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Tamriel Rebuilt:Gaulus the Jailor

< Mod / Morrowind: Tamriel Rebuilt: People
Gaulus the Jailor (TR_m3_Gaulus)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home City Old Ebonheart
Location Ebon Tower, Legion: Dungeons
Race Imperial Gender Male
Level 10 Class Guard
Other Information
Health 127 Magicka 100
Alarm 100 Fight 30
Faction(s) Imperial Legion 2(Trooper)
Gaulus the Jailor, warden of the Imperial Legion prison in Old Ebonheart

Gaulus the Jailor is an Imperial guard and Trooper of the Imperial Legion who watches over the Legion dungeons in Old Ebonheart's Ebon Tower. These dungeons contain a number of notables, including General Casik, who was the former commander of the Imperial Legion in Morrowind, and also Beru Vesuri, the love interest of the Duke of Deshaan. Gaulus will permit access to both of these characters during their respective quests.

He wears an Imperial studded leather cuirass, a set of studded leather greaves, a pair of studded leather boots, a pair of studded leather pauldrons, and an Imperial skirt. He wields a steel mace, and carries keys to the doors leading to the cells, the 4 main cells, and the other cells below them.

Aside from his natural charm and ability to absorb fatigue from others, he knows no spells.

Related QuestsEdit


  • Belated Justice: General Casik has been languishing in a dungeon for three decades. He still insists that he is innocent.
  • The Exiled Duke's Affair: The Duke wants a lover and the thief wants out.


  • Greeting:
"Welcome to the Legion Dungeon, where you can be six feet under for the rest of eternity without the freedom of being dead."
  • Background:
"They call me %Name. Injure your leg just once, and they tie you to a chair for the rest of your life. Oh, but I assure you, I can still swing my mace. No prisoner escapes on my watch."
  • Casik:
"The former general is one of our more infamous prisoners. He was a well-respected leader at one time."

Belated JusticeEdit

  • Greetings:
"Yes? Are you lost, or is there something I can help you with? This is a restricted area, and no one is allowed in the dungeons without proper authorization."
  • I've come to see a prisoner of yours, General Casik. I have this note from the Minister of Justice.:
"Ah, I see. Very well, then. You'll find General Casik in the first cell on the left." (You receive Ebon Tower Prison Level 1 Key and Ebon Tower Prison Level 2 Key)
(If you don't have the Note from Minister of Justice):
"What are you talking about? What note? Stop wasting my time, %PCRace."
  • Nothing at the moment.:
"Then move along. This is no place to sightsee."
(If you are a member of the Imperial Legion):
"Yes? Is there something I can help you with, %PCRank? This is a restricted area, and no one is allowed in the dungeons without proper authorization."
  • I've come to see a prisoner of yours, General Casik. I have this note from the Minister of Justice.:
"Ah, of course, %PCRank. You'll find General Casik in the first cell on the left." (You receive Ebon Tower Prison Level 1 Key and Ebon Tower Prison Level 2 Key)
(If you don't have the Note from Minister of Justice):
"What are you talking about? What note? It seems you've misplaced it, %PCRank.
  • Nothing at the moment.:
"If you have no pressing business, %PCRank, I must get back to my work."
  • Casik:
(If you have the Note from Minister of Justice):
"The General is being held in the dungeons. He's downstairs in the first cell on the left."
(If he has been found innocent):
"So we were keeping an innocent man locked up down here for thirty years. Unbelievable. I saw him as he was leaving. He looked like a man who had come back to life."
(If he was found guilty):
"It's the strangest thing. When they carried out General Casik's sentence and beheaded him, his body changed to that of a Dremora's. Even though I saw it with my own two eyes, I still have a hard time believing it."
(If General Casik is dead):
"You got some nerve waltzing in here and attacking one of my prisoners, %PCRace. Yeah, you proved that the General was actually a Daedra, but that doesn't excuse your actions." (Disposition -25)
(If General Casik is dead and you are a member of the Imperial Legion):
"Where's your sense of decorum, %PCRank? You got some nerve waltzing in here and attacking one of our prisoners. Yes, you proved that the General was actually a Daedra. Congratulations. Now get out of my sight." (Disposition -20)

The Exiled Duke's AffairEdit

  • Duke's affair:
"Come to see the Duchess, eh? Ha ha ha. Jokes aside, no one can enter without proper authorization. Do you have the papers?"
  • I don't want to enter.:
"Then don't waste my time. I'm not here to gossip."
(If you have Permission to Enter):
  • Here's permission from the Duke.:
"Yes, everything's in order. She's in the first cell to the right." (You receive Ebon Tower Prison Level 1 Key and Ebon Tower Prison Level 2 Key)
(If your Mercantile ≥ 40):
  • Sure. [Give 250 gold.]:
"Ahem. Everything's in order. She's in the first cell to the right." (Removed 250 gold from your inventory, and you receive Ebon Tower Prison Level 1 Key and Ebon Tower Prison Level 2 Key)
  • Sure. [Give 500 gold.]:
"Ahem. Everything's in order. She's in the first cell to the right." (Removed 500 gold from your inventory, and you receive Ebon Tower Prison Level 1 Key and Ebon Tower Prison Level 2 Key)
(If you are at least Knight Errant of the Imperial Legion):
"Were you sent to investigate the situation, %PCRank? I expected this to happen eventually. She's in the first cell to the right." (You receive Ebon Tower Prison Level 1 Key and Ebon Tower Prison Level 2 Key)
"I already gave you the keys. How many sets do you think I have?"