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Tamriel Rebuilt:High Priest Kutag-Mal

< Mod / Morrowind: Tamriel Rebuilt: Creatures: Daedra
High Priest Kutag-Mal (TR_m4_Bal_KutagMal)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Location Ald Balaal, Shrine
Species Daedroth Soul Grand (250)
Level 30 Type Daedra
  • 23-38 pts Melee
  • 22-37 pts Melee
  • 24-39 pts Melee
  • Shockbloom, Shock Damage, 1-25 pts for 5 secs in 10 m on Target
  • Poisonbloom, Fire Damage, 1-20 pts for 5 secs in 10 m on Target
Other Information
Health 280 Magicka 195
Alarm 0 Fight 90
High Priest Kutag-Mal

High Priest Kutag-Mal is a Daedroth found within Ald Balaal. Along with the other named Daedra in this location, it is a servant of Molag Bal. It is capable of summoning Storm Atronachs to aid it in combat.

You will be tasked with the destruction of Kutag-Mal during the Baluath Clan quest, A New Lair. Your challenge is one that the Daedroth will accept gladly, relishing both the prospect of a victory, and of a potential return to Coldharbour.

Related QuestsEdit

Baluath ClanEdit

  • A New Lair: Return the Baluath to a den reminiscent of their ancient glory.