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Tamriel Rebuilt:Odirnamus

< Mod / Morrowind: Tamriel Rebuilt: Places: Caves(Redirected from Tamriel Rebuilt:Dobias)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
# of Zones 1
Bandits, Slaves
Console Location Code(s)
Coronati Basin, [-1,-35]
West of Nim

Odirnamus is a bandit cave and encampment southwest of Hlan Oek

The entrance lies within the side of the hill on which the Velothi tower of Nim stands. The bandits here have been predating upon pilgrims traveling the nearby roads, with two held in captivity at the time of your arrival. The fate of these individuals is of considerable concern to Hlan Oek's temple master, Nivis Serethran, who will send you to rescue the pair.

The key to the slave bracers is on the table in the southeastern chamber.

Related QuestsEdit

Tribunal TempleEdit


  • A journal within the cave indicates that the bandits were being paid for live prisoners by one A.P. While this signee was originally intended to be the occupant of nearby Nim, it is unclear who the initials currently represent.


Name   Race Class Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location
Bolugbeka gra-Shargakh   Orc Smith 17 185 106 0 100 Odirnamus
Dobias   Imperial Barbarian 11 118 96 0 100 Odirnamus
Galdrys Benith   Dark Elf Thief 15 112 124 0 100 Odirnamus
Gine Rorielle   Breton Nightblade 12 72 124 0 100 Odirnamus
Modran Falvanys   Dark Elf Slave 3 58 84 0 30 Odirnamus
Nalur Brilyn   Dark Elf Slave 3 58 84 0 30 Odirnamus
Pavel Bordier   Breton Rogue 10 93 114 0 100 Outside
Phinis Evrard   Breton Warrior 22 222 134 0 100 Odirnamus