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ESO: Blackwood revealed! With Avron! In this episode of the UESPodcast, your hosts Pylawn and Doc are joined by Avron, UESP streamer and all around awesome person, to go over the Elder Scrolls news of the week and discuss the absolute ton of information dropped about the new ESO chapter, Blackwood, and all the new features coming with it! |
Show Notes |
- DoctorWhoDat219
- Avron
- New Chapter Announced!
- Blackwood!
- Returning to Southern Cyrodiil
- More info at the end of the show
- Update 29 Announced
- 2 New Dungeons
- The Cauldron
- Black Drake Villa
- Complete CP Overhaul
- More info next week
- 2 New Dungeons
- Gates of Oblivion Global Reveal - Tuesday 26th January - Preshow is from 00:00:00 to 01:59:41
Global Reveal from 01:59:41 to 02:34:07
ESO Live from 02:34:07 to 04:34:54
- UK Post-show with Stream Team members - Wednesday 27th January.
Featured an exclusive interview with Matt Firor, ZOS Studio Director, starting about 38 minutes into the video, for about 35 minutes. Some interesting stuff:
- How he got into multiplayer gaming.
- He said that his proudest moment as a game developer was on March 30th 2014, the first day of ESO Early Access, when he did the /sitchair emote in Daggerfall and just watched all the live players pouring in from the tutorial zones.
- He said that his biggest mistake in ESO was to introduce instances where the player changes the world because then you'd come back to the area with your friend, and “they'd be in the dangerous version while you'd be in the happy version”.
- He described what he sees as the difference between "an MMO" and "an online game".
- German Post-show - Thursday 28th January Featured an exclusive interview with Rich Lambert, Game Director, and Mike Finnigan, Lead Encounter Designer starting 1 hour 20 minutes into the video. It’s quite long because they give the question in German, then repeat it in English for the developers, then the devs reply in English, then they translate the reply into German but there are some interesting questions asked.
- Midyear Mayhem started on Thursday, January 28th and will run until
You can get up to 3 Event Tickets per day.
- 1 is given from Imperial City daily quests.
- 2 are given from either Cyrodiil daily quests (including town ones) or from Battleground Quests.
- Infernium Dwarven Spider Pet Returns!
- Link your email on the website
- ESO Daily Rewards for the month of February are giving a free Houseguest - Keldora. She appears to be a barmaid. Just log in 21 times during the month to get her.
- New patch! (474 MB update) --Ilaro here with the latest news in Legends, please tune in to our podcast to listen to someone else reading what I wrote--
- Official statement: The client update includes security updates to ensure the long-term stability of the game
- Don’t expect anything from it, except that it confirms that the servers won’t shut down for a while
- Another small change with the update: 3-win rewards (from casual/ranked games) can now also give other cards than those from Jaws of Oblivion. When new expansions came out, the 3-win rewards were changed to only give cards from that expansion so it was a bit easier to complete your collection. However, as JoO is already live for 1 year, people actually have more trouble completing the earlier sets. This tries to fix that.
- First Grand Melee of the year
- Runs till February 1
- 1000 gold or 6 event tickets
- Reward: Soul Gem card back
- See announcement:
- Patch 1.11!
- Fixes, Heart’s day content, Fire and Ice dragon event, and new event items
- Minor changes overall
- Community is not happy as they expected something larger and more bug fixes
Call to Arms:Edit
Ilaro: They are called shout-outs, but I noticed that the names are never shouted...
Katie |
ShadowVoyd |
Jack |
OtterFace DragonLady |
Rosalie Klein |
Melissa Higgins |
Pim Roggeband |
Sarah Robinson |
Lukos_Creyden |
Jessica |
Loris d'Errico |
Twitch Subs:
- MrScottDavidMcDonald
- informal_deviant
- doctorwho3388
- Arkhaniir
- DaniGirl3116
- Agent156
- OveremotionalRobot
- Xaxusx1
- Ilaro: Two new wiki staff members in the form of patrollers are being voted on (see patroller nominations).
- Patrollers are a subset of editors who regularly monitor the recent changes on the wiki to ensure that new edits meet the site's style guidelines. To help them work together on this task, patrollers are provided with a couple of special tools.
- Nominations (both seem to pass unanimously):
- Rook is a long time editor (since mid 2012), but they edit rather sporadically. They’re mostly fixing large and small mistakes, sometimes reverting or fixing whole sections of a page, while other times some obscure typo or grammar mistake no one else would’ve noticed. Because of their accuracy and that they are basically already performing the job of what a patroller is supposed to be doing, they were a natural choice for this nomination.
- OriwaK is a newcomer (joined begin 2020) and more oriented on making content edits which are very thorough. Most patrollers are already autopatrolling this user, so their nomination should make the job easier for everyone.
Scholarly PursuitsEdit
I will ask our guests what they have been working on in the world of TES! This can be game play, wiki work, discord things, anything relevant to UESP/TES that you’ve been working on the past couple weeks / when you were last on the show.
- Pylawn
- Blackwood Hyyyyyyype
- Been playing a bunch of PvP for Midyear Mayhem!
- I’m no worse at PvP on Stadia, so that’s a good thing!
- Doing pretty well at BGs but the BG quests can take a lot longer for tickets
- So lots of Cyro scouting missions
- Watching Twitter and Noblechairs every day to see if I can buy a new chair
- Trying to find time again to work on the blog
- Doc
- Super stoked for Blackwood and joined in on Pylawn’s Blackwood Hyyyyyype!
- Markarth storyline...freaked out when I met Billy Boyd’s character Bredan(LOTR geek here)...still not done with story, but very happy there was no spoilers in the Blackwood trailer!
- Lots of Midyear Mayhem...totally switched another toon from AD to DC…(sorry AD peeps)
- Just got gifted another character slot, so Ima make a Necro Healer!!!! That’ll make 10 toons!
- Avron
- I knew Eveli was a badass and would return and no one believed me… BUT HERE WE ARE!
- I have learned that the Pact is kinda sorta okayish...but I’m still going to do Dominion forever. (Finally hit PVP rank 30. BRB crying that I need millions and millions more AP.)
- I continue to be the most inspiring source of NPC names, thank you Bethesda/ZOS!
- You can now catch extra Avron-ESO on Twitch! Hype? Hype.
Topic: Global Reveal recap (pt 1?)Edit
- New Servers!!
- New Cinematic Trailer
- Hooded figure captured (Imperial PC rep)
- Mythic Dawn?
- Mysterium Xarxes
- Eveli!
- Eveli is a badass - these are facts
- (Also Orsinium most amazing story? Like 100%)
- New Chapter - Blackwood
- Deal with the devil, deceit and daedra
- Southern Cyrodiil
- Leyawiin!
- Lots of Argonians
- Ivory Brigade
- Blackfin
- Soulza?
- Trial Rockgrove
- 3 Bosses each with hardmodes
- Dungeon DLC
- Flames of Ambition
- Black drake villa
- The Cauldron
- Tutorial Choices!!!
- Looks like generic tutorial then choice of where to go
- Companions
- NPCs that follow you around
- Can hold your stuff and have conversations with
- Why does everyone want to romance them??
- New CP System Incoming
- Has something for everyone - literally!
- Also will probably change/adjust a lot before live...remember PTS is a test
- Armor Changes
- Idea as it was presented feels so awesome and TES-y, 10/10 Avron approves
- Brings that RPG feel to an MMO