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Joined 2 May 2014

About MeEdit

Personal BackgroundEdit

  This user is male.
  This user is from the United States.
29 This UESPWikian is 29 years, 2 months, and 25 days old.
  This user is right-handed.

Hey Everyone!

My name is Brandon.

I'm a massive video gamer nerd. I'm a big fan of the Elder Scrolls, but I also really like Kingdom Hearts, Dragon Age and the ratchet and clank series.

I've been inactive on this site for a while, but I'm hoping to start editing regularly again soon.

If you want to know anything more about me you can always ask!

My FavoritesEdit

Favorite game- Kingdom hearts (Skyrim is a close second)

Favorite movie- The lord of the rings the two towers

Favorite anime- Naruto

Favorite tv show-The walking dead

Favorite Manga- Naruto

Favorite book- Harry Potter and the deathly hollows part 2

Favorite time period- medieval

TES BackgroundEdit

I started playing TES games with Oblivion after a friend told me about it back in 2007. I didn't believe that it was an actual game at first, but I eventually ended up asking about it at GameStop. After that I ended up getting Skyrim and enjoyed it immensely! I hope to one day get my hands on all of the games. I've played a lot of ESO and I'm really excited to play Legends when it comes out!

  This user plays on the Xbox.
  This user plays on a Windows PC.
  This user is a member of the Breton race.
  This user is a master of Destruction.
  This user is a master of Restoration.
  This user is knowledgeable about Skyrim.
  This user is knowledgeable about Oblivion.
  This user is knowledgeable about Shivering Isles.
  This user is knowledgeable about Knights of the Nine.
  This user is knowledgeable about Elder Scrolls Online.
  This user worships Sheogorath.
  This user worships Hermaeus Mora.
  This user worships Akatosh.
  This user worships Talos.
  This user has unlocked all of the Achievements for Oblivion.
  This user is a master of Sneak.
  This user is a master of Archery.
  This user is a member of the Daggerfall Covenant.


I found UESP a couple years ago while looking for Elder Scrolls lore (I'm a Lorenut) and I've been coming back ever since.

  This user has been on UESPWiki for 10 years, 10 months, and 17 days.
  This user has made a grand total of   556 edits in 3974 days.

Other WikisEdit