01:09, 27 May 2014 (GMT): I'm back playing Skyrim once again. I am not in ESO, so please don't ask.
introduction |
Here you will find links to the various characters of The Gaersmith Legacy, whether they are unique characters or existing NPCs from one of the Elder Scrolls games. Each character that is mentioned in The Gaersmith Legacy is going to have their own wiki page. This is being done to aid internal consistency within the storyline. It also gives the opportunity for additional fan-fic related information to be added to NPCs from the ES games without it affecting the gamespace information on the wiki. |
The Gaersmith Clan
Andoryan — Daric's grandfather. He was the last of the Gaersmiths to have been born in Winterhold, and the only one to have graduated from the College of Whispers instead of the College of Winterhold.
Arielle — Daric's grandmother. The wife of Andoryan, and mother of Rerlas.
Evelyssa — Daric's mother. The wife of Rerlas.
Rerlas — the father of Daric. He found (and then lost again) a book in the Arcanaeum that might yield a clue to the origins of the Gaersmith family.
Sabine is Daric's sister. She is a year older than Daric.
Gaersmith Family Tree
This is a basic family tree of the Gaersmith family, as it would be known to Daric in the second century of the Fourth Era. Thanks to Eric Snowmane for the Snowmane Lineage page, where I learned how to do this.
Important Figures From TES Lore
Sages, Oracles, and Augurs
- Augur of Dunlain — was once a Breton mage and a well-respected, brilliant student of the College of Winterhold. However, during an ambitious magical experiment, he lost his corporeal form, appearing instead as a large sphere of blue-white light. He has resided in the Midden, the catacombs beneath the College, ever since.
- Augurs of the Reach — although not individually named, there are said to be augurs in the Reach,[3] who foresaw the destiny of Faolan (aka Red Eagle).
- Sage Eraintine — was a Sage during the Third Era, around 3E 250. He denounced the Elder Council's decision to disinherit Andorak Septim, by calling it "Tiber Septim's heart beating no more”.
- Sage Montalius — discovered that a disenfranchised branch of the Septim family was involved in Empress Katariah's death in 3E 200.[4]
- Oracle of Sentinel — rumored to be the wisest woman in Tamriel, she was the Chief Counselor to the monarchs of Sentinel.[5]
- Taheritae — A sage quoted by Psijics to explain the apparent dichotomy between remaining faithful to both their rulers and their training.[6]
- Sage Tjurhane Fyrre — one of the very few Ayleids to speak freely on his people and religion.[7]
- Sage Ugaridge — a Sage of Emperor Uriel VI around 3E 310, who famously claimed that Emperor Uriel VI had conquered the Elder Council.[8]
- Voernet — a renowned Breton sage and author, who travelled to the Isle of Artaeum during the the 20th year of the First Era.[9]