- "Time passes, and still you are here. Perhaps you do not wish to play the role that has been forced upon you?" (Greeting between 40 and 195; random)
- "Contrary to your goals, you remain here with me. If you seek the recreation of the staff, then you must bring the eye and the branch." (Greeting between 40 and 195; random)
- "Inaction conflicts with your purpose. The longer you are here with me, the further the balance shifts towards your enemy." (Greeting between 40 and 200)
- "Why do you hesitate? Is it your destiny that you fear? Or perhaps your concern is that you will die before you gain the Throne of Madness." (=195)
- "Humph."
- Staff of Sheogorath
- "I can create the physical shell of the Staff, but the divine essence must be gathered elsewhere. The Staff of Sheogorath contains a portion of the divine power of the Daedric Prince. It is the embodiment of Sheogorath and of this land. Should you succeed, you will be the first mortal to have a dedicated Daedric artifact in your possession. This will be most interesting, indeed..." (between 50 and 190)
- Staff of Sheogorath
- "You now hold the physical component of the Staff of Sheogorath. Before it is complete however, it must be imbued with power. It will draw its power from the waters of the Font of Madness in the Palace." (<200)
- Knifepoint Hollow
- "Knifepoint Hollow is my prison. Hewn from the stone by Sheogorath for the sole purpose of containing my knowledge. However, spare me your grief. My imprisonment is as meaningless as my immortality. Time and place are nothing. Constructs of a feeble mortal mind attempting to categorize and understand the world around it. If you were one of the fortunate few, you would one day understand and accept this. However, you are not and you will not." (SE11FIN)
- "Congratulations!" (Goodbye SE07A or B >=45; can you ever hear?)
- "Every day is like being born. So new and so alive!" (Y)
- "I do so admire good books, they fill my mind with such fantastic images." (while reading)
- "Oh, what a delightful story! Brightens my day, it does." (while reading; Y)
- "A genuine masterpiece comes from the heart, not the mind." (while painting; Y)
- "A splash of blue here... a dab of green there..." (while painting; Y)
- "You? What do you want?" (SE04 < 10)
- "You should be elsewhere right now, shouldn't you?" (SE04 between 10 and 40; Y)
- "Oh my. Look at you. You're in the thick of it now, aren't you?" (SE04 between 40 and 60; Y)
- "Alive and kicking, are you? Welcome back." (SE04 = 60; Y)
- "Goodbye. So long. See you soon. Or not. Whichever it might be." (random; Y)
- "Take your time, and hurry back. I might not be waiting for you when you return." (SE04 between 10 and 40; Y)
- "Finish what you've started, friend. It'll do wonders for you." (SE04 between 40 and 60)
- "I wish something would happen already. There is so much else I could be doing." (SE07A >= 35)
- "Where is Sheogorath now? He has abandoned you, as he did me."
- "My Lord Jyggalag will never be turned aside by the likes of you, fool!"
- "Jyggalag will reward me well for your death!"
- SE12 Traitor Taunt: "You. Of course. Sheogorath's assassin."