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User:Sketchy77/Roleplaying Ideas

< User:Sketchy77

Assassination JobsEdit

(Assassin-type Roleplaying)

This is a list created by users of different roleplaying jobs to do as an assassin.

Virtue, a dishonor to Sithis by Right-Hand-Of-SithisEdit

Quest Giver:Sithis/The Night Mother

Target: Alessia Ottus and Hastrel Ottus and Ida Ottus

Client: Sithis

Details: In the Temple District of the Imperial city lives a virtuous Family who honor the Nine Divines. This virtue is an offense to Sithis. The Ottus family consists of the family Matron, her Husband and their Daughter. Should they die at your hand, they shall forever join Sithis in the void and learn the error of their ways. A bonus is earned if their bodies can found by another to spread fear amongst the rest of the virtuous.


  • This is purely roleplaying, there is no quest.
  • Possible rewards include gold and/or favor with Sithis and/or the Night Mother.
  • The family Travels a lot, so the location of this family may require some investigation.
  • For their bodies to be found, kill them in a public place, I.e a Tavern/Inn, Road, or in the streets of a major city.
  • This Quest can be done by the Listener of the Dark Brotherhood, or a Crimson Scar, or a Devotee to Sithis.

Anvil Breakdown by ObliviongateEdit

Quest Giver: Shady Sam

Target: Thurindil and Hauls-Ropes-Faster

Client: Norbert Lelles

Location: Anvil Harbour

Details: I and other residents of Anvil Harbour are annoyed by the fighting club in the middle of the harbour at 1am to 4am , they wake up everyone that sleeps near there . Do your job . Do not get seen or heard . Do it without anyone noticing the bodies . Hide them or anything but don't leave them there . Then bring me proof that you killed them .{Ex:Clothes , Gold } I will then give your pay to you.


 Norbert Lelles

Business RivalsEdit

Quest Giver: Shady Sam

Target: Davide Surilie and Gaston Surilie

Client: Tamika

Location: Skingrad

Details:Tamika makes the finest wines in Cyrodill but her modest rivals wines are cheaper and some say of a similar quality. Tamika has assigned you to take out both the brothers out of the public eye. Pickpocket there key as they work then slay them in there sleep. Bring there rare nirnroot plant as proof to Tamika and claim your pay from Shady Sam.

Betrayer Betrayed by Shad0wReaper70Edit

Quest Giver:Night Mother

Reward:1000 Gold; 2000 with the bonus




Details:The client has a classic story of love and hate. Tsrava's lover J'bari came home one night after a long day at "work". She had noticed him leaving at odd times of day as well. When she asked him about it, he confessed he was having an affair with Tsavi of Castle Leyawiin . Furious, that night she prayed to the Night Mother to make Tsavi die. Naturally, she obliged. Tsavi lives in Castle Leyawiin but spends most of her day walking around the streets of Leyawiin. She always wears a Green Robe and Green Robe Hood and therefore is easy to pick out of a crowd. Eliminate her, and leave the body in the streets, stripped naked for all to see (especially the cheating man) for the bonus.