The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journalconsole command to manually update the quest to a certain point.
Blessing for a Beast (TR_m1_FW_IC1_Guar)
Finishes Quest
Journal Entry
Theurgist Tarom's first errand for me is to help heal a sick pack guar belonging to Fainat Masiriran, an ashlander merchant in Firewatch's Market Quarter.
Fainat Masiriran's guar appears to be healed. I should return to the Theurgist to report my success.
Finishes quest
Tarom was content to hear that Fainat Masiriran's Guar had been healed, and rewarded me with two healing potions.
Finishes quest
Tarom was furious with me for killing Fainat Masiriran's guar. I have been expelled from the Imperial Cult.
Finishes quest
Tarom was furious with me for killing Fainat Masiriran. I have been expelled from the Imperial Cult.