Greetings traveler! You have traveled long and far indeed to find this lonely, nah-on forgotten user page.
About MeEdit
In Real Life my name is Frank, and I'm from Pennsylvania, USA. I'm 23 years old and have had a love of video games for over half my life. While I don't consider myself a "pro" gamer my any means I do consider myself to be a veteran of gaming, having played many good (and many bad) games over my 23 year life.
My Oblivion CharactersEdit
I have logged some one hundred hours playing Oblivion, (having picked up the Game of Year edition that included both DLCs for nine dollars; score!) and as such have quite a few characters, here in order of creation they are:
Jake the Wolf
This humble male Brenton was my first character, a custom class Wanderer, who had an affinity for edged weapons, light armor, alchemy, and conjuration, among other pursuits. He did much in his time in Cyrodill, becoming the Grand Champion of the Arena, Archmage of the Arcane University and even helping close shut the jaws of Oblivion.
Jake bought and owned a small shack in the waterfront district, until the spoils of his adventures allotted him enough funds to purchase a large mansion in Anvil, just to find that it was cursed by an undead lich. After defeating the lich and returning the mansion to its former glory he continued to adventure own his own, until he one day met a young female High Elf, with whom he fell in love with.
Odd Habits:
Pack Rat
Jake always had a habit of keeping things he had out grown use for, be it rewards from question, armor, or scrolls, Jake would store them in a chest and keep them. Only near the end of his adventures did Jake start parting with such items, selling them so they might find ther way into the hands of someone who could use them.
Sapphire Moon
Sapphire, a female Altmer, custom class Brigandine, was my second character. Her adventures reiled upon the use of stealth, marksmanship, and illusion to evade and strike down her foes, she saw little interest in advancement in either the fighters or mages guild (only becoming an associate in the later for access to magic teachers), but found a kinship in the members of the Thieves’ Guild, with whom she eventually became their leader. She also advanced far in the Arena, one of her few sources of honest income.
Her life was quite lonely until you she met a young male Brenton by the name of Jake, a wanderer my trade the two fell in love and are said to live together in his home in Anvil. (Sapphire is based off of my real life girlfriend, as Jake is based on the real life me, bet you didn't THAT coming now did you? ^_^)
Odd Habits:
Poison Naming
Sapphire was fond of the use of posion, so fond in fact she took a special delite in naming her poisons, some of which include "Viper's Kiss", which harmed health and "Magekiller", which harmed both ones health and mana at the same time.
Morg gro-Worgen
Morg was third character, who was the second of my characters to delve into the arts of the three archetypes of RPG (the Rogue, the Warrior and the Mage), Morg was custom farseer, the first and so far only one of my characters to treed into battle in full heavy armor and wielding powerful battle axes in battle, but did not stray from calling fierce destruction magic upon his foes if the situation called for it.
Morg is an old Orc, who came from high rock, carrying the old orcish ways of Blood and Honor into the lands of Cyrodil, he became an accomplished fighter, single handedly defeated the Gray Prince in one on one combat in the arena, rising to the rank of Master of the Fighters Guild, and re-founding the Knights of the Nine.
After so many adventurers in the lands of Cyrodil, Morg hung up his armor and battle axe, and became a reclusive shaman in the mountains of Bruma, buying a house there.
Odd Habits:
Skull Collector
Morg had an odd habit in that where ever he had fought in a great battle, or slain a worthy foe, he would take a skull, be lying around or from an enemy, and keep it. Morg gathered quite a collection during his time as an Adventurer in Cyrodill.
Aeron Magefire
Aeron Magefire, a powerful and slightly aloof Brenton Archmage, was a powerful magic user, one of the most powerful some say to ever walk the lands of Cyrodile, but the kindly elder would beg otherwise in his later years, saying he was a humble mage and nothing more.
In his time he not surprisingly became Archmage of the Arcane university, and lived in the frosty heights of Frost rage Spire, until all changed when he was called down a darker path by the Dark Brotherhood. Forsaking the ways of right, he joined them, turning his knowledge of magic into a weapon to strike foes down from the shadows. After ascending to Listener of the Guild, he took his leave of the guild, never to again take an innocent life, although never truly working with them directly again Aeron has retained friends there, which he has kept forever, and keeps in contact with them from time to time.
Dara Silkweaver
Dara was a young and reckless, but extremely cunning Dumner Dark Ranger, a shadowy class the hailed arrows from a distance, while calling forth undead minions and life draining attacks to fell her foes.
Strangely very few accounts of Dara exist in Cyrodil, as she disappeared one day into a portal into another realm, and only ever returned to seek training or new spells before returning, a small hovel in the waterfront as her only true home in Cyrodil.
No one is quite sure what became of Dara in the strange realm upon which she entered, for day she entered and never returned, some worshipers of Shergorath say the voice of a young female dark elf replaced that of their former lord of madness, and that she herself had become the lady of madness, but all speculation aside, no one has ever heard from Dara Silkweaver since.
This user has been on UESPWiki for 14 years, 1 month, and 4 days. |
36 | This UESPWikian is 36 years, 6 months, and 22 days old. |
This user is from the United States. |
This user is male. |
This user is left-handed. |
This user is knowledgeable about Oblivion. |
This user is knowledgeable about Knights of the Nine. |
This user is knowledgeable about Shivering Isles. |
This user is knowledgeable about Skyrim. |
This User is a Breton. |
This user plays on a Windows PC. |
This user worships Talos. |
This User is a Brony. Haters gonna hate. |
This User is a Werewolf. At least he doesn't sparkle. |
This user has unlocked all of the Achievements for Oblivion. |
This user was born under the sign of The Lady. |
This User is a WikiPlatypus. He doesn't do much. |