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PTS and New Beginnings Welcome to the UESPodcast! Join your Host Pylawn with guests AKB, Alarra, Lost in Hyrule, and baratron as they discuss the latest Elder Scrolls News and dig in to the patch notes for the upcoming Elder Scrolls Online: Greymoor Chapter. |
Show Notes |
- Charity Drive
- Dark mode coming soon?
- Most NPC pages for Greymoor have been added to the wiki, but side quests are non-existent. If you feel up to the challenge, pick a side quest or daily quest and get started! :) Whoever writes the most complete pages (Quick Walkthrough, Detailed Walkthrough and Stages) by next show will get a Bristlegut Piglet 2014 convention exclusive pet code! (Blackreach Quests and Western Skyrim Quests for applicable quests)
- Greymoor PTS. First 2 patches, 6-0-0 and 6-0-1.
- Alliance Change Tokens are on the PTS this week. Used from the character select screen to change the alliance of a single character to either of the other alliances.
- Upon using the token, you will be logged into the game at the capital city of your new alliance.
- Some quests will have their progress reset or removed and replaced entirely with the appropriate quest for that alliance.
- You will also be removed from your current Home Campaign in Cyrodiil, and your leaderboard progress removed. You will have to wait 12 hours until you can select a new alliance locked home campaign.
- Midyear Mayhem is available for testing on the PTS this week! Some changes to how it’ll work, probably well worth trying if you’ve done an Alliance change on PTS.
- To begin the quest, visit Predicant Maera in Cyrodiil or Battleground camps.
- Antiquities! They are awesome and seem to have similar lore banter discussions to our #lore
- Alliance Change Tokens are on the PTS this week. Used from the character select screen to change the alliance of a single character to either of the other alliances.
- ESO Live last Tuesday, 21st April, 4pm EDT, with Greymoor Zone Lead Ed Stark. Still available to watch on Bethesda’s Twitch channel. Twitch VOD
- Baratron did a write-up of it on the UESP Blog: Blog Post
- Colouring books!
- Guild Trader turnover on PC-NA has been incredibly slow the past two weekends. Normally it should begin at 8.55pm EDT and be finished by 9.00pm. Both yesterday and last Sunday, it went on until around 9.18-9.20pm.
- Lots of very distressed Guildmasters and Officers.
- No comment from ZOS yet.
- Login problems on all servers today: PC, PS4 and Xbox! Should be fixed now. If you are still experiencing problems, please restart your client.
- Even Gauntlet (only even costed cards), weekend of the 17th
- Grand Melee, weekend of the 24th
- Thieves Guild Cardback for participating
- Premium Fighters Guild for top 1000
- *crickets*
Call to ArmsEdit
- Shipments expected in May. Warehouse has reopened “on a skeleton crew” and they’re hoping to have caught up on recent (non-TES) shipments by then.
- Teaser of Mjoll miniature, probably from one of the upcoming Adventurer Followers/Allies expansions
- The Bethesda Twitch channel has been streaming Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind on random days at 12.30pm EDT. Last week it was Tuesday, this week Monday. Check the Bethesda Twitch schedule for more information.
- They’re probably like Pylawn and have no idea what day it is anymore
- Geoff T Zahn
- Dylan
- Madison Scythe
- Sean Graupner
- VapeGod666
- micah
Twitch Subs:
- scarverorne
- richindi57
- Atrili
- Gattopardo
- fiofiofi0
- whitebutstillhip
- skyrimfantasy
- r0br0u19
- Nittybelle
- "Informative and entertaining! I appreciate the news on upcoming ESO events, updates, etc. The only thing I don’t like is that music you play in between segments. It blurts out loudly, makes me jump."
- Shoutout to Kiz for his tireless work building the Dark theme for the UESP. My eyes appreciate you
Scholarly PursuitsEdit
I will ask our guests what they have been working on in the world of TES! This can be game play, wiki work, discord things, anything relevant to UESP/TES that you’ve been working on the past couple weeks / when you were last on the show.
- Pylawn
- Did my First Trial(s)
- Thanks UESP guild for the carry!
- It really wasn’t a carry by the way. I know how much healing I did and how much Pylawn did!
- Did Cloudrest and Asylum Sanctorium
- Thanks UESP guild for the carry!
- Grinded Healer gear all week
- Bought Animal Crossing
- Ran Cloudrest again! Didn’t suck I think!
- Did my First Trial(s)
- Mine are in the topic.
- Alarra
- ESO - been working on Cadwell’s Gold (Stormhaven)
- Played some Legends (forgot the event as usual though)
- Lost
- Got some poison plant reactions...again
- ESO+ Free Trial, so deposited all my materials!
- Got the urge to play Legends, went through all my Daily quests in a Master mode IoM level. Summon Orcs, Pilfer with Khajiit, raise Max Magicka, all in one deck! It was not good
- Playing WoW for the last week. I like it!
- baratron
- Playing ESO on both PC servers this week. Catching up on dungeons on PC-EU.
- Lots of new members to the guild on PC-NA, and even more returning old members.
- First ever UESP Guild clear of Veteran Halls of Fabrication. Score 57,623. Not embarrassing, like our score of 22 (or was it 72?) on our first Vet Sunspire clear!
- We gave away 2 x 1 month ESO Plus memberships courtesy of Daveh.
- A reminder that active wiki editors in Online space are entitled to claim free ESO Plus from the wiki. If you’re un- or under-employed at the moment, this might be worth your while.
- Make sure you’re signed in to your wiki account when you start editing, then contact Daveh through his wiki Talk page or email.
Topic: Natch PotesEdit
- Lots to unravel in the PTS
- Natch Potes!
- New Zone(s) – Western Skyrim/Blackreach
- Existing players will enter the zone at Solitude Docks.
- Solitude is separated from the rest of Western Skyrim by a door, to help with "server crush". Similar in layout to ES V Solitude, with the exception of The Tower of the Wolf, High King Svargrim's pride and joy. Remember that the Imperials took over Solitude between 2nd and 4th Eras, and partially destroyed and rebuilt the city.
- Other towns include Dragon Bridge and Morthal.
- There is a new hold - Karthold - replaces The Reach as the 9th hold of Skyrim in some story-relevant manner. Lore players are getting very excited by this. No spoilers!!
- All safe roads above ground in Western Skyrim are paved, and marked with mile markers. You know you won't be attacked if you're on one of these roads. However, some overland roads do not have mile markers, and there are no safe roads in Blackreach.
- 3 biomes in Western Skyrim: Mountains, Farmlands, and Swamp. The mountain area is more snowy, whereas the farmlands are more temperate.
- Blackreach has 4 caverns each with its own biome: Greymoor Dusk Caverns is to the south, Dark Moon Grotto to the west, The Lightless Hollow to the east, and Greymoor Keep to the north. Regions are separated by large Dwemer doors.
- Dusktown has lots of mushrooms and gemstones with blue colours, Greymoor Keep has lava and red colours. Colours are used to help a player keep track of where they are.
- Falmer confirmed! (Spoiler?)
- 2 public dungeons - Labyrinthian in Western Skyrim and Nchuthnkarst in Blackreach.
- Also the usual 6 Delves and 6 World Bosses.
- 3 buyable player houses - the usual inn room in Solitude, Proudspire Manor in Solitude, and Bastion Sanguinarius in Blackreach near Greymoor Keep itself.
- Harrowstorms are world events like Dark Anchors. It's a dark ritual, part of the main quest. They are turning people into Harrow Fiends, mindless, ravenous undead. During a Harrowstorm event, witches will plant witch pikes which grow into big harrow roots, which you need to destroy. While you're destroying them, enemies will show up, and eventually the Harrowstorm boss will appear.
- Antiquities
- Mythic Items have a new quality color (orange) which shows that they are above the usual white < green < blue < purple < gold quality.
- Each Mythic Item is split into five fragments.
- Dwarven Ebon Wolf mount is split into 17 fragments!
- 3 new motifs, over 50 furnishings.
- New Trial: Kyne’s Aegis
- I would suggest leaving this until we’ve actually played it.
- New Crafting
- 3 new Alchemy reagents - Crimson Nirnroot, Vile Coagulant, and Chaurus Egg!
- Minor Timidity - opposite of Heroism
- 1 new Essence rune - Indeko.
- Can be used to make two new types of jewelry Glyphs, Prismatic Recovery and Reduce Skill Cost.
- Maelstorm weapon changes
- Added Perfected versions, which will be the new weapons dropped from Veteran Maelstrom Arena.
- People with existing Maelstrom weapons will need to re-farm vMA.
- Now Normal Maelstrom weapons (or Imperfected, or whatever) will drop in blue quality from Normal Maelstrom Arena.
- This will also happen for Dragonstar Arena, but people don’t seem to be so upset about that, possibly because Master Weapons aren’t as used as Maelstrom Weapons.
- We’ll leave the questions about balance for awhile
- New vampires
- Possibly leave this for an episode in itself? Changes also to werewolf.
- NEW HOUSING STUFFS - Precision Editing Tool!!
- baratron volunteers to stream this hahaha - put an 18+ rating on the stream now for bad words!
General, off the cuff thoughts. Graphically the zone looks like a step up, everything present looks very nice, especially compared to earlier zones, even Elsweyr. The returning characters have been pretty fun to see, deliberately not going into detail. As it’s still PTS, keep in mind bugs are likely, and common.
Some things are harder to judge because they are just barely implemented. The antiquarian system is extremely hard to use right now, and by the time I’m adjusting to one of its new mechanics, you finish with that mechanic for now. I was just about having fun with it, and it was onto the next step.
I also had a hard time judging its mechanics due to technical issues, I often couldn’t get the thing to work, but again, this is a genuine early build so really can’t fault them for this. I won’t spoil the antiques as a whole right now, but they are very interesting additions to the lore. Some of them seem very pointed, even against themselves. There’s a map of Vvardenfell you find, and the comment you get on it acknowledges the retcon with ESO’s Vvardenfell, and provides a fairly satisfactory resolution to it by simply saying the Temple opens and shuts off Vvardenfell all the time, and even acknowledged that many of the individual locations in ESO Vvardenfell were chained off to the player.
The biggest elephant in the room I think is going to be the fact that many locations appear exactly like their Fourth Era counterparts, to the point where I found people kind of started getting upset over this over the week. I began doing a series of comparison shots between the two, and people were initially very pleased with seeing locales as they were. That started to turn with Morthal, which is basically the exact layout, just with slightly different architecture. I ended up focusing more on the genuinely changed locations (which was very nice to see), and they were for the most part crowdpleasers. I think there’s some worry of people calling foul of there being any difference between 2E and 4E Tamriel (just think to how many people called foul of the Ebonheart Pact), but in my humble opinion, those people are just wrong. Things should be relatively different.
Biggest thing I’m happy about was running into the Labyrinthian Frost Troll Squad, it made me mentally imagine that an extended Frost Troll family has lived in the parts for 1,000 years. I’d play a game just about them at this point.