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Tamriel Rebuilt:Odunia Hare

< Mod / Morrowind: Tamriel Rebuilt: People / Trainers
Odunia Hare (TR_m1_Odunia Hare)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home City Firewatch
Location College of Firewatch
Race Imperial Gender Female
Level 22 Class Acrobat
Training Acrobatics (80)
Security (85)
Sneak (80)
Other Information
Health 178 Magicka 114
Alarm 90 Fight 30
Faction(s) Imperial Archaeological Society 4(Historian)
Odunia Hare

Odunia Hare is an Imperial Acrobat and a member of the faculty of the College of Firewatch, and owns a house in the city. For 1500 gold you can enroll in her course, Archaeological Methods, which provides access to her training in Acrobatics, Security and Sneak.

Odunia appears to have a gambling problem, and has turned to selling Dwemer artifacts to the curious to supplement her income. This activity inevitably attracts the attention of the East Empire Company, who hold a monopoly on such trades - and a representative of the company will ask you to investigate during the events of Academic Contraband. Odunia will claim to be selling fakes if challenged - as she puts it: "I care far too much about Dwemer research to actually sell off their relics! This is my life's work."

If you support her story then Odunia will only receive a fine for her fraudulent activities. However, if you choose to insist that she was selling the real deal, she will be jailed and removed from the college grounds.

Related QuestsEdit

East Empire CompanyEdit
