Hello there! I have been a longtime lurker of UESP since 2011, it has always been my favorite wiki for The Elder Scrolls. With the release of The Elder Scrolls Online: Greymoor, I realized not a lot of content was not yet created in UESP. I decided to step in and fill out as much as possible! My journey has just begun as a wiki-editor, but its nice to give back to the site that helped concrete my love for TES!
I play Online on PC:NA : @SirPanini :D
This user plays on a Windows PC. |
This user is from the United States. |
UESP WikiEdit
This user is knowledgeable about Elder Scrolls Online. |
This user is knowledgeable about ESO: Greymoor. |
This user usually visits the official UESP Discord Server. |
This user has been on UESPWiki for 4 years, 9 months, and 19 days. |
This user has made a grand total of 226 edits in 1753 days. |
This user owns Oblivion. |
This user owns Shivering Isles. |
This user owns Knights of the Nine. |
This user owns Skyrim. |
This user owns Dawnguard. |
This user owns Hearthfire. |
This user owns Dragonborn. |
This user is a Werewolf. |
This user is the Thane of Whiterun. |
This user supports the Imperial Legion in the Skyrim Civil War. |
This user worships Talos. |
This user owns ESO. |
This user plays on the NA PC server. Character(s): Ercor, Aethelwulf the Slayer |
This user supports the Ebonheart Pact. |
This user is a member of the UESP ESO guild on the North American PC server. |