Tamriel Rebuilt:Daedra
< Mod / Morrowind: Tamriel Rebuilt: Creatures(Redirected from Tamriel Rebuilt:Daedric Batfiend)ClannfearEdit
A fierce, large lizard-like Daedra which is commonly sought for its heart which is used in Alchemy.
Creature | Drops | Attacks | Soul | |
Clannfear TR_m1_Q_FWclannfear_UNI |
Daedra's Heart | 113 |
100 (Common) |
- Lord Drekhva Yashaz is a unique Dremora found in Yashazmus.
- Uridimmu is a unique Dremora found in the Swallowed Passages of Khalaan.
Creature | Drops | Attacks | Soul | |||
Dremora T_Dae_Cre_Drem_01 TR_M1_Q66_GHT_El2_Dremo |
Random Melee Weapon Daedra's Heart |
160 | 100 | 20 |
100 (Common) |
"The Dridrea, sometimes called a spider daedroth, is an unreliable daedric spirit. They are servant of Prince Mephala, but are so whimsical and chaotic they are often independent, or in the employ of another Lord of Misrule. Mehrunes Dagon and Sheogorath, notably, are said to appreciate them for the havoc they spread." - in-game dialogue
They are occasionally found in Daedric Shrines and in caves.
Creature | Drops | Attacks | Soul | ||
Dridrea T_Dae_Cre_Drid_01 |
Daedra's Heart Dridrea Silk |
250 |
300 (Grand) |
Dridrea Matriarch T_Dae_Cre_DridGr_01 |
Daedra's Heart Dridrea Silk |
500 |
500 (Grand) |
Dridrea Monarch T_Dae_Cre_DridBs_01 |
Daedra's Heart Dridrea Silk |
1000 | 5 |
600 (Divine) |
Dridrea Spawnling T_Dae_Cre_DridLs_01 |
Daedra's Heart | 125 |
150 (Greater) |
Guardians are rare Daedric servants who guard important areas. They have a great number of resistances and deal significant damage.
This creature is inspired by the two guardians who appeared in Redguard in the realm of Clavicus Vile.
Creature | Drops | Attacks | Soul | Notes | |||||||||
Min-Tal TR_m1_GuardianGindaman |
0-1 Daedra's Heart Daedric Claymore |
325 | 50 | 50 | 100 | 50 | 50 | 100 | 50 | 20 |
300 (Grand) |
The Hunger is one of the many servants of Daedra Lord Boethiah and is known to be capable of quickly destroying its opponents' armor and weapons. The Hunger uses its long tongue to attack as well as its claws and spells. A summoned Hunger can make a useful guardian against a well-armored foe.
Creature | Drops | Attacks | Soul | ||||||
Hunger TR_m1_aranyon-hunger |
Daedra's Heart | 170 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 |
250 (Grand) |
Morphoids are horned Daedra similar to the Herne, although they are slightly stronger and are capable spellcasters. As with the Herne, they first appeared in Battlespire.
A unique Morphoid merchant named Koshtiliashu appears in the Market Quarter sewers in Firewatch.
Creature | Drops | Attacks | Soul | Notes | |||
Koshtiliashu TR_m1_FWSewers_Morphoid |
Daedric Crossbow | 95 | 100 | 100 |
150 (Greater) |
Very large, but none too intelligent, servants of the Daedra Lord Malacath.
Creature | Drops | Attacks | Soul | |||
Ogrim TR_m1_Q59_HaO_cr_Ogrm |
Daedra's Heart | 170 | 100 | 1-5 |
165 (Greater) |
Ogrim Behemoth TR_m1_Beh |
Daedra's Heart Shadowhood Glass Wakizashi Daedric Arrows Khajiit Skull |
500 | 100 | 1-5 |
165 (Greater) |
A weak and cowardly servant of Mehrunes Dagon. Both the most common Daedra in the game and the weakest. They are immune to unenchanted iron and steel weapons.
Creature | Drops | Attacks | Soul | ||||||
Scamp TR_m1_q67_Fa2_Scamp TR_m1_Tel_Darys_Scamp_i |
Scamp Skin | 45 | 50 | 50 | 75 | 50 | 100 |
100 (Common) |
These Daedra are only slightly intelligent and typically attack on sight. They have often served Mehrunes Dagon.
Creature | Drops | Attacks | Soul | |||
Telvanni Vault Guardian TR_m1_PTVault_Vermai |
Daedra's Heart | 200 | 100 | 1-5 |
160 (Greater) |
Vermai T_Dae_Cre_Verm_01 |
Daedra's Heart | 150 |
150 (Greater) |
Vermai TR_m1_Vermai_PT |
300 |
150 (Greater) |
Vermai TR_m1_vermai_Rilvin |
Daedra's Heart | 150 | 100 | 1-5 |
160 (Greater) |