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Tamriel Rebuilt:Dagon Urul

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Mount Sarrunabi towering over the Dagon Urul region
Firewatch, Imperial capital of Telvannis District
The Daedric ruins of Ebunammidan
File:TR3-map-Dagon Urul.jpg
Map of Dagon Urul
Dagon Urul Weather Table
Clear 5% Thunder 5%
Cloudy 15% Foggy 40%
Ash 5% Blight 0%
Overcast 15% Rain 15%
Snow 0% Blizzard 0%
Crossed by Veloth, who tamed its tumbling river, and rift by the creation of the Inner Sea, which shattered its mountains and linked the river to the Sea of Ghosts, Aanthirin has always had a central role in Morrowind's history. So too now that its status as Morrowind's crossroad has made it the focus of a bitter trade and territorial dispute between the dominant House Indoril and ascendant House Hlaalu. Divided between those houses, linked by Imperial trade interests and Temple authority, one thing is clear: though its river now flows gently and farms are abundant, Aanthirin itself has yet to be tamed. A Temple stronghold, Almas Thirr, sits in the middle of the region and regulates most of the province's trade. —Tamriel Rebuilt

Dagon Urul is a rocky and unpleasant coastal region in the Telvannis District of Morrowind. Dagon Urul clings to the northeastern edge of the Inner Sea, mirroring the Vvardenfell region of Azura's Coast. While the coasts resemble the bleak and rocky isles of Azura's Coast, the northern reach of the region encompasses a burnt-out valley, draped in the ash and shadow of Mount Sarrunabi. The ash of the mountain clings onto the shores of Nolubal Bay, the abandoned Dunmer stronghold Koranyon sitting in the mountain's shadow.


A list of places found in the Dagon Urul region.


Cities (Tier II)Edit

Outposts (Tier V)Edit



Daedric RuinsEdit

Dunmer StrongholdsEdit

  • Koranyon — An ancient Dunmer stronghold that forms the base of Nord reavers terrorising the Inner Sea.
  • Mandaran — A marauder-infested stronghold that has been troubling trade in the Inner Sea.

Dwemer RuinsEdit

  • Bthalag-Zturamz — A lava-strewn ruin near Firewatch that is home to immense wealth and an unusual puzzle.
  • Ratharzak — A stout tower and the twin of nearby Yaztaramz.
  • Rthungzark — A Dwemer ruin clinging to the side of the volcanic Mount Sarrunabi.
  • Yaztaramz — The home of a Telvanni wizard conducting research on the Dwemer.





Velothi TowersEdit

  • Arvs-Nalor — A Velothi tower that is home to a Telvanni alchemist and his assistant.
  • Nassudan — A small Velothi tower, previously inhabited by a necromancer, currently inhabited by an angry, trapped Orc.

Related QuestsEdit

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A list of quests involving the Dagon Urul region.

Faction QuestsEdit

Miscellaneous QuestsEdit


Name   Race Class Faction Level Health Magicka Alarm Fight Location Notes
Andreran Morath   Dark Elf Merchant 11 106 132 80 30 (24,1)
Enissa   Wood Elf Savant Great House Telvanni Hireling(Hireling) 6 54 120 0 25 (21,15)
Fasil Dran   Dark Elf Scribe Census and Excise Office Operative(Operative) 7 84 90 60 30 (24,1)
Fevasa Ralen   Dark Elf Shaman 6 58 120 0 90 (24,8)
Gilden Salas   Dark Elf Hunter 8 76 92 0 90 (24,8)
Gra-Ghosh The Skullkeeper   Orc Barbarian 38 285 140 0 90 (23,10)
Irelle Namarce   Breton Acrobat Census and Excise Office Novice(Novice) 3 48 104 90 30 (24,1)
Mondras Ravil   Dark Elf Scout 6 78 92 0 100 (20,14)
Nalrin Vere   Dark Elf Farmer 5 75 86 80 30 (25,7)
Naris Mero   Dark Elf Hunter 12 98 98 0 100 (21,14)
Ravaynis Nelari   Dark Elf Sorcerer 10 162 108 0 100 (21,14)
Reema   Redguard Commoner 4 68 66 90 30 (24,0)
Sanvran Aran   Dark Elf Commoner 4 63 86 0 30 (20,16)
Trels Vuram   Dark Elf Warrior 5 84 86 0 100 (21,14)
Yishana   Redguard Sailor 4 69 64 0 30 (16,15)


  • This region was originally made up of parts of Boethiah's Spine and Sunad Mora (previously known as Molagreahd), and in turn from the Inner Sea.
  • It was officially released with the Embers of Empire update.
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