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Tamriel Rebuilt:Pestilent Magic: The Necromancer's Cattle

< Mod / Morrowind: Tamriel Rebuilt: Quests
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Save a Nord woman from a necromancer's experiments.
Quest Giver: Hjotra
Location(s): Kulidon
Reward: None
Disposition: -5 (Hjotra) or +30 (Hjotra)
ID: TR_m2_wil_Pestilent_b

Quick WalkthroughEdit

  1. Speak to Hjotra in the cave of Kulidon about a great healer.
  2. Speak to Felms Sendas in Dorammu Cavern.
  3. Speak to Varden Alvis in Tel Muthada for a Scroll of Alvis' Bound.
  4. Free Hjotra of her bracers and give her the scroll.
  5. Speak to Hjotra at Dorammu Cavern.

Detailed WalkthroughEdit

This quest can be played while completing Pestilent Magic, which is begun by finding the sickly Orenin Hlano on the road south of Andar Mok. Alternatively it can be begun simply by entering Kulidon, which is a cavern overlooking the coast, west of Alt Bosara and speaking to Hjotra there. She will request the services of a Great healer.

Such a healer can be found in Dorammu Cavern. To find this place, continue north along the coast from Kulidon until you reach Andar Mok. Then follow the road leaving south from the town, following it into the hills (and speaking to Orenin Hlano en route, if you haven't already). Dorammu Cavern is just across the first rope bridge you encounter.

Felms Sendas can be found at the bottom of the cave, and will refer you to Varden Alvis, who lives in the enchanter's shop in Tel Muthada. Varden will require 150 gold, a Scroll of Leaguestep and a Scroll of Mark, in order to make a scroll that can teleport Hjotra to Dorammu. Once you have it, return to Hjotra. She'll note the need to be freed from her restraints before she can use the scroll. The key to her bracers can be found on the table by the necromancer, Mervil Norenas, who you may have already slain if clearing the cavern. He's in a room at the far southeastern end of Kulidon.

Once freed of her bracers, and given the scroll, Hjotra will teleport to Dorammu. You can meet her there - she will refer you to Orenin for your reward if he has already been healed, but will not provide you with any reward herself.

Quest StagesEdit

The following Journal ID and Index codes can be used with the Journal console command to manually update the quest to a certain point.

Pestilent Magic: The Necromancer's Cattle (TR_m2_wil_Pestilent_b)
Index Finishes Quest Journal Entry
10 Locked in a cavern called Kulidon, I found a Nordic woman called Hjotra. She said she had been experimented on by a necromancer, and was unable to move due to diseases inflicted upon her. She asked me to search out a healer skilled enough maybe to help her.
20 In my search for a healer for Hjotra, I was directed to the hermit Felms Sendas, who lives in a cavern called Dorammu, in the canyon south of Andar Mok.
30 Felms Sendas said he would need to observe Hjotra to determine her sickness. He suggested I find an enchanter nearby who could make a special Mark and Recall scroll, to bring Hjotra to him. Apparently Varden Alvis of Tel Muthada is famed for such scrolls.
40 Varden Alvis said he would need me to provide a Scroll of Mark and a Scroll of Recall, as well as 150 gold in funds, if he was to create me one of his special scrolls.
45 I received a teleportation scroll from Varden Alvis.
47 Before Hjotra may leave Kulidon, I will need to find the key to her shackles.
50 I freed Hjotra, who thanked me for the scroll, and teleported away from Kulidon.
60 Finishes quest  I returned to Dorammu Cavern, where I found Hjotra had been healed. She thanked me for rescuing her.