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Tamriel Rebuilt:Llania Darvani

< Mod / Morrowind: Tamriel Rebuilt: People / Merchants
Llania Darvani (TR_m2_Llania Darvani)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home Town Akamora
Store Underground Bazaar
Race Dark Elf Gender Female
Level 5 Class Publican
Gold 450
Other Information
Health 63 Magicka 92
Alarm 100 Fight 30
Llania Darvani

Llania Darvani is a Dark Elf publican who runs the bar in the Underground Bazaar in Akamora. She wears an extravagant shirt with a matching skirt and shoes. She also carries her stock of local and imported brews and liquors in addition to her gold.

Llania was once the owner of the Laughing Goblin, the town tavern, but claims to have been swindled out of it by Telera Parys, who now also owns the Undergound Bazaar in which Llania works. Apparently fearless of reprisals, Llania has no issue with declaring Telera's greed.