 in Iron Veins
Miners, Ushu-Dimmu
Console Location Code(s)
"Ushu-Kur"; "Ushu-Kur Mine"; "Ushu-Kur Mine, Ancient Burial"; "Ushu-Kur Mine, Company Office"; "Ushu-Kur Mine, Miners' Quarters"
Armun Ashlands, [-6,-26]
Ushu-Kur Mine

Ushu-Kur Mine is a penal iron mine owned by Hlaalu Councilman Tholer Andas.

"Yes, this is Ushu-Kur Mine. We mine iron here. This place used to be an Imperial penal mine, but House Hlaalu has been put in charge of the mine and its workers. I oversee the operations on the ground at the behest of my cousin, serjo Tholer Andas." - Gelvu Andas

To reach the mine, travel to the main settlement of the Armun Ashlands, Arvud. It can be accessed via silt strider from Andothren. Then leave Arvud via its northern entrance, and follow the road north a short way until you reach a path branching off west. Walk along this path, and continue west past the silt strider shell. The mine will be on your left.

Ushu-Kur Mine features in a single Miscellaneous quest as a recent disaster has killed a miner, with his body not yet recovered. In Find Joscus' Body, you are invited to do just that.

The mine also features heavily during the Andothren Fighters Guild questline, and you will be essentially suborned by the owning Andas family to guard it on their behalf, with Tholer's cousin Gelvu Andas giving the orders. As hired muscle, you are asked to drive off an Ashlander protestor, track down a missing iron shipment, break a miners' strike and obtain the object of Tholer Andas' desire - for the mine is barely profitable on its iron production alone.

The truth of the mine's purpose is later revealed during Digging Deeper and The Cursed Crown, as a dig to recover an artifact that supposedly has the power to undo death. Indeed, once the artifact is recovered from the body of cursed Ushu-Dimmu, Tholas Andas will ask you to close the mine down, showing how little he truly cares for its iron production (or indeed the livelihoods of the near destitute penal miners).

Related QuestsEdit

Fighters GuildEdit



Name   Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location Notes
Algus   Imperial Miner 7 98 90 95 30 Miners' Quarters
Folcard   Breton Miner 4 69 104 0 30 Mine
Gelvu Andas   Dark Elf Scribe Great House Hlaalu House Cousin(House Cousin) 12 107 148 100 30 Company Office Quest giver
Gildaraen   Wood Elf Miner 7 88 90 0 30 Mine
Joscus   Imperial Miner 1 5 90 0 30 Mine Dead
Jubal Orda   Dark Elf Warrior 20 213 110 0 30 Company Office
Manit-Pal   Dark Elf Hunter Ashlanders Clanfriend(Clanfriend) 7 71 90 0 30 Exterior
Milur   Dark Elf Miner 4 74 84 100 30 Miners' Quarters
Nivis Dalomo   Dark Elf Trader Great House Hlaalu Hireling(Hireling) 2 51 84 100 30 Company Office Merchant
Old Kassius   Imperial Miner 1 50 80 0 30 Mine
Othrys Rorivel   Dark Elf Caravaner Great House Hlaalu Retainer(Retainer) 5 74 114 90 30 Exterior Travel services
Tryr   Nord Miner 15 172 82 95 30 Miners' Quarters