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An Elder Scrolls TV Show You Say...

Welcome to the UESPodcast! Join your host Pylawn with guests AKB, Alarra, Avron, and Lost in Hyrule as we discuss the latest Elder Scrolls news and have a fun chat about what we'd like to see in an Elder Scrolls TV show.

Twitch: VOD • Youtube: VOD • Anchor: Audio

Show Notes







  • Midyear Mayhem is extended to July 8 at 10:00 AM EDT (this Wednesday)
  • Crown Store Showcase for July
    • ESO Plus free “Gloamqueen Nocturnal” statuette
    • A bunch of the Midyear Mayhem stuff returned
    • Some neat-looking stuff - Queen’s Eye Spymaster outfit (Raz’s outfit from Summerset), Yorgrim River Ram mount, Anthorbred Avalanche Dog which is basically a St. Bernard


  • Noble Gauntlet, only Common and Rares allowed


  • crickets

Call to Arms:Edit

  • Expanding the Adventurers faction with two releases, Adventurer Followers and Adventurer Allies, set to release in August. Since cards are delayed to September, they’ll release the PDFs for these characters alongside the sets
    • Adventurer Allies adds Lydia and Kharjo, both bodyguards, as well as three followers.
      • Instead of a suite of identical units (Imperial Legionnaires), Adventurers get a variety of unique followers used to fill in missing roles
      • Khajiit Thief to add lockpicking, Breton Ranger for ranged support, Orc Barbarian for extra frontline damage
      • Note that Adventurer models can be recruited as Hirelings in any party (per that Factions individual Party Composition rules)
    • Adventurer Followers brings a bunch of Heroes
      • Note that these are Skyrim Followers, not “Followers” in CtA parlance
      • Marcurio, Adventuring Mage with Destruction Mastery
      • Jenassa, a well rounded unit with Ranger ability, swap from melee to range quickly
      • Vorstag, solid frontline fighter with Low Slash
      • Derkeethus, (first Argonian!) stealthy archer (and Histskin helps him survive)
      • Mjoll the Lioness, “a warrior second only to the Dragonborn”. Strong melee abilities with one or two handed weapons. Once leveled, gets a free strike back to those attacking her!
  • First edition of Errata has been released. Some rules clarifications, text or icon updates, slight “balance” changes for some Scenarios (some now have Adversaries but don’t have them respawning)
  • “Winterfell” has been corrected to “Winterhold” in one flavor text quote!
  • The cards for the different models in the core set have also been updated. They released print-n-play files for them, and they will include physical cards with fixed display issues in the Wave 1 card pack, slated for September
  • They’re going to hold a two part contest!
    • First part, create a piece of scenery with homemade materials that represents a ‘base camp’ of some sort, the size of a CD, such as tents, necromancer shrine, etc. Second part, create a Scenario that utilizes a base camp piece of scenery like those from the first part.
    • 100$ for each winner, 3 runners up each, 20$, Modiphius store credit
    • Runs till Sep 1, one allowed submission each, can only win one of the contests




  • Christopher Kahle

Twitch Subs:

  • Sedrethi



Scholarly PursuitsEdit

I will ask our guests what they have been working on in the world of TES! This can be game play, wiki work, discord things, anything relevant to UESP/TES that you’ve been working on the past couple weeks / when you were last on the show.

  • Pylawn
    • I renamed my main
      • Welcome to the world Rumpelguarskin
      • He even got an amazing portrait done by the talented BlueDragonArk
    • I can do gold leads now!
  • AKB
    • I’m doing great.
    • I found my missing torchbug!
  • Alarra
    • Midyear Mayhem and am reminded of how much I hate PvP
    • All the merch
      • Call to Arms arrived, RIP Ethereal Dragonborn
      • Sheogorath Funko Pop
      • Lootcrate (“Rivalry” theme I think?)
  • Lost
    • Played the Grand Melee using a deck from Dwarfmp. It did the trick sometimes, and I summoned Avatar of Akatosh! Which is hilariously fun. Second run went much worse, and I realized my chance of getting top 1000 was not great. Didn't make a third run
    • Played my first proper Delve in CtA, Hold the Gates. Very fun!
      • Dragonborn and Imperial Mage were hiding in a fort in the wilderness as a small army of undead advanced on them.
      • They rushed forward, and the DB slammed the gate close, crushing a Draugr Overlord!
      • Discovered some injured hunters that came out of hiding to peek at the commotion. Rescued them and held the remaining gate against the undead.
      • A puzzle appeared, and the mage went to solve it. A flamethrower trap nearly incinerated him! DB flew to his side and extinguished the flames, then ran back to stem the tide of draugr and skeletons.
      • Mage solved the puzzle and a compartment opened, revealing...a sweetroll. With that, the DB fought to the pulley system and slammed closed the remaining gate, crushing a few more foes. With that, they retired to the keep to rest and speak with the hunters.
    • No progress in Skyrim yet, still at the entrance of Winterhold. (Titanfall and Apex Legends are great, though!)
  • baratron
    • Not here this week.
  • Kiz
    • Not here this week.

Topic: TES TV PitchesEdit

  • AKB -- My number one guess would be a series starting with the Great War. It’s a fairly familiar area of the setting that still has plenty of room for its own stories. My second guess would be the Alessian Rebellion, which also has room for basically whatever they could want to do with it. If it’s a single season miniseries it’ll be 2920.
  • Lost
    • Penitus Oculatus mystery series
    • National Treasure, competing treasure hunters across Tamriel
    • Competing crime organizations and vigilante heroes. Baan Dar, perhaps?
    • Spy thriller with Blades agents in the fledgling Aldmeri Dominion in the early 4th era. Bonus, same sense of foreboding as The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance!
    • War focused show, forces working in the Great War, perhaps in Hammerfell. Especially after being disowned by the Empire
    • Following the plot of a main game isn’t my preference, but you could make any of them an impressive show. Arena in particular, if they want to make it more fitting to modern Tamriel. Could have whole arcs per province
  • Would Khajiit or Argonians being a regular part be reasonable for a tv show? Production costs and such?


  • I would like to see a full epic fantasy show a la Game of Thrones / Lord of the Rings
  • It’d have to be a completely unique story, not involved with any of the games, just using the world mostly as a setting.
  • I think a good Heroes journey would work well.
    • Small “party” set on a quest to right a wrong
      • Maybe doesn’t need to be “the world is ending” but I think that could work for overarching season stories
    • I don’t think monster of the week would go over well, but you could definitely base a season off of a “quest”
  • Netflix Castlvania style about the daedric princes


  • Would have to be its own story - and story would have to come first more than “this is an Elder Scrolls series”