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Tamriel Rebuilt:Cimon

< Mod / Morrowind: Tamriel Rebuilt: People
Cimon (TR_m1_Cimon)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home City Port Telvannis
Location Tel Thenim: Lower Tower
Race Imperial Gender Male
Level 15 Class Noble
Other Information
Health 123 Magicka 124
Alarm 60 Fight 30

Cimon is an Imperial noble who can be found in the lower tower of Tel Thenim in Port Telvannis. He is an envoy from Firewatch, and presumably trying to gain an audience with Archmagister Rilvin Dral.

He wears an extravagant shirt, with matching pants, shoes, and gloves. He wields a glass jinkblade, and carries a bottle of Cyrodiilic Brandy and another of Flin.

Aside from his natural charm and ability to absorb fatigue from others, he knows no spells.


  • Tel Thenim:
"I have been sent here as a special envoy from Firewatch. The Telvanni aren't terribly receptive to me, though."