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Tamriel Rebuilt:Irele Nathryon

< Mod / Morrowind: Tamriel Rebuilt: People / Merchants
Irele Nathryon (TR_m1_Irele_Nathryon)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home Town Ranyon-ruhn
Store Irele Nathryon: Alchemist
Race Dark Elf Gender Female
Level 20 Class Alchemist Service
Gold 580 Mercantile Novice (7)
Other Information
Health 110 Magicka 200
Alarm 90 Fight 30
Faction(s) Great House Telvanni 2(Oathman)
Irele Nathryon

Irele Nathryon is a Dark Elf alchemist and Oathman of House Telvanni who runs a store on the northeast side of Ranyon-ruhn. Her shop has recently become the subject of vicious slander by a newcomer: Sinsal Nedriem. She and the local healer, Nevusa Lakasyn, want somebody to shut Nedriem's mouth.

She wears an extravagant robe, and carries many of the potions and ingredients that she keeps stocked for her shop.

Aside from her natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by her ancestors, she knows the following spells: Absorb Intelligence, Absorb Speed, Absorb Speed (Ranged), Absorb Willpower, Dire Weary, Reflect, Second Barrier, Spell Absorption, Strong Fire Shield, Strong Frost Shield, Strong Reflect, Strong Shock Shield, Strong Spelldrinker, Summon Clannfear, Summon Greater Bonewalker, Weak Spelldrinker, and Wild Spelldrinker.

Related QuestsEdit



  • Ranyon-ruhn:
"I've been in this town since birth. Grew up, studied and came to have my own shop. And after all these years that thrice-damned shame of a Dunmer, Sinsal Nedriem, spreads slanders about me. ME! Oh, I'd love to get my hands on his neck and make him drink a dozen vials of...of anything that'll shut his mouth. Permanently."
  • Services:
"This is a small town, so you will find little in the way of services, %PCName. You may enjoy some ale in the Dancing Jug, or ask Nevusa Lakasyn to treat your wounds. If you consider leaving Ranyon-ruhn alone and on foot, you might want to see what Kobin Delas and Hekka Gildaren have to offer. And of course, I sell potions and alchemy supplies."
  • someone in particular:
"Master Mithras is the local Telvanni lord. You can find him in Tel Aranyon. I often work with Nevusa Lakasyn, our healer, her shop is here in the town. If you are an investor or a miner you may want to talk to Azariah Thelas or Mirisun Varen, down at the mine."

Alchemical SlanderEdit

  • Greeting:
"Come in, %PCRace. Potions, ingredients, apparatus; everything you need is here. It's good to know that not everyone listens to the slanders of that s'wit..."
"Welcome back, %PCName. Have you shut the slandering mouth of Sinsal Nedriem yet?"

If you accepted Sinsal's deal:

"Filth! You sold us out! Get out of my sight!" Goodbye
  • slander:
"I don't wish to discuss this."

If Disposition is at least 65:

"It's that Sinsal Nedriem, over at the Dancing Jug. The little s'wit arrived here a few months ago and began telling the most outrageous lies, defaming both me and Nevusa Lakasyn. He's dreaming of driving us out of business and becoming the only potion seller in Ranyon-ruhn, but we'll get our revenge sooner or later. Say, could you assist us and rid Ranyon-ruhn of that impostor?"
  • Sure, why not?: "Great. All you need to do is find some way to shake him. He's got lots of nerve and won't stop until he's the only remaining alchemist in town, so you'll need to be rough. But don't start a bar brawl: the guards won't tolerate it. The best thing to do is talk to him and see if you can find out something useful."
  • I have no interest in this.: "Please, %PCName, your refusal will be the end of me."
"Please be quick. I'm losing more clients with each passing day."

After talking to Simeth and agreeing to his first plan:

"Simeth wants me to give you a poison? A strong one? I don't understand, but if Simeth said so... Here you go. Be careful." (You receive a Deadly Poison)
"I hope you kick Sinsal off the cliff for what he's done."
"I just heard that Sinsal was seen leaving Ranyon-ruhn. You did it, %PCName, you saved us! I can't thank you enough, but please, take these as a token of my gratitude. I hope they serve you as well as you served me." (Disposition up by 10, and you receive 3 Quality Restore Health potions)
"No more slander for us, thanks to you."

If you accepted Sinsal's deal:

"I am sorely disappointed, %PCName."

If you killed Sinsal:

"I hear you killed Sinsal, %PCName. I am ashamed that my name will now be associated with this violence, and am disappointed in you for perpetrating it. Leave me."

Removing the GuardEdit

  • slander:

If you have convinced the guard outside Ashamul that Sinsal Nedriem is the guar thief:

"I just heard that Sinsal was arrested! I don't know how, but you did it, %PCName, you saved us! I can't thank you enough, but please, take these as a token of my gratitude. I hope they serve you as well as you served me." (Disposition up by 10, and you receive 3 Quality Restore Health potions)
"No more slander for us, thanks to you."


  • Negative numbers indicate restocking items.
  • Items in bold are Leveled Lists. Click on them to learn more about what they may contain.
Item Qty
Bargain Disease Resistance 2
Bargain Fortify Health Potion 2
Bargain Restore Fatigue 3
Bargain Restore Health -3
Bargain Restore Magicka 3
Cheap Disease Resistance 2
Cheap Potion of Fortify Health 2
Cheap Potion of Fortify Luck 1
Cheap Restore Fatigue 2
Cheap Restore Health -5
Cheap Restore Magicka 1
Cyrodiilic Brandy 1
Exclusive Potion of Light -2
Exclusive Restore Health -5
Exclusive Restore Magicka -4
Flin 1
Greef 1
Potion of Cure Blight Disease -5
Potion of Cure Common Disease -10
Potion of Cure Paralyzation 1, -1
Potion of Cure Poison -1
Quality Disease Resistance -2
Quality Fortify Fatigue 1
Quality Potion of Light -3
Quality Potion of Night-Eye -2
Quality Potion of Silence 1
Quality Restore Health -10
Quality Restore Intelligence 1
Quality Restore Magicka -4
Quality Restore Strength 1
Shein 1
Standard Disease Resistance -2
Standard Fortify Intelligence 1
Standard Lightning Shield -1
Standard Potion of Burden 1
Standard Potion of Fire Shield -1
Standard Potion of Frost Shield -1
Standard Potion of Jump -2
Standard Potion of Light -3
Standard Potion of Night-Eye -2
Standard Potion of Reflection -2
Standard Potion of Restore Luck -3
Standard Potion of Shadow 3
Standard Restore Agility -3
Standard Restore Endurance -3
Standard Restore Health Potion -11
Standard Restore Magicka Potion -4
Standard Restore Intelligence -3
Standard Restore Personality -3
Standard Restore Speed -3
Item Qty
Potions (Cont.)
Standard Restore Strength -3
Standard Restore Willpower -3
Alit Hide -3
Alit Meat -3
Ampoule Pod 1
Ash Salts 1, -3
Ash Yam -3
Black Anther 2
Bonemeal 1
Chokeweed 2
Coda Flower 1
Comberry 1
Crab Meat 3
Frost Salts 1
Gravedust 1
Green Lichen 2
Guar Hide 1
Guar Meat -3
Heather -5
Hound Meat -3
Kagouti Meat -3
Kwama Meat -3
Large Kwama Egg -6
Luminous Russula -5
Marshmerrow 2
Muck 1, -3
Nightshade -4
Ornada Egg -3
Ornada Meat -3
Racer Meat -3
Racer Plumes 1, -3
Rat Meat -3
Raw Musk -2
Resin 1, -4
Roobrush 2
Saltrice -5
Scales -3
Scamp Skin 2, -3
Scathecraw 1
Scrib Jerky 1
Small Kwama Egg -6
random_de_cheapfood_01_ne 10
random_gem 1
T_Mw_Random_CheapfoodDunmerM1/2 3
T_Mw_Random_Ingredient 21
Apprentice's Mortar and Pestle 1
Master's Alembic 1
Master's Mortar and Pestle 1