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Tamriel Rebuilt:The Whispers

< Mod / Morrowind: Tamriel Rebuilt: Places: Dreugh Citadels
Dreugh Citadel:
The Whispers
Added by Tamriel Rebuilt
# of Zones 4
Dreugh, Slaughterfish
Console Location Code(s)
"The Whispers"; "The Whispers, Aeonian Halls"; "The Whispers, Fremitus Chamber"; "The Whispers, Insatiable Depths"; "The Whispers, Obmutescent Hollow"
Dagon Urul, [17,21]
The Whispers

The Whispers is a large Dreugh hive in Noloubal Bay

There are three entrances to the hive from the seafloor. One - an entrance to the Aeonian Halls section - lies within the prominent central tower. An entrance to the Insatiable Depths (which well-deserve the name), lies a short swim to the northwest of that tower. A third entrance - this to the Obmutescent Hollow - lies near the shoreline to the tower's southwest.

Aeonian HallsEdit

This area is most easily accessed from the central spire in the exterior, but contains little loot of note. A passage to the northwest of the area leads to the Insatiable Depths, although if you reach this door, you may wish to proceed down the passage opposite it - after a long series of chambers, this will take you to the only entrance to the Fremitus Chamber section, where the main treasures of this dungeon reside.

Fremitus ChamberEdit

Two Dreugh Man o'War reside in this large chamber, with a number of other Dreugh acting as support. They guard its main treasure - the Aeonian Shield, which lies at the bottom of the raised tube in the chamber's centre.

Other notable treasures include Glass Greaves, and an Ebony Mace, both midway up the chamber. A Glass Sparkcleaver is held on the wall in the same room as the Mace.

Insatiable DepthsEdit

This section of the dungeon plunges deep into the earth, with entrances to both the exterior and the Aeonian Halls being at the highest points. At the lowest point, you'll find several passages branching off a central chamber. The northern one of these holds an enchanted blade, the Insatiable Sword, at the very end. The southern will take you to the Obmutescent Hollow.

Obmutescent HollowEdit

A long section of the hive without branching corridors, this area stretches between the Insatiable Depths and an exit to the surface. The notable loot here is the Ring of Obmutescence, which lies in the first chamber you come to if swimming from the top exit (search in the area east of the chests). The ring has a constant Water Breathing and Silence effect, making it useful for exploring the rest of the dungeon.