The Bosouada is a river that flows through the Molagreahd in the northeast of mainland Morrowind. It starts as a stream outside the Telvanni Library and flows north, and is joined by its major tributary, the Sirouada just outside Ranyon-ruhn. The river continues generally north, veering to the east at one point, before heading northwest and flowing into Dunnechi Bay at Tel Ouada.
The banks of the river are low along most of its length, leading to large flood-plains and rich, fertile ground. Possibly because of the dangers of flooding, there are few landmarks along its length. The abandoned Verdunasha-Beracavada Egg Mine is a little way back from its banks, and the Alendu Plantation - currently growing mucksponges in the muddy ground - are the only two of note.
For much of its length, the river defines the eastern spur of the Molagreahd: if it wasn't for the river valley, the area would be counted as part of the Boethiah's Spine region.