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Tamriel Rebuilt:Corane Morianne

< Mod / Morrowind: Tamriel Rebuilt: People
Corane Morianne (TR_m4_q_Corane_Morianne)
Location Outside Olthan Ancestral Tomb
Race Breton Gender Male
Level 15 Class Noble
Other Information
Health 60 Magicka 150
Alarm 0 Fight 30
Corane Morianne

Corane Morianne is a Breton noble and the husband of Francessa Morianne. The two are visiting Morrowind from High Rock, but have lately been ditched by their Dunmer guide, Gilmaso Olthan after the two asked that he take them on a tour of Olthan Ancestral Tomb. The two can be found outside the tomb in the Roth Roryn region, and Corane will request that you guide them through the complex.

Corane proves acquisitive on the tour however, and will enrage the tomb's guardians via the theft of an Ancestral Amulet. Assuming he survives the experience however (and that you did not rob him), he will reward you handsomely.

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