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Bosmers gave me food poisoning

Welcome to the UESPodcast! Join your host Pylawn with guests Lost and Jack as we discuss the latest news and continue our new segment where we dig deep into the lore of the Elder Scrolls, this time, with the Bosmer

Twitch: VOD • Youtube: VOD • Anchor: Audio

Show Notes






    • Almost at 2000 followers
      • Special treats in store for when that happens. Stay tuned




Call to Arms:Edit

  • Modiphius releasing terrain STLs
  • Modiphius blogs #6
    • Adventurer Allies this month, Adventurer Followers next month
    • Future sets detailed a bit more
    • October
      • Imperial Officers: General Tullius and Legate Rikke, Imperial Headsman, Priestess of Arkay, some sort of generic commander
      • Stormcloak Chieftains: Ulfric Stormcloak, Galmar Stonefist, Stormcloak Quartermaster, generic commander
    • November
      • Dragon Priest as a Master
      • Draugr Ancients: Draugr Deathlord, Restless Draugr Frostblade, 3 Hulking Draugr
      • Draugr Guardians: 3 Draugr Warriors sword and shield, 3 Restless Draugr with axes
      • Draft rules of Draugr Faction
      • Into the Depths, a random dungeon creator
    • December
      • Imperial Legion Reinforcements: Heavy Infantry and Archers
      • Stormcloak Skirmishers: Warriors with swords and Stormcloak Hunter and Archers
      • Histories of the Empire: The Stormcloak Rebellion: a Campaign mission embodying the Civil War
      • Tales of Tamriel: The Thanehold Saga: narrative campaign, including character progression and settlement building
      • Dragons!
    • January gets Skeleton Horde
    • February should be the beginning of Steam and Shadow
    • Also includes notes about reproductions, fan content, and related guidelines
  • "Mark has also written some great rules for Dragons, and other Epic Creatures come to that. The Dragon will also be useable as a follower with a rather clever twist."



  • Monica
  • The Scratchin' Appalachian
  • Michael Smith
  • Matthew Hannola
  • Gerwulf67
  • Susan
  • Lance Young

Twitch Subs:

  • Gerwulf67
  • SCarverOrne (benevolent one)



Scholarly PursuitsEdit

I will ask our guests what they have been working on in the world of TES! This can be game play, wiki work, discord things, anything relevant to UESP/TES that you’ve been working on the past couple weeks / when you were last on the show.

  • Pylawn
    • Finally PvP’d in ESO
  • Jack
    • Been replaying ESO’s base game for the first time in like 3 years, and have finally started trying out cp cyrodiil to very mixed results.
  • Lost
    • Events in Blades aren’t really my forte, it turns out
    • Played one game in the Allegiance Gauntlet with a very slapped together Strength deck. Pulled out a win against a Willpower Support build! Got tired and watched movies much of the rest of the weekend (Knives Out!)

Topic: B is for BosmerEdit

Brief Description

  • The Bosmer are the Elven clan-folk of Valenwood, a forested province in southwestern Tamriel. In the Empire, they are often referred to as Wood Elves, but Bosmer, Boiche, or the Tree-Sap people is what they call themselves. Bosmer rejected the stiff, formal traditions of Aldmeri high culture, preferring a more romantic, simple existence in harmony with the land and its wild beauty and creatures. They are relatively nimble and quick in body compared to their more "civilized" Altmeri cousins (who often look down upon the Bosmer as unruly and naive). Their agility makes them well-suited as scouts and thieves. However, they are also a quick-witted folk, and many pursue successful careers in scholarly pursuits or trading. Bosmer live two to three times as long as humans; with a 200-year-old Bosmer being old and a 300-year-old Bosmer being very, very old. Though they are considered less influential than some of their Elven brethren, the Bosmer are also relatively prone to producing offspring. As a result, they outnumber all other Mer on Tamriel.

Creation - Q: So where do the Wood Elves come from?

  • Ooze?
    • There was a shapeless, formless, changing stuff
    • Y’ffre took it and turned some of it into the Green
    • Took more and turned it into the Elves
    • Took the Wood Elves and made a mutual arrangement between them and the Green, to protect one another: the Green Pact
    • According to legend, Y'ffre turned the Ooze into a kind of purgatory state for these individuals, where they would be stricken from Y'ffre's story upon death and unable to interact with any world or afterlife. Eventually, these dissenters were overcome by the other Bosmer faithful to Y'ffre. These "Oathbreakers" were then buried in Ouze so that they could be imprisoned and protected until the time of renewal. There's some suggestion that early Bosmer were known for intermarrying with humans.
  • Another legend is that the Boiche Elves, made from the Earthbones that followed Jephre, grew the first great Graht-oak the out of the Perchance Acorn, which would become Tower of Green-Sap. Due to the nature of the Acorn being, perchance, elsewhere, many different Green-Saps sprung in many different forms, forming the walking Graht-Oak forests of the Valenwood. Each one told its own stories of the Green, the forest home of the "Boiche-become-Bosmer". Around the time of the Alessian Slave Rebellion circa 1E 243, the Ayleid sorcerer Anumaril converted the Perchance Acorn of the Elden Root Graht-Oak into a Definite Acorn, which prevented Elden Root from walking and finally gave a Green-Sap a single, definite form. He would further attempt to convert this Green-Sap into a new, singular White-Gold, but due to the Perchance nature of the Bosmeri Tower, he would never succeed.

Culture - Q: What is Wood Elf Society Like?

  • The Green Pact
    • The Green Pact, also known as the Treaty of Frond and Leaf, is a strict code upheld by many of the Bosmer of Valenwood. It is said to have guided their existence since the beginning of the "great story". Its rules are clear. Do not harm the forests of Valenwood. Do not eat anything made from plant life. Eat only meat. When enemies are conquered, their meat must be eaten, not left to rot. Do not kill wastefully. Do not take on the shape of beasts.
  • Isolationist
    • After the 3rd era we see them retreat back into their own lands becoming more traditionalist
  • The Silvenar and the Green Lady
    • Religious / Pseudo Political leader
    • Silvenar is described as representing the collective Wood Elf people, changing health, gender, temperament to embody them
    • A Dance in Fire, a fictionalized account, says he shrank between two meetings with him

Religion - Q: Who do the Wood Elves Worship?

  • Y’ffre
  • Woodland Man, Herma Mora
  • Z’en (extinct)
  • The Green & its emissaries
    • The Wilderking
    • Brackenleaf
    • The Eldest

Interesting Tidbits - Q: Favourite lore of the Bosmer