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Tribunal:Ovis Velas

< Tribunal: People
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Quests: written by Croup shrunk (already there)

Services: written by Croup shrunk (none)

Personal Inventory: written by Croup shrunk (already there)

House Contents: written by Jeancey (none), checked by Croup shrunk (Velas Manor might deserve its own page)

Unique Dialogue: written by Croup shrunk

Spells: written by Croup shrunk
Ovis Velas (ovis velas)
Home City Mournhold
Location Great Bazaar
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Level 1 Class Mage
Other Information
Health 40 Magicka 100
Alarm 0 Fight 30
Ovis Velas

Ovis Velas, a Dark Elf mage, is one of the Velas brothers who have just recently arrived in Mournhold. They are currently residing in the Velas Manor. Rumors say that the summoner Velas is going to make a display of power soon, and, riding the wave of his brother's reputation, Ovis Velas attacks the Great Bazaar while claiming to be the rumored all powerful mage.

During the fight with Ovis, you will quickly realize that he doesn't live up to his boasted strength. His brother Gavis, who is a much better mage than Ovis, understands that you had the right to self defense, but he doesn't like the fact that you killed his brother and promptly calls for a duel between the two of you to take place immediately to settle the matter.

Ovis wears a common robe and carries a worn key. Aside from his natural resistance to fire and the sanctuary provided by his ancestors, he knows the following spells: Ash Feast, Grave Curse: Health, Grave Curse: Magicka, Greater Fireball, Greater Frostball, Greater Shockball, Poisonous Touch, Shockball, Smite the Ungodly, Viperbite, Weakness to Blight Disease, Weakness to Common Disease, Weakness to Corprus Disease, Wild Shockbloom, Absorb Health, Almsivi Intervention, and Divine Intervention.

Related QuestsEdit

  • The Summoner: Hear a vague rumor of a wizard named Velas who just moved into the area.


  • Voiced Greetings:
    • "Look at me, and despair!"
  • Greetings:
    • "Greetings, fair citizens of Mournhold! I am the great, renowned, respected, and feared wizard, Ovis Velas! In the coming weeks you shall see more and more of me, as I bring this city to its knees. But for the moment, allow me to demonstrate my power on one of your hapless countrymen. You there! Yes, you, you ugly %PCRace. Prepare yourself to feel my wrath!" Goodbye
    • [If calmed after he confronts you with the previous greeting.] "Time to die, %PCRace."
