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Tamriel Rebuilt:Oka-Tei

< Mod / Morrowind: Tamriel Rebuilt: People
Oka-Tei (TR_m1_S_Oka-tei)
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
Home City Port Telvannis
Location Odrethi Manor
Race Argonian Gender Male
Level 2 Class Slave
Other Information
Health 46 Magicka 82
Alarm 100 Fight 10

Oka-Tei is an Argonian slave owned by Varrac and Tinera Odrethi, and who can be found in Odrethi Manor in Port Telvannis. If you are a member of House Telvanni and have talked to Inera Ilneram about getting revenge on the Odrethis for the death of Redram Oran, Oka-Tei is the slave you will be asked to plant evidence of Imperial espionage on.

He wears a pair of common pants and a slave's right bracer. Like all Argonians, he is immune to poison, has a resistance to disease, and can breathe underwater, but otherwise knows no spells.

Related QuestsEdit


Intrigue in Port TelvannisEdit

  • Greetings:

If you are sneaking around in Odrethi Manor and get detected by him:

"What was that I hear? I must tell master." Goodbye
"What are you doing in master's home? You need to leave!" Goodbye

If you have cast a Command Humanoid spell on him:

"Oka-tei can serve it how?"
  • Take this to the docks.: "It wishes Oka-tei to go to the docks and seek passage to Firewatch? It wants Oka-tei to hold onto message?"
  • Yes.: "Oka-tei does as it commands." (Removed Coded Message from your inventory)

If you don't have the Coded Message:

"Oka-tei does not understand. It has no message..."
  • No.: "Oka-tei does not understand." Goodbye
  • I need nothing.: "Oka-tei does not know it... Oka-tei will serve it..." Goodbye