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Tamriel Rebuilt:Sulfurwatch Keep

< Mod / Morrowind: Tamriel Rebuilt: Places: Forts(Redirected from Tamriel Rebuilt:Delvyn Guraneth)

Sulfurwatch Keep
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Commodore Kventus Lucilius
Console Location Code(s)
"Sulfurwatch Keep"; "Sulfurwatch Keep, Extinguished Lighthouse"; "Sulfurwatch Keep, Interior"; "Sulfurwatch Keep, Lighthouse"; "Sulfurwatch Keep, Ruins"
Clambering Moor, [-8,-10]
Sulfurwatch Keep

Sulfurwatch Keep is an Imperial Navy keep held by a skeletal legion.

Sulfurwatch Keep after restoration

The keep is one of two Imperial fortresses that fell in an assault led by the lich, Grurn, and at the time of the quest, Siege at Firemoth, it is held by assorted raised dead, including the powerful Yavatra. Beyond a wealth of Imperial equipment, it contains little loot of note.

Sulfurwatch Keep can be restored along with the nearby Fort Firemoth during Firemoth Rekindled. If this happens, Kventus Lucilius will take command of the fortress, and thew Imperial Navy cutter, TEM Ashrunner, will appear at the docks. The shipmaster, Surshanabi Hluvur, can provide safe passage to Roth Roryn aboard her ship Third Coin.

Related QuestsEdit

Imperial LegionEdit


  • The ruined versions of the keep's interiors have different cell names to the rebuilt versions, allowing you to access both using the console if desired.


The individuals below only appear during Firemoth Rekindled, or after that quest's completion.

Name   Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location Notes
Athusa Gelvendu   Dark Elf Cook Imperial Navy Recruit(Recruit) 6 66 120 90 30 Keep
Avelia Dacian   Imperial Sailor Imperial Navy Captain(Captain) 17 149 106 100 30 TEM Ashrunner
Black-Slough   Argonian Smith Imperial Legion Spearman(Spearman) 5 78 86 100 30 Keep Smith
Cora   Redguard Drillmaster Imperial Navy Midshipman(Midshipman) 20 174 110 100 30 Keep Trainer
Delvyn Guraneth   Dark Elf Sailor Imperial Navy Mariner(Mariner) 7 84 90 100 30 Exterior
Kventus Lucilius   Imperial Warrior Imperial Navy Commodore(Commodore) 19 205 108 100 30 Keep
Leite Cloud-Fletched   Nord Archer Imperial Navy Lieutenant(Lieutenant) 15 141 82 100 30 TEM Ashrunner
Saccius Bastis   Imperial Guard Imperial Legion Knight Errant(Knight Errant) 25 244 132 100 30 Exterior Disappears after Firemoth Rekindled
Surshanabi Hluvur   Dark Elf Shipmaster 4 49 106 90 30 Exterior Shipmaster