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Joined 16 November 2011
If you have an idea to make my user page more enjoyable, functional, etc, post it on my talk page!

Ooh! Ooh! More guessing games! Um... Pokey Smokes! How about Queen Meanie? No! Black Snooty, Black Snooty!
~Pinkie Pie, MLP: FIM

UESP RetirementEdit

Hello, if you recognize me, awesome. If not, I'm sorry I couldn't have met you. I have since left the world of TES and have moved onto another wiki. The wikia for Hexxit, which is a modpack for Minecraft. You can find any current work I'm doing on a wiki over there at Feel free to take a look at anything I have done in the past on here or on there and learn from it. There is a chance I may come back to this wiki at some point in the future, but for the time being I may show up on the IRC Chatroom some times. Feel free to ask me any questions you may have there. Thanks to those who made my experience here fun and welcomed!

About MeEdit

Hello, I am a Male player of TES series, located in the U.S.A. I started playing TES at Oblivion and went back to Morrowind. While I have played the previous installments, I wasn't ever to complete them to any significant point. I have since continued on my ways through Skyrim and hope to continue playing until the end of days! Well, maybe not Skyrim but other games in the series, doubtfully going to play TES Online however as I feel the series itself was designed as a MSPRPG.

I am going to college for a triple major (subject to change). Presently I am going for Software Engineering, Computer Engineering, and Electrical Engineering. While I am in electrical side of things, the major presented at the college I am at isn't digital electronics as I would be more inclined toward, and thus, it will probably be dropped.

I have been programming since I was seven years old, for various reasons and under various languages, and have continued down that line of work since then. If there is ever a question regarding to programming, don't fret to ask me about something on my talk page.

I have some experience with wiki formatting, but am by no means an expert in it. If you want some help with mark-up languages, I can assist the best I can with the knowledge I have based on the original wikipedia project definitions and methodologies.


Here are some signatures I have created with my vast knowledge of HTML and CSS. Sadly doesn't get to cover all of my artistic abilities!

Signature Notes
German Flag Gradient Choppy background-color usage. Doesn't look as pretty, and takes up a lot of space.
Black & White One being used now. Black and white styling.
German Flag Gradient+ Signature relies on newer CSS methods. Works in modern browsers only. Due to trying to be backward compatible with other browsers, the resulting signature is ungodly in length. Probably will never use this one, unless used for local user pages.

My Skyrim CharactersEdit

Name Class Race Sex Notes
Ashelossa Destruction Archer Altmer   In a different dimension, this was a 1H destruction mage.
Kalbintion Conjuration Trickster Altmer   A pure mage bent on the art of conjuration and illusion.
Table of Mods
Mod Name Type Link
Halls of Dovahndor Player Home [1]
Hunters Cabin of Riverwood Player Home [2]
101Bugs Animals/Creatures [3]
Birds of Skyrim Animals/Creatures [4]
Flyable Broomstick Weapon/Mount [5]
skyBirds Animals/Creatures [6]
Dwemer Goggles and Scouter Armor [7]
Immersive Armors Armors [8]
No stretching lite Bug Fix [9]
Staff of Magnus Absorb Fix Bug Fix [10]
Skyrim Shadow Striping Fix Bug Fix [11]
Bandolier - Bags and Pouches Clothing [12]
Bandolier - Mesh Fixes Patch Bug Fix [13]
Cloaks of Skyrim Clothing [14]
Cloaks of Skyrim v1 Bug Fix [15]
The Paarthurnax Fix Bug Fix [16]
Into the Depths Quests [17]
RaceMenu UI [18]
Better Dialogue Controls UI [19]
Dreadmyst Hollow Dungeon [20]
Enhanced Lights and FX - SMIM Compatibility [21]
Sabre Gear Backpack Clothing [22]
WARZONES - Civil Unrest Combat [23]
Skyrim Sewers v4 New Dungeon [24]
High Quality 3D Map Environmental [25]
Lush Grass Environmental [26]
Lush Trees Environmental [27]
Lush Solitude Environmental [28]
Lush Riverwood Environmental [29]
W.A.T.E.R. Environmental [30]
Achieve That! Gameplay [31]
Move It Dammit Gameplay [32]
Become a Bard Immersion [33]
Realistic Crime Radius Immersion [34]
Crowded Solitude V5 Immersion [35]
Cooking Takes Time Immersion [36]
Enhanced Lights and FX Immersion [37]
Expanded Winterhold Destruction Ruins Immersion [38]
Frostfall - Hypothermia Camping Survival Immersion [39]
More Village Animals Immersion [40]
More Village Animals - Iverstead Immersion [41]
More Village Animals - Rorikstead Immersion [42]
Player Headtracking Immersion [43]
Skinning Takes Time Immersion [44]
Traps Make Noise Immersion [45]
Worthwhile Clutter Immersion [46]
Love Season Erotic Book Collection Items No Link Due To Material Content
Cooking Recipes Pack Items [47]
Books Books Books Items [48]
Harvest Overhaul Magic - Alchemy [49]
Acquisitive Soul Gems Magic - Gameplay [50]
Phenderix Magic Evolves Magic - Spells [51]
Summon Skeletal Horde Magic - Spells [52]
Staff of Magnus Improved Textures [53]
Deadly Dragons Overhauls [54]
Lock Overhaul Overhauls [55]
Moonpath to Elsweyr Quests [56]
A Quality World Map UI [57]
Categorized Favorites Menu UI [58]
SkyUI UI [59]
Main Menu Wallpaper Replacer Randomizer UI [60]
VictoriaG Menu Replacer 7 UI [61]
Follower Trap Safety Utilities [62]
Footprints Visuals [63]
Static Mesh Improvement Mod Visuals [64]
Dwarven Condenser Weapons [65]
Tester God Bosmer   As per the name, this character exists for testing console commands, finding base location information, etc.
Tester 81 God Redguard   As per the name, this character exists for testing purposes, specifically was used to test for a class change to see if it still got to lv81.

Skyrim Console ScriptsEdit


Do NOT edit any sandbox pages without permission.
Sandbox — Used to hold the Skyrim skills page project.
Sandbox 2 — Used to update the User Owns template.
Sandbox 3 — Used to hold the Civil War template.

Wiki ResourcesEdit

Do NOT edit any resource pages without permission.
User:Kalbintion/Quotes — A list of quotes used for my user page.
User:Kalbintion/SkyrimQuotes — A list of quotes used for above template.

User BoxesEdit


  This user is male.
  This user is from the United States.
  This user plays on a Windows PC.
  This user has been on UESPWiki for 13 years, 3 months, and 4 days.
  This user has made a grand total of   334 edits in 4472 days.
33 This UESPWikian is 33 years, 3 months, and 16 days old.
  This user is a proud member of the LGBT community.
  This user is a WikiGnome.
  This user is right-handed.
  This user is a fan of Metal music.
  This user worships Hermaeus Mora.


  This user owns Morrowind.
  This user owns Tribunal.
  This user owns Bloodmoon.
  This user owns Oblivion.
  This user owns Shivering Isles.
  This user owns Knights of the Nine.
  This user owns Skyrim.
  This user owns Dawnguard.
  This user owns Hearthfire.
  This user owns Dragonborn.

Recent Installments Played

  This user is knowledgeable about Skyrim.
  This user is knowledgeable about Dawnguard.
  This user is knowledgeable about Hearthfire.
  This user is knowledgeable about Dragonborn.

Skyrim Adventures

  This user supports the Empire in the Skyrim Civil War.
  This user is the Thane of Eastmarch.
  This user is the Thane of Falkreath.
  This user is the Thane of Haafingar.
  This user is the Thane of Hjaalmarch.
  This user is the Thane of Whiterun.