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Tamriel Rebuilt:Himnatis

< Mod / Morrowind: Tamriel Rebuilt: People / Trainers
Himnatis (TR_m1_Himnatis)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home Town Llothanis
Location The Water's Shadow Tavern
Race Imperial Gender Male
Level 24 Class Agent
Training Speechcraft (80)
Light Armor (74)
Sneak (70)
Other Information
Health 159 Magicka 130
Alarm 90 Fight 20
Himnatis in the Water's Shadow Tavern

Himnatis is an Imperial agent who can be found in the Water's Shadow Tavern in Llothanis. He is a member of the Blades, and is currently on the trail of a smuggler who needs to be brought to justice. He is also an major trainer in Speechcraft, Light Armor and Sneak. Unfortunately, he no longer offers training once the related quest is complete.

He wears a common robe, a chitin helm, a pair of chitin boots, and a pair of chitin gauntlets. He wields a Glass Jinkblade, and carries 10 gold and a goblet.

Aside from his natural charm and ability to absorb fatigue from others, he knows the following spells: Bone Guard, Bound Dagger, Firefist, and Paralysis.

Related QuestsEdit



  • Greeting:
"I'm %Name. What do you wish to ask me about?"

A Smuggler FoundEdit

  • Greetings:
"Hmm, %PCClass... perhaps you could... no, never mind. I can't trust you."

If Disposition is at least 70:

"Hmm, %PCClass... perhaps you could lend a helping hand?"

If you are a member of the Blades:

"%PCName, what a pleasant surprise. I know a little bit about you. I see you've come a long way from being a prisoner of the Empire. Yes, I know of your release from prison. I also know that you are a member of the Blades, as am I. I am here on a mission that might become much easier if you can lend a helping hand."
"Gritnol is over near the passage to the rooms below. Lure him to a private room. I'll be there." Goodbye

If you have told Gritnol about Himnatis:

"You said you'd help me, %PCName. Now, why haven't you spoken with Gritnol?"

If Gritnol has left Llothanis:

"Get out of my sight. I have work to do." Goodbye

When confronting Gritnol:

"Greetings, Gritnol. My name is unimportant. Suffice it to say that I am the closest representative of the Emperor that you will ever meet, and it is my duty as that representative to arrest you for treason against the Empire. Do you stand down or will I have the honor of executing you instead?" Goodbye

Once he has paralyzed Gritnol:

"Paralysis is a wonderful thing, wouldn't you agree, %PCName? I'm sure Gritnol would agree as well, if he could speak, that is. Now what are we to do with our prisoner, %PCName? He resisted arrest, and killing him now will save me a good deal of tedious paperwork, but I bow to your decision in this matter. What will it be?"
  • Do with him as you please.: "Very well. Feel free to scavenge anything you find from the body. Gritnol certainly won't get any more use from his possessions." Goodbye (He kills Gritnol)
  • He is helpless. Take him into custody.: "Very well, I'll take Gritnol into custody. Thank you for your assistance, %PCName." Goodbye
If you are a member of the Blades:
"Very well, I'll take Gritnol into custody. Thank you for your assistance, %PCName. I don't think Gritnol will have any use for his moonsugar and skooma. You should take them -- I'm sure that Caius Cosades has explained all you need to know about disposing of such items." Goodbye (You receive 5 Moon Sugar and 2 Skooma)

If you try talking to him when he's killing Gritnol:

"Not now!" Goodbye

If Gritnol is dead:

"Well, this business is apparently over. Thank you for your aid, %PCName. Feel free to scavenge anything you find from the body; Gritnol certainly won't get any more use from his possessions." Goodbye
"Thank you again for your aid, %PCName."
  • lend a helping hand:

If Disposition is at least 70 OR you are a member of the Blades:

"Indeed. You see, I have tracked a smuggler of illicit materials, namely moon sugar, skooma, slaves and... certain valuable information regarding Imperial activities, to this tavern here. In fact, he is standing in this very room. Recently his customers have included a Dres noble who is scheming against the Empire. I mean to capture him but need to get him alone, away from this crowd. He knows me: we have a... history. I can't speak to him without risking exposure. That's where you come in."
  • Continue: "If you pose as a customer who wants to buy moon sugar, you can lure him below, into one of the private rooms. There, I can deal with him without disturbing the locals. What do you say?"
  • I'll do it.: "Excellent. He's standing over there, by that passage leading to the lower level of the building. Good luck." Goodbye
  • I'd rather not be involved.: "Hmm. Well, should you change your mind, I'll still be here."
"Gritnol is over near the passage to the rooms below. Lure him to a private room. I'll be there." Goodbye
"You have been highly effective. It is not so often that I stumble upon a kindred spirit in these lands."

If you let Gritnol flee Llothanis:

"Wait... I get it, you told him! Damn your insolence. I can't kill him here, or I risk my reputation and my cover. I will have to continue the chase for Gritnol outside of Llothanis. As for you... get out of my sight!" Goodbye (Disposition down by 50)