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Template:SkyrimTAG Follower/Doc

< Template:SkyrimTAG Follower


Creates a table with a similar layout to the Skyrim - The Adventure Game follower cards. Inclusion of line breaks are entered manually to maintain similarities to the physical card.


SkyrimTAG Follower
Parameter Scope Description
number optional The card number.
name optional The card name.
flavor optional The flavor text on the card.
action optional The follower's additional actions.
attack1roll optional The dice rolls for the first attack.
attack1name optional The name of the first attack.
attack1damage optional The damage of the first attack.
attack2roll optional The dice rolls for the second attack.
attack2name optional The name of the second attack.
attack2damage optional The damage of the second attack.
attack3roll optional The dice rolls for the third attack.
attack3name optional The name of the third attack.
attack3damage optional The damage of the third attack.


{{SkyrimTAG Follower
|flavor="It's Metundus time!"
|attack1roll={{SkyrimTAG|Red Swords}}
|attack1damage=2 {{SkyrimTAG|Light Attack}}
|attack2roll={{SkyrimTAG|Red Fire}}
|attack2damage=2 {{SkyrimTAG|Heavy Attack}}
|attack3roll={{SkyrimTAG|Red Skull}}
|attack3damage=5 {{SkyrimTAG|Heavy Attack}} / {{SkyrimTAG|Light Attack}}
123 Metundus  
"It's Metundus time!"
  Swing 2  
  Slash 2  
  Execute 5   /