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< User:SerCenKing‎ | Sandbox

Dovesi DranEdit


  • Until N&N convo: follows Primo around
  • Skips breakfast
  • Wakes up at 9am, then everything as below


When arrive (before Nels & Neville convo): reading in chair

After convo:

  • 6am to 9am: eat breakfast
  • 9am to 1pm: search in Living Quarters
  • 1pm to 3pm: search ground floor
  • 3pm to 7pm: read in chair
  • 7pm to 12am: eat dinner
  • 12am to 6am: sleep
  • Has Follow Primo package but never active?

After one guest dead:

  • Any time goes for a 5 hour nap upstairs, if told her to rest
  • Goes to basement to wander around, if you said nothing

After two guests dead:

  • Follows Primo any time for 8 hours
  • If he's dead: just wander around (where?)
  • Has dinner?

After three guests dead:

  • Sleeps from 12pm to 2pm
  • Wander around the ground floor all other times (dinner?)
  • At any point after Primo/Her convo:
    • Goes upstairs to room to wait for him if you told her to
    • Goes to sleep if you were mean

Matilde PetitEdit


  • Morning she just wander round (not necessarily bookshelves?)
  • Rest as below


After first convo:

  • 7pm to midnight: eat dinner
  • Midnight to 8am: sleeps
  • Two explore packages at 8am to 10am, and 10am to 12pm, to look at bookshelves (if not ally)
  • 12pm to 4pm: sleeps
  • If ally, will wander around. If not, also? (default package)
  • If ally and sent to basement: will wander around there

After two guests are dead:

  • If Neville is dead:
    • 2am to midnight: wander around bottom floor
    • midnight to 2am: sleep
  • If Neville is alive:
    • 4pm to 7pm: sleeps
    • 7pm to 8pm: dinner
    • 8pm to 4pm: follows Neville



  • Midnight to 4am: wanders around ground floor
  • Rest as above


After Nels/Neville convo:

  • 4am to 6am: searches Living Quarters
  • 6am to 4pm: searches ground floor
  • 4pm to 7pm: sleeps
  • 7pm to midnight: dinner
  • Midnight to 4am: wanders (where?)

Two guests dead:

  • Just wanders around all time (where?) + dinner?

Three guests dead:

  • 2am to 4am: sleeps
  • All other times: wanders on ground floor