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Quest Giver: Aeyne Redothril
Location(s): Monastery of St. Delyn
Prerequisite Quest: Spreading the Word
Reward: 3x Scroll of Windwalker
Disposition: +10 (Aeyne Redothril)
Reputation Gain: +5 (Tribunal Temple)
ID: TR_m7_StDelyn_TT_03

Quick WalkthroughEdit

  1. Speak to Aeyne Redothril in the Monastery of St. Delyn about duties and The Origin of Vampires.
  2. (Optional) Go to Arvs-Shadan and retrieve the copy of The Origin of Vampires, despite Malvenisa Lloryn's protestations.
  3. Bring a copy of The Origin of Vampires to Aeyne Redothril.


  • The book in Arvs-Shadan is placed on the table beside Malvenisa, under a scroll.
  • Asking Malvenisa about The Origin of Vampires topic after you have picked up the book will turn her hostile, if she isn't already.

Quest StagesEdit

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Origins of Vampires (TR_m7_StDelyn_TT_03)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Aeyne Redothril told me to bring her a copy of the book The Origins of Vampires so it can be destroyed. Aeyne said that the witch Malvenisa Lloryn has a copy of the book at her tower Arvs-Shadan in the Armun Ashlands.
100 Finishes quest  I brought Aeyne Redothril a copy of the book The Origins of Vampires.

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